T'was the morning of Christmas

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

     Am sitting on the couch at my Mother's in Florida this joyful morning. Discovered a channel on the TV that has a fireplace with Christmas stockings hanging from the mantel. I hit the mute button so as not the wake my Mother or there would be Christmas music playing. What a delightful idea someone had to make your TV appear as a fireplace, complete with a rolling fire! My Mother has a ceramic Christmas tree that is all of 18 inches tall, however, it is the sweetest tree . . . very colorful with a gold star at the top. Someone gifted it to her many years ago and it serves to be quite useful and festive. It sits directly beside the TV (now serving as a fireplace.) It's quite a sweet display this Christmas morning. 
     Neale Donald Walsch wrote a very sweet inspirational message for this morning that truly depicts the "reason for the season." If you desire or need inspirational words each day, he offers an email message that is always quite timely, and, very informative. With all the distractions life brings, an inspirational message each day offers a "light" in the darkness of confusion, protest and overall dismal news we are confronted with each day. I must admit, of recent, I have noticed more programs on TV offering stories of hope, compassion and overall goodness from and to others in communities. When I am "at home" I only have a select number of TV channels since I only use rabbit ears! "At home" I am busy doing other things besides sitting in front of the TV. My Mother spends a lot of time in front of the TV, so I have been exposed to more of what is being shown. Overall, there are more programs sharing stories of goodwill then were at prior visits. I am most grateful for those that choose to offer our world something pleasant, hopeful, inspiring to watch. There are many people, like my Mother, who are not as mobile as they once were, it is good to see there are programs showing the "compassionate" side of our world.
     As I look over my small laptop at the roaring fire on the TV screen, I am grateful to have the opportunity to be connected the the warmth offered through generous and caring TV program creators. While it's not "home," it does remind me of the "fire within" that burns with a desire to see more sweetness in the world, more peace, more people living the example of the one we celebrate today - Jesus. He walked his talk; there is much we can learn from his example. Just imagine the possibilities for peace on this planet if more of us lived as he did. With New Year's just around the corner, it might be good to consider adding some of those teachings in our resolutions for 2012. It matters not our "religious" affiliation, his teachings on how to live life are universal truths that bring peace and love to the world. I will conclude by saying, "I'm in!"

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A Constant

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

    There are so many changes these days it makes my head spin trying to keep up with them. On nearly every level things are moving, shape-shifting, "in process," evolving. It is part of life, just as sleeping, eating, waking, and all the other routines we do each day. Change brings more change, and most of us move through them quite well. Of course, there are some areas we would like to not change so much, and still we move with them (perhaps screaming and kicking, but we move with them.)
    In order to make adjustments, we feel more secure when we know there are some "constants," things that are the same, or at least still around. I have observed the moon each evening, and this morning she woke me up as she streamed through the bedroom window. I'm not real savvy with understanding the "technical" terms, but I believe she's in a "waning" phase. That's to say, she's becoming of low visibility until such time that she begins her move toward becoming full once again. Of recent, she's becoming a smaller slice in the night sky. I find it interesting where she appears in the sky as well - there doesn't seem to be a particular order as to precisely where she will be. One thing is for certain, she will be in the night sky. Even with clouds, she is generally subtly visible if you really look. Sometimes it takes some searching, but she's there. 
    Being a traveler, I enjoy the different terrain of places. I find it absolutely amazing how Earth Mother takes so many shapes and forms (how some people do not believe in a Creator is beyond my understanding.) Nonetheless, when home feels far and the time accumulates that I am gone, I find much comfort watching Grandmother Moon move about in the night sky. I think she knows I am ready to be home because she's placed herself just outside the bedroom window the past few nights. 
    I am grateful for this constant, for knowing that wherever I am, however I feel, she will be visible in the night sky. She reminds me of the many "phases" of my being. That whatever I feel, it will change, it will return to a full balance if I will just move with the change and know, without a shadow of doubt, that it is all part of the evolution of life. There are constants in all our lives if we will notice and stay grateful for them. Like good friends, the moon moves through her rhythms, shows different "faces," and yet, she is a constant that can be counted on. It's up to me to pay attention and notice her presence.

