Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It's a warm, muggy morning as the crickets sound the alarm for the habitants of daytime on Earth to awaken. Grandfather has begun his ascent and his face is full of brightness...a beautiful gift reminding me opportunity is directly in front of me. Interesting how I can get caught up in the details of life and idle away time organizing, planning, coordinating, and analyzing the events of life. It is really very amusing how I think I am in charge of anything!
The birds are singing their hearts song as the great standing ones on either side of me show the fullness of their summer attire. Funny how we humans become very bare with the warmth of summer .... we shed clothes and frolic in the coolness of the water to balance our bodies temperature. When I was young, we spent hours outside attempting to find shade, now we spend as much time inside grateful for air conditioning as a way to 'enjoy' summer. Lightning bugs are delightful to watch with a childlike amazement--however, the mosquitoes keep us inside or sprayed with repellent to observe these night light creatures....guess watching from a window isn't so bad when humidity hangs heavy in the air. Have the generations changed? Or has our environment become more toxic? It really doesn't matter....asking that only engages the mind, which disengages our 'being in the moment' opportunity to simply observe and enjoy.
Very soon the coolness of Fall will bring out the layers of clothing waiting to envelope our bodies, and the Standing ones will display their rich Fall colors as they begin shedding their 'attire' to prepare for whatever winter brings. I am grateful for the change of seasons and for the opportunity to receive the teaching that all things are in a constant state of change---helps me not take life too serious, and most certainly renews my faith in the knowing that something very divine not only has a great sense of humor, but is always present! Grandfather's warm is now seen and felt in full's going to bring yet another delicious summer day --- here's to sweet tea, lemonade and an air conditioned space for which to retreat!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
There have been many things written about detachment....the positive aspects are: you allow others to 'do their own thing' by not getting caught up in their 'stuff'; you spend more energy noticing what is working in your life because what's in front of you at this moment is really all that is important; you do not second guess yourself because what you chose is in the past--hence worry never enters your realm of reality--these are just a few of the benefits of detachment. Now, the big challenge is actually practicing this art...and it is an art, for most of us as taught that if we really care about something or someone we will worry about how they are doing. It was told to me the word Care is of old English origin and it means to 'carry the burden'. With that in hand, it seems easier to let worry go, for we all know to carry the burden for someone else is to disrespect them by getting in their business, it says, "I'm afraid you can't handle this", and it shows lack of trust they can handle what they came here to do. Most of us have plenty of things to keep clear and focused on right in front of us! And when we are constantly thinking about what needs done, who needs help, questioning our decisions, we lose the sacredness of this moment. It was described to me as such, "Spirit is not in the past, for that's history, Spirit is not in the future, for that's yet to occur, the only place to find Spirit is in this moment. If we indeed, desire a close walk with the divine, it would be helpful to pay attention to what's around us right now. As each of us look at detachment, it would be good to consider, what is important in my life? What is of value that needs my attention and love? When those two questions are answered, we are free to enjoy the moment and we know exactly the next step in front of us.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
What feeds your soul? What motivates you to move...take action...develop a new relationship...change your hair style? Of recent, growth has been put in front of me...while I have always embraced change, there has been a part of me that both desired and needed a sense of sameness...stability...something to 'anchor' onto. Finding that balance has been an adventure this past year. And along with my personal journey, those around me have been confronting similar decisions. Sometimes change comes seemingly uninvited...although as most of you know, everything we experience we have in some way called to our life. All experiences are for our personal growth...and as we address these changes head on, we gain more wisdom. Despite whether it 'feels' like something we would actually choose, it offers us an opportunity to examine what we are focusing on in our lives. For as the saying goes, "As a man thinketh, so he is". With the knowledge gained we can help another along the way as they journey through their life, which, of course, is also a careful balance--to know when to share what we have learned and when to wait until someone ask! There seems to be an awful lot of 'experts'..or as the old saying goes, "Too many chiefs and not enough Indians". The bottom line is growth! It is your decision as to what to do with what your have learned. As for me, the more I learn, the more I realize I don't know! And so, I embrace growth and ask for guidance as to how to use what I learned for the good of the community and I continue to be grateful for those I meet along the way.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It has been a 'most interesting' summer. These words are the best I can come up with to describe the events these hot, humid days have birthed not only in my life, but in those around me. Sweat rolling down our backs, pouring off our brows, causing our underwear to cling to the curves of our's been a summer for burning off old relationships, worn out beliefs and allowing the moisture to move toxins out. Sometimes it seems there is no end to readjusting to life. Like the old saying, "Just when you figure out the answers, they changed the questions", so it is with the ever evolving relationships in life. And those relationships are not just with family and friends...they are with all the beings that cross our path--whether in the form of animals, birds, even foliage! I have noticed the growth of the garden we have...seems a week not visiting the site brings an abundance of new weeds...along with the ripening of the vegetables. On the various walking paths we use, flowers, bushes and trees are ever changing as the rain feeds the soil that provides the nourishments for growth. Everything is in a state of change, of growth, of coming into a new form and shape.
There is a burning away, a fire of passion that has ignited a new way of being in the world for all of us. Virtually everyone we have encountered is confronting change and tweeking the necessary elements for adapting! Regardless what form change has taken in our life, a commitment to being loyal to ourselves is necessary. The one constant we must have in our life is a loyalty to stand beside ourselves as we confront each new 'adventure'. To do this, we need to see our worth, know our strengths and be willing to ask for assistance when things seem unclear. While this seems logical, and certainly makes sense, it is the word commitment that seems the most difficult for people to embrace. I can only look in the mirror and ask if I am committed to standing with myself, to making certain regardless whatever circumstances I am confronted with, I know there is at least one person who loves me enough to listen, accept the situation and believe without reservation that I have the resources available to handle what's in front of me. When each of us do this, we help those around us do the same...imagine how our community (and world) could change if we made the commitment to love ourselves unconditionally! Guess the question to ask, is are YOU ready to make that commitment?
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