
Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  Ceremonies are celebrations, rites of passages, an acknowledgement of life changing, page turning times in one's life. Our ancestors seemed to understand the importance of such major turning points in a person's life. There are still many organizations and religious groups that show honor and respect for such established traditions and ceremonies, and yet, many of us seem to take major life changes as simply something we all experience.
  Indeed, we all pass through life cycles, and to the best of our abilities we often "endure" such events rather than celebrate them. Every event in life brings us something from which we may grow, develop, become strong, and, given recognition and acknowledgment, we can actually become a mentor for those coming behind us.

Some of the ceremonies we offer are: house and/or land blessings, rites of passages for life cycle and age celebrations, releasing old habits, beliefs, and/or ways that no longer serve you, welcoming a new way of walking through your life or being in relationship with yourself and others. Calling in a partner, new career, shift in thinking, are but a few we have witnessed and shared with others. If you have a feeling something is not quite in balance within yourself, there are ceremonies to assist with making certain you are free and clear of outside influences and realigned with your authentic self.

You are not alone! With all the past focus on "co-dependence" we have created a thought pattern that can make us afraid to be too close to another human being. However, the Truth is: We need each other!  Ceremony can and does help us discover the power and gift being seen and celebrated by one or more compassionate loving people can do for a person as he/she moves through life and walks this path we call, LIFE. 

Monetary gifting investment is based on a sliding scale  of $50 - $80 a session that is determined by you. Contact Vicky for more information or any questions. 

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