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

     Isn't it interesting how people can see the same event, listen to the same speech and each have a different interpretation? No doubt it is one of the fascinating experiences we have here on Earth that keeps us curious, asking questions and often scratching our heads! What causes us to see things differently? Perhaps it is our family of origin teachings that effect the way in which we receive information? Maybe it's the media? Could it be we have relied so heavily on what they report that we have forgotten how to process information within ourselves? 
     I am curious as to how many other people feel the same way. It never ceases to amaze me how something said or done can be so twisted and contorted to fit a completely different view then the sender intended. This has recently been in my face and I gratefully accept the opportunity to simply step back and observe. What a delicious place to be, it sure beats the heck out of explaining what my message really meant. I am grateful for the gift of compassion that helps me move through life knowing the only thing I really am in charge of is myself. How someone else interprets it is up to them. My job is to pay attention to how I deliver message. 
     Simple misunderstandings are common, I recall a situation when I was working for the Indiana State Senate and a page asked a Senator if he could get him anything. The Senator replied to the young man, "yes, I'll take an orange." When the young man returned with an "orange," the Senator looked at him strange and said, "I meant an orange soda." 
    I've never forgotten that story because it shows how simple words can be misunderstood, even when each party had great intentions. And so, I make every attempt to consider what my message is, then notice how I feel before delivering the information. I do not have control over how it is received; rather, I'm only responsible for my actions. It can be a very perplexing situation since emotions are easily stirred. What a perplexing situation . . . think I'll sign off and get an "orange," at least I know what I mean!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

    The inner chatter seems to be more gentle these days; boy am I grateful! There was a time when my thoughts were loud and boisterous. Of course, they rarely had nice things to say to me; mostly, they were questioning my choices and "encouraging me" to second guess my decisions. How very grateful I am they have become my friend! Now when they speak to me they are in smooth, round words and more in the tone of a whisper...like a gentle reminder to "pay attention." Whew, what a relieve!
    These whispers have become my friend, they seem to have listened to my request to assist me with the changes I select and offer guidance with decisions. They also serve as a grand mirror to show me how much more loving and gentle I am to myself.  With soft words of love they guide my path in whatever direction I choose . . . I am most grateful for these Whispers!

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Loving Each Other

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

      It's a slippery slope to really love each other. Books are written, movies made, songs created to describe what it feels like to love someone; to actually allow someone to enter the most sacred place of our being. Of course, trust is the key element, for if there is not trust, a wall surrounds our heart that keeps watch for suspicious activity. It is a natural reaction to protect one's heart, for that is the place where our core human need resides - Love! 
     Every person alive needs love above all else. Food, shelter, a place to reside and feel safe are basic needs that make life more comfortable, but without Love, nothing is important. As much as we talk about love, it takes tremendous courage to really share it with others. It all begins within. Each of us must love ourselves before we can really love someone else. We have to know what love feels like, what it means to be listened to and acknowledged as a sacred human being. To do this, we must take time every day to simply "be" with ourselves. Whether it's in the silence of the drive to or from work, or in the quietness just before rising in the morning or concluding our day, each of us must pause and reflect on our actions. Did we think and do something that added more joy to our heart and to the world around us, or did we simply do what felt best for us, without regard for those around us? 
     Loving each other is a great goal for this Holiday Season, in fact, it's the best gift you can give yourself and those around you. I choose to pay attention to what strengths I have that can add joy to the world, and to change those traits that do not serve me or those around me so that they do add more love to the world. It is marvelous to realize the power we have to BE what we want to see more of in the world!

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The Holidays

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

    As the holidays quickly approach, I am reminded of the importance of gathering together. The world is connected through the multi-media in such a way, few things are private. We know what people are doing all over the world. The actions of someone half way around the world are displayed for all of us to see - every detail of people's lives are open for public "critique." Social media sites offer a way to stay connected with people we know, care about, and or simply want to know more about. It is, indeed, a marvelous way to stay abreast with people's lives.
    This holiday season offers each of us the opportunity to get out from in front of our computers and really "see" those individuals. To hear someones voice, see their facial expressions, watch their body language, and hear the intonation of their words, offers so much more than social media. It takes people skills, real human emotions, and strength to talk face to face with people. Writing words is one thing, seeing the reaction of those words is quite another. Good communications that deepens relationships is one in which clarity of the message is known. You cannot tell if someone "heard your real intentions" by only using email, texting, or social networking to communicate. I know of some very sad feelings that were felt by recipients of predominately multi-media forms.
    So, consider the real gift you can give your friends and family this holiday season by taking the time to pick up the phone, or, better yet, arrange a face to face meeting if only for a few moments. Heck, aren't you curious how your friends or family look? I, for one, would like to think other people are showing the signs of age that I am! Life is so very precious, and it seems to be moving at light-speed, so give the gift of your time to those you love and care about and see how it feels to really connect on a personal level. It just might be the best holiday gift you give and receive this season. 

