Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
The new planting season is upon us! Join us on Thursday, May 31 from 7 p.m. - 9 as we welcome, Storyteller, the Clan Mother for June. Bring a friend and a story from your heart to share as we gather to learn more wisdoms from these amazing teachers. Check out www.headtohearttalks.com under the 13 Clan Mother tab for more of their wisdoms. Please RSVP by Wednesday, May 30 IF you plan to attend. Let's plant some dreams!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
As we continue our Sacred Walk in 2018, we are honored to offer a special ceremony for welcoming in "Listening Woman." This month, in lieu of meeting on Thursday, April 26 we will meet during the Tuesday circle for a special teaching given by Aaron, a man who has sits with Malidoma Some's wife, Sobonfu. He offers a traditional ceremony of the Dagara Tribe of West Africa which honors our ancestors by allowing us to heal hidden areas in our life to make room for new growth to appear. We are honored to have Aaron bring a powerful and very healing ceremony to our community. If your heart so directs, email Vicky at vkwspirit@grmail.com for directions. (email is checked daily, FB or messenger not so often!) A gifting bowl is present to honor Aaron for his work. Please RSVP by Monday noon if you plan to attend. We know you will be blessed for stepping forward and trusting your heart.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
This year we will once again use our Monthly Gathering to learn more about the Seneca teachings of the 13 Original Clan Mothers. This year we will begin this Sacred Walk around the Medicine Wheel on Thursday, March 1, 6:30 - 8 p.m. and proceed each month by gathering on the Thursday closest to the Full Moon. A complete list of those dates is on the tab to the left titled, The 13 Original Clan Mothers.
Note also on that tab is a brief overview of each Clan Mother, with pertinent questions to consider. For the best connection it is recommended you purchase the book, The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams. These teachers carry specific aspects of Truth and therefore offer serious seekers an opportunity to rediscover their authentic self that is buried beneath the veneer of social conditioning. (Or, as Don Miquel Ruis references in "The 4 Agreements," the human domestication that occurs.)
This year we will integrate the teachings taught by the Cherokee teacher I sat with for many years, which will also offer a way to simplify a seekers life in order to live free. This Gathering is open to anyone truly seeking a deeper understanding of life by looking over their shoulder at had how their ancestors lived in right relationship with all sacred beings on Earth Mother.
If you are ready for the next step in front of you, join us each month and explore the Truth within. In respect for those that walked before us it is recommended women wear a skirt or sarong. A $10 gifting donation is requested; however, money is not a reason to stay home! Spirit will lead a true seeker to find other ways to return the energy received from sitting in a Sacred Circle.
For a prompt reply please send any questions via email: vkwspirit@gmail.com. From my heart to yours, Vicky
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
This Thursday we will greet December's Clan Mother, Gives Praise, who teaches us how to "Give Thanks for the Truth."As we conclude the circle for 2017 this Clan Mother reminds us that when we are grateful for all our experiences, we become wise from allowing ourselves to see what we have learned from them all! Gratitude always opens our hearts to more abundance allowing us to be replenished so we can continue another cycle around the Medicine Wheel of Life. Wear a skirt or sarong to honor the women who walked before us and join us this Thursday. Check out the 13 Original Clan Mothers tab for more insights into these amazing teachers. Please RSVP by Thursday Noon IF you plan to attend.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
This morning I sip my coffee while waiting for Grandfather Sun to make his appearance. Grandmother Moon is out of eye shot from where I sit as she makes her descent into the West. She still has a couple of weeks before her face is full, although she shed much light last night, reminding me she's moving across the sky. Both Grandfather and Grandmother remind me of their constant watch over Earth Mother. In light of all the shapeshifting on Earth, all the upheavals and unearthing of life as we have known it during our lifetime, there are still constants in front of us. The opportunity for each of us is to pay attention, notice them and add them to our gratitude list constantly available!
As humans we need a sense of security and in order to have that it is our responsibility to notice that in addition to "birth, death and taxes," there are many constants in our lives that we might want to acknowledge. Just as any relationship thrives when each person connects with those they love and respect (including our animals!), so it is with the roof over our head, beds in which we sleep, standing ones that shelter our homes from the elements, just to name a few. Now might be a good time to look at the items around you as you read this blog and remember why it was so important that you kept it in your home. When was the last time you turned on the lamp in your living room and really appreciated what it provides for you and why you either purchased it or remember who gifted you with such a useful item.
Ah, the constants in our lives that offer a service to us and those we love. Maybe paying attention to those constants will help us do the same with ourselves and each other?
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Looking out my bedroom window I see tree branches with only a few lingering leaves. The grass below is hidden by all the massive leaves that fell through the night. Yesterday the trees were abundant with leaves and the grass was a bright green from the early fall rains.
What a lesson about life! Things can be a certain way and suddenly overnight things change. It can be a two edged sword; if you like things they way they are, in fact, prefer things a certain way, when they change it can be quite disconcerting. On the other hand, if you are the sort of person who gets bored with sameness, such overnight transitions can offer a breath of fresh air and an opportunity to reboot.
As in literally all things, it is always one's perspective that defines what it mean to an individual. This morning I receive the picture outside my window as a reminder that it just may be time for me to put down some things that have served me in the past, in order to make room for the new growth ahead of me. What that looks like is not clear at this moment; however, who knows what will appear in the morning, or the next morning, or the next. How I love a mystery!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
This morning I feel hopeful that things are changing in our world and that through these changes more love, joy and laughter will help each day become an adventure! This morning my heart is grateful and confident in the goodness of the heart . . . humans, animals, trees, winged ones and star beings. This morning my heart is full💜
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