It has been a month of 'releasing'....what started as assisting my Mother with clearing the clutter in the cottage behind her home has become a time of letting go for me. Having learned the teaching of how what one does affect another, I knew taking the action for my Mother would have effects on my life--just had no idea it would be a way of releasing unresolved feelings between the two of us.
Every day I notice more shifting and sorting...more transforming of events and situations into ways of finding more clarity, more simplicity and most importantly, more peace and balance. And I am grateful for the way in which the teachings remind me there may be emotional pain during the experience. Being a person of peace, it has never been my desire to confront people and situations....I have always been the 'peacemaker'...whatever it took, I found a way to bridge relationships and situations so everyone felt heard. Of course, not every feels understood, that is something they must find within themselves--and yet respectfully addressing blatant disrespect does present a whole new set of creative challenges.
This past month, Creator has called in all the resources needed to help me do this work in a good way...and to learn yet again how not to take things personal. Much gratitude to the powers that be for the assistance and love that was sent .... they were received with a grateful heart. It is good to know all the universe hears my heart's prayers and heralds in exactly what I need to
to grow and expand in love so those around me can also experience the joy of knowing we are never alone...never without love...never without the courage to embrace what is for the highest and best good and release what no longer serves us. From me to we....that guarantees new hope that in the releasing comes new freedom, new love, new growth! Hmm, makes the hurt of 'old' pain worth releasing so the new can heal the heart!
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