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

     Yesterday a dear friend called early in the morning to share a teaching she had just received. She is part of an online program organized by Neale Donald Walsch (or maybe he just promotes it?) however, it's called the Master's Series. Various well known inventors, explorers, healers, wisdom keepers, share what they have discovered. Yesterday she heard a teaching on the way men and women approach business endeavors. The lady who spoke (I believe it was Dr. Ellie Drake) had done extensive research study to discover why, overall, men seem to be more successful with new endeavors than women. Now this is a very, very short version of what she heard; however, it seems that overall men excrete more adrenalin which brings excitement and full blown energy to catapult them full-blown into projects. Whereas, women approach such endeavors with a "fight or flight," which causes them to move into the endeavor with some hesitancy. That is to say, they approach it with more caution and at a slower pace, whereas men jump right in and go for it.
      Of course, these are just generalities, and I am giving you a very, very short version. If you are interested in the more in-depth information, let me know and I'll find a link or some reference point for you. Dr. Ellie continued that for a woman to be successful (and she most certainly knows they are!) they generally have to identify with the project like she would a child. That is to say, she needs to "bond" with the project as she would a child. Once this is securely connected, the sky's the limit!
     As I walked yesterday, that teaching came back to me, wrapped in a rainbow colored blanket! What I know from what I heard is the teaching is certainly not gender-related. What the teaching is about is understanding the importance of Love! Whatever word we put on finding excitement in life that will move us to taking action, feeling the thrill of a new adventure, being willing to put all our efforts into something that stirs our heart, requires we listen and respect our heart. While our head also needs engaged to help with the "organizing" of action, it is the project that comes from our heart that becomes the catalyst for action. When we take action according to our heart's dream, we have the energy, tenacity, perseverance, whatever accolade we want to us to put all the blood, sweat and tears into seeing it to completion.
     What an amazing Truth! It does not matter what your gender, what matters is what "passion" you have that waits for your attention. There is a respect that must be maintained between our Head and Heart that allows both to work together with the Spirit of cooperation. If we only have dreams with no support for seeing them through, then it will never manifest. If we are only action oriented we will fill our days with "tasks" that keep us busy checking off our list, and never really hear our heart's dreams. Sorta like the "bucket list," it would be helpful to check in weekly, or even daily, to see what our dreams are and plan accordingly. Like most of us humans, if we are recognized each day by those we love, we're pretty happy. We require less attention when we know we are really "seen" and loved! It's something to think about today. Let us know what you notice, we are here to help you realize your dreams through community! We have a very rich community filled with a plethora of resources!

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LuLu - A gift from the heart of Teresa Payton

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Once upon a time, I traveled to a land far away called Subconscious.  A place where we make agreements and dream our lives into being.  It is a magical, colorful place.  And on this particular visit, I made an agreement with myself and God to host a foreign exchange teacher.  Now I know what you are thinking, it is a foreign exchange STUDENT not teacher but that was not the case.  I agreed to host a teacher because I had some things to learn.  And you know how teachers can be....some can be tough, others gentle and kind, still others can be scary and give you lots of homework.  This teacher was all of these.  Her name was Lulu.

When Lulu first showed up, she remained in the background watching silently until it was time to show herself.  And when she did,  it was a surprise.  She was round and petite, standing out in the crowd.  Now this was not the first teacher I had hosted so I was only a little afraid and I immediately remembered what my previous teacher taught me....take care of what is in front of you.  And now that I had another teacher show up, I knew there must be more to learn.  So I began sitting with my new teacher, talking, listening and asking questions.  I was a good student.  I fed her regularly, prayed for her, talked about her with concern and love and showed appreciation for the role she was playing in my life.  

She wanted to stay in the TaTa room of my home so I knew there were things to look at with the feminine aspects of myself and I did. She also showed me how in the past I tended to not ask for the help of others believing that I could do everything on my own.  We looked at faith and worry within ourselves, with Creator and in the community.  And we practiced paying attention and living in the moment.  We learned a lot in those two months and through our relationship we gave others opportunities to learn and watch us dance our relationship with grace.  And before she left, she asked me what I was willing to let go of and what I was going to replace her with.

When she left, there was a sadness as well as a relief...you know how that feels when the class is over and you know you won't have this teacher again.  But I know I will never forget what she taught me and what we learned together.  She left me with plenty of homework to practice my lessons.

Now you might be wondering where do such teachers come from...well, these teachers come from many lands but I had my choice....one  from the rugged, mountainous region of Siberia called Cancerous or from the beautiful, lush island in the middle of the Pacific called Benign.  So it wasn't until days after she left that we received a postcard from Benign and what a beautiful place to come from....

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2:00 a.m. Chatter

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

    Woke from a dream that had Brad Pitt and Val Kilmer reconstructing an old home. They had patched holes in some walls and were painting them a lovely green. Really didn't want to wake up since the "scenery" was so great. However, as all too often happens, despite keeping my eyes closed in hopes of staying with the experience, my brain woke up. I immediately started analyzing the meaning of the dream and before you know it, I was wide awake with my brain fully engaged in all sorts of fact finding activities. Rather than continue lying in bed, I chose to take the thoughts from my head and put them down in print. For me, seeing the words on paper helps my mind release them from my brain. I have such an amazing brain that kicks into gear at a moments notice, regardless of my hearts wishes; it wants to offer it's services.
     My mind is grateful for the quietness of night, since daytime is so busy with other external noises. I have noticed as I get older these noises tend to be more distracting. As I hear faint sounds of the middle of the night traveler, truck driver, or delivery vehicles to the nearby Publix store, I wonder about life. How is it the business of life becomes so focused on doing? And at what point did the doing become more important then just being? Why is it we are driven to find more ways to make money? When did figuring things out become so time consuming? I remember when people just did what was necessary in order to stay up with common chores. That was, of course, when manual labor and self-sustaining activities consumed your time. Back then, you went to sleep as soon as your head hit the pillow from exhaustion. Now days, we have things we need in a box, online, delivered to us, or someone else to do it for us.
    With these conveniences more time is freed up to "think." We think of ways to get, create, obtain, manage our "things," then we spend time figuring out how to use it, keep it, even maintain it, which, of course, requires our mind to figure such things out. Little wonder we get so tired! There's a lot to "think" about. 
     For this moment, I am just going to tell my brain everything is just fine. Things are as perfect as they can be and if it really wants to help me, it can be very still while I return to two delicious men waiting to help renovate an old building. Hmm, what I know of dream analysis is a building represents your spiritual life, so I say let Brad Pitt and Val Kilmer return, I have a hunch they can do a great deal for my soul! Come to think about it, fantasies do make my heart race, and I'll take that form over walking the 'treadmill' anyday!

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Varying degrees

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

    This morning I am considering the differences between "good" and "bad," "right" and "wrong," and what I have discovered is none of them really makes sense. Whatever word I choose to use to describe the polarizing energies, still does not help me understand how such contrasting words can create such havoc in the world. 
    When I was in the very fundamental faith, I was told "good" was God, and "bad" was the devil. Hence I grew up afraid of both. I was fearful if I didn't do certain things God would be disappointed and somehow punish me, and if I listened to the devil I would most certainly be banished to burn in hell for all of eternity. Consequently, I was constantly judging myself, my actions, my words! And, as though that wasn't enough, I judged everyone else in the same manner. It was a very tedious and joyless way to live. 
    This morning it is clear there is much to learn and discern about "good/bad" "right/wrong", ultimately, God and the Devil. It is certainly not my job to convince anyone what is best for them; my job is to discern for myself and take action according to what I know within my heart. And there lies the key to understanding . . . knowing one's heart! 
    Growing up I was told God lives in heaven, watches my actions and has a huge pad of paper on which he keeps track of what I do. I really never knew that God was within me; that God and I could be intimate friends! I am most grateful to have realized that we are, indeed, intimate partners in this life. And that everything I think, say and do is a reflection of the Creator of the Universe! Once I realized this, everything in my life changed. Never again did I feel alone, never did I feel inferior. Instead, I watched my thoughts, words and actions so that they reflected to others the divine. I wanted everyone to know the "peace" and security that comes from having a friend available 24/7. I do watch my thoughts, words and actions, but this time it's because I want others to witness the Creator and all that comes from being intimate with the divine. 
    I have human emotions and reactions to situations that are not uplifting, or loving; however, I know that through the situation something is being "worked out," somehow there will be a deepening of compassion and understanding if I will hold love in my heart knowing it is God that sits within. 
    There are, indeed, varying degrees of positive/negative, good/bad, and yet if we will allow our divine nature to guide our life, we will find our way home to hearts. What an amazing place that is!  

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

    We had a gathering this other evening and shared what we were "harvesting" in our lives. Sometimes that question can be a bit "daunting" since most of the time we are all so busy we rarely see things growing, let alone actually ripening. Living in the North, allows one to see very clearly what the seasons brings. We can see the ripeness of Fall, stillness of Winter, awakening of Spring, and the fullness of Summer, and yet we often rarely pay attention to how that is "showing up" in our lives. 
    Consider, if you will, the activity of the 2011 summer for you. What sorts of events happened? Did you grow a garden, travel for a holiday, get involved in a more physical "outdoor" activity, or simply bask in the warmth of the hot summer? There are so many things we do every single day that we rarely stop to consider how "full of life" the events are.
    Today, pause for a few moments and list some of the things you have done that you did not do in the Winter or Spring, then consider what effect those activities had on you physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually. Seriously, stop and write them down. Chances are those events were created in the stillness of Winter. They were something you planned, dreamed of, talked about, researched, trained for, whatever the activity is, there was a moment when the idea entered your head. I will wager it was created in the Winter; however, it may have been something you thought about last Fall when Summer concluded. It might have been something you wanted to do, but did not get around to, so you put it on your "list."
    Today is the first day of Fall, you might find it worth taking a few moments to see what you are "harvesting" as a result of your actions this summer. Why do this? Because it helps you actually "see" that you are creating all the time. It just might help you stop and think about what you are "thinking about." Then to realize what a powerful force your mind is. With that realization you can consciously move through the ripeness of Fall, create in the stillness of Winter, witness the awakening or birth of new growth in Spring and see the fullness of those dreams next Summer. If all of us took this action, and we considered seeing more Peace and Harmony, consider how the world would change!
    Here's to a Harvest that fills your cornucopia with the abundance of love, health, and whatever else you dream for your life!  Happy Harvesting!

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Something for everyone

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

     As I look out at the barren desert of Nevada, I am reminded Earth Mother gives us "something for everyone." Flying over the state from Las Vegas to Reno, the entire scene below was barren land. The gentleman sitting to my right was from Las Vegas, and his love for the country side was evident. He pointed out the various land formation, where gold was being mined, where Area 51 was located, how the very distinct lines in the land below were where someone was dividing the land into parcels to be sold to people "out east," it was most interesting. When I asked where the trees were, he told me Las Vegas only gets about 1 inch of rain a year; so any foliage they have must be watered by human hands every day. I continued the questions with, "so where does the water come from?" and was told it is piped from the Hoover Dam and there are individuals seeking to have a huge waterline developed that would bring water from the Colorado River.
     It was all very interesting. I told him I was a tree lover and living in the area would be impossible for me. He responded by telling me he wasn't crazy about trees because they block the view of the horizon. He says when you are in the desert you can see for miles and it is a very "expansive" feeling; the sky is visible from horizon to horizon with thousands of stars everywhere. I remember how that looks from a trip my daughter and I made to Wyoming one summer. I recall after setting up the tent looking at the then darkened skies to find stars from horizon to horizon. It was like standing on the edge of the planet (which, of course, we are; however, it doesn't feel that way until you see all the open space.) So I do understand what the gentleman was talking about.
     For me, I love the tender fullness of the trees that surround the lay of the land. It's a protective feeling of being "buffered" (for lack of a better word) from all the elements one may encounter. However, every person has something that brings comfort and security to their hearts. Having such a conversation was most certainly eye opening as yet another opportunity was put in front of me to view life from someone else's perspective.
     Whatever brings YOU comfort, joy, peace, harmony or any other word that can be used to describe what strokes your heart, I'd say all of us on this planet have quite the gift from Creator to find something that brings us a sense of connection to the divine.

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"Outside the box"

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

     It is a very misty morning as a new day awaits the Sun's arrival. Traffic is busy as people begin their pilgrimage to work. Wonder what is on their mind as they travel in the darkness to their employment? I certainly recall thinking, "What am I doing going to work in the dark, my body is to be sleeping if it's dark" and yet, as Fall approached, so the drive to work was done in darkness. I used to make a game out of it. I used to pretend I was a warrior, preparing to safeguard the community. It was my job to use the darkness to skillfully find the best place to situate myself to do my work. Sometimes I simply enjoyed the changes in the sky as the Moon began her descent to make room for the Sun to take center stage. I remember observing the stars as they went from sparkling brightly to being invisible all in a morning's drive. So many "events" happened on the morning drive to work, that it became my favorite time of day. In the stillness my creativity is able to play before my mind takes over planning the day concerned about deadlines and solutions to problems.
     There is much to enjoy in the stillness of the morning if one is willing to play and dream "outside the box" with what is put in front of them. Guess it really does not matter if it's morning or night, it is using your creativity to put a positive slant on something that may all too often be annoying, and that is often more easily done when the "head mind" is not fully engaged!
     The thought this morning, is what is heavy on your heart and mind that needs some creativity to assist with finding alternatives? You just might try thinking "outside the box" by allowing and honoring your creative spirit to assist by choosing a time when you first wake up, or just prior to going to bed. Sometimes the best solutions are found if we make a request just prior to going to bed. It may surprise you what you discover when you wake up in the morning!
     The sky is beginning to lighten, although Grandfather Sun will not make an appearance for at least an half hour; what I know is a golden opportunity to discover something new, something exciting, something very different awaits my attention. Now, to allow my soul to teach me how to silence my head mind and think "outside the box" using my heart mind!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

    Everyone wants to be "seen," to have someone really care that they are on this planet. Everyone needs to know that if they ceased to exist someone would notice their absence. To be in 'favor' in this world gives one that assurance. Favor is different from 'favorite,' it simply means someone knows you exist to the point they are willing to acknowledge your presence. 
    I'm wondering this morning what it feels like to not know someone would miss you if you were not around - that someone would miss picking up the phone and calling you, or (in today's world) posting comments or reading about your adventures on your Face book page. Indeed, we all need to be loved, and the simple act of being noticed expresses such an act. Today, as you read this, stop and consider who(m) in your life or in your community might need to know you 'see' them? Is there someone you see fairly often that you have not spoken to, but you do have contact with them? Perhaps the mail person, clerk at a store, the neighbor next door? Today, allow your heart to consider who(m) that person might be, then make a decision to acknowledge them the next time you 'see' them. A greeting is a good starting point; a wave, nod, eventually a 'hello'....then you could add, 'How are you doing?' It really is quite simple and takes only a few moments to let someone know you 'see' them.
      Favor, a very small word that carries a powerful message. Are you willing to spend 2 minutes to let someone know they are 'seen' by someone? It just might make YOU feel seen as well!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

    Am thinking about families this morning. There are so many different types, so many various ways of 'being in relationship!' Families come in all sorts of sizes and shapes; there really is no clear definition for the word. I suppose family is any group of individuals who have a sincere interest in each other, and in the unit they call a family. It is interesting how some individuals in a family seems to simply be related through blood - genetics - shared "parents." And yet, their actions seem to imply they really do not like others in the "family" unit.
    Perhaps that is the teaching for me; understanding how some people choose to be unhappy despite how much others in their life extend love and compassion. It really is not about what "my" concept is anyway. Families have been around for centuries and they will continue to offer a place for individuals, like me, to figure things out. What I know, for me, is family is a bond that cannot be broken despite any actions of another. There may be individuals in the family you see only occasionally, who say disrespectful things about other family members, and despite all of that, they are still family.  There is something between family members that share some sort of fond memory that will keep them connected, even if only for those few fleeting moments. Then again, maybe it's the shared relationship some individuals have for a parent or grandparent that keep them "connected." After all, most everyone loves someone in what they call their "family."
     As is always the case, it is really up to me to discern what it means for me, then to get out of the way and allow others to figure out their place in the family for themselves.  Darn it! I thought it was my job to make certain everyone in the family was happy! Oh, I do have to giggle!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

This summer has been a return to an old tradition for me; Canning the "harvest" of a garden. It is interesting the memories that return as the produce is planted, tended, picked and made into something for the winter. Of course, the real treat is sharing the "gifts" with family and friends. Seems such a tradition is greatly appreciated by those "receiving" the treats. No doubt, we will be making a return to such traditions as we gather in communities to discern ways to eat healthy and stay on a budget. Of course, the initial cost does involve making investments in the products needed to can and/or freeze the produce; however, in the long run, it's all really about honoring the gifts given by our divine Mother and Father.
     This morning I arose at 4:30 to can some tomato sauce I left cooking in the crock pot last night. Didn't sleep well because the smell kept waking me up! That's an okay reason to wake up, it reminds one their actions are reaping rewards, and that's a much better reason then waking up because our actions weren't so positive!
     Much like life, planting, tending, picking and gathering the harvest provides a visual product showing the  results of our actions. Next time you receive a homemade product from someone, consider the intention and attention it took to offer you such a gift. Sure he/she could have gone to the store and purchased you something similar, and to be honest, it probably would have been less expensive for the person. However, when someone loves deeply, they prefer to give of their time and resources to plant, tend, pick and gather the harvest as a way to share what is in their heart. If you have not experienced gardening, it is well worth the effort to feel the dirt in your hands, heat on your back and sweat on your brow from fully engaging with your divine Mother and Father. Perhaps the next time someone gives you a small jar of homemade jelly, you can see the size of the heart in the person handing it to you.

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My Heart

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

     Asked my heart this morning how it's feeling; interesting how clear the message. My heart is both sad and excited. The sadness comes from observing and hearing all the ways in which many people choose to ignore, devalue, underestimate themselves and others in their life. Seems we all can easily get caught up in the concerns in our lives that we end up spending more time figuring out what and how to do something then simply appreciating what is sweet, heart-warming, silly and other such words that describe what is in front of us. In light of the last entry, it is not surprising my heart would bring this to my awareness; I consciously choose to ask my heart how it was doing first thing this morning.
    The first thing it shared was excitement that my oldest brother is coming to visit this weekend. One of my sweetest treasures is my oldest brother. He is such a man of integrity and innocence. He has a purity of spirit and mind that comes from focusing his thoughts and actions on Spirit's guidance. It is amazing to watch how simple life can be when we allow Spirit to direct our path. He does this with purpose and complete trust that God cares about him, his life, and his children's life . . . . just as God does all creation.
    My brother and I grew up watching our Father practice faith, pray and seek God's direction in his life, as did our Mother, although she was more private with her practice. We didn't know any other way but to trust God to provide.
    My heart is grateful for these teachings that have helped carry me through life's experience, and yet it is sad that so many were not shown how to know, without a shadow of doubt, that our divine Creator did care about each of our lives. My heart's sadness this morning is a sliver in my heart, for the security of knowing Creator's love overcomes all adversities, oppositions, or actions in the world, brings great excitement to my heart. It is possible for others to learn this, regardless of their age. As the morning sky displays hues of pink, my heart is grateful for yet another opportunity to really listen to my heart so I can learn how to assist others with finding that truth.

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Being in the Moment

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

    It is a moment by moment "opportunity" for me to stay present.  My head mind loves to consider things; ideas, creations, goals, projects, solutions.  The list goes on and on as my "beautiful mind" meanders through the possibilities of life. I am grateful for my sense of responsibility for life, and how it has taught me to find creative options to situations I confront and to be able to offer that gift to others.  And yet, while the gift of having the "ability to respond" is one in which I am grateful to possess, it does often open the channel to a plethora of thoughts that steadily flow through the corridors of my head mind.
    Everyone is confronting change and with that change comes a deluge of decisions to be made. It may start out with one simple decision that then opens the door for another and another. It can become a daunting task that often leads us to seek assistance from others with making those choices. The gift of friendship helps individuals weed through the emotional feelings most generally connected to making major decisions; having a trusted friend or confidante is very needed and valued.
    And so, I find myself praying for guidance as to how to stay in the moment, appreciating every single detail of it's tremendous beauty while staying alert to the Creator for guidance. I have learned that when I stay in the moment, the clarity that comes is simple, pure and without debate; it simply "makes sense."
    The gift of "Being in the Moment" is worth every ounce of energy and self-discipline required to stay present. I have found that clarity comes when the heart is engaged in the solution and the head mind isn't doing all the work. After all, just like each of us, our head mind desires a partner to help it take a break and enjoy the moment!  Isn't it really funny how everything really is very simple! It becomes even more simple when we allow our hearts to feel, play, and guide us!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

     This morning I am thinking about "itching." For the past month or better, I've had hives, poison ivy (maybe poison oak,) or some form of rash.  The hives really got my attention in they developed into huge welts that were massive all over my body.  It became so severe I went to the doctor because my throat was so swollen, swallowing was difficult.  Of course, I surrendered to taking steroids, which was really a stretch for me,  However; in order to honor my body, it was time for such drastic measures. 
     Sure enough, within a day or so I felt more comfortable and left for vacation. A couple of days after returning home, I developed what I thought was poison ivy on my face, (primarily on the left side of my face and eye) that went to my neck and belly.  So, out comes the alcohol (both the rubbing and the drinking!) as I asked my body, "What the heck is going on?"  I do talk to my body since I know our body lets us know what's going on that our "head-or thoughts-" may not tell us.   
     Anyone who knows me knows I practice what I preach, so I did some serious "conversing" only to find silence.  While my "head" asked many questions, offering lots of possible options for what I was "itching" to change, adjust to, create, manifest...the list went on; the questions were met with silence.  No "ah-ha's", no "duh's," just silence.
     It has now become very clear that my human emotions are very frustrated with what I see happening that makes absolutely no sense.  My human knowing of how relationships move, grow, expand has not been accepted by those that asked for assistance and then choose to ignore it.  I absolutely trust the divine to guide each and every person's path There is no doubt in my heart and mind that what each person needs to experience will unfold precisely as they request, and in a way that will answer their questions. Yet, while I know these things in every inch of my soul, my body feels the frustration of watching people ignore these teachings. With 30 years of working with thousands of families and listening to the divine guidance given from Creator when a concern is taken before the "council" on the other side that waits to assist each and every one of us I know we are given answers when we seek them with all our heart and soul.  It seems to be our "human" self that resist the guidance we are given from those that have traveled the path before us.
     So, the simple Truth is my human self feels frustration watching guidance be ignored.  When I was a Counselor, I watched adolescence ignore such wisdom's given by myself, their grandparents, parents, elders they sought out for guidance.....(yes, it was words given to the young person when they sought advice.)  The typical response was, "I want to learn it for myself."  So, my reply became, "So, why did you ask me?"  Which generally led to silence, or a defensiveness that assisted them with leaving my office.  Of course, 80% of the time, they returned to chat because they knew what they heard was the Truth, whether they wanted to accept it at the time, or not.
     My human self does not understand why a person would continue with certain behaviors when they obviously know what course of action (or inaction) is for the highest and best good.  I remember being a teenager, young adult and reaching mid-life.  I remember the feelings and concerns and recall how it felt to resist words that weren't what I wanted to hear. However, I also remember getting to the point that while I didn't want to hear the words, (especially when they were opposing what "I" wanted to do) I did take the words into my heart and ask for guidance from Creator.  By the time I was 30 I knew my "elders" knew a thing or two....darn it all, I so wanted to have all the answers myself!  I also learned to listen to Creator and those in human form when things would happen that got my attention...like car accidents, injuries, repeated heartache. 
     It seems the generations after me are more persistent that they will learn for themselves (or despite themselves); and by gosh, will prove they know best. If they put their hand on a hot stove and get burned, they'll use the other hand.  Well, that's fine and good, and I wish them the best.  What I do know without a shadow of doubt, is they will figure out they could have saved a lot of heartache and time if they would had listened, discerned what they could use and implemented some of the wisdom's with their perspective. 
     So, I will continue trying not to scratch these itches I have until my human self releases the frustrations and surrenders to my heart knowing that all is in perfect order. I recall a scripture I learned a very long time ago that says, "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man/woman, I put away childish things." I will sit in the silence in order to assist my human self with getting out of the way for Creator to do the work.  In so doing, I know I will be of more assistance to others (and to my body)...and then, perhaps my body won't have to "itching" to remind me I'm acting like a child thinking my way is best, instead of being a child that lives in the space of trusting the Divine is at work! What happens between Creator and others is their business, not mine! Ah,the human experience is such an amazing journey!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Woke early this morning seeking some guidance for a person in my life making a request for healing.  After carrying the request to Creator, I was reminded how sweet it is to find nourishment in our relationships.  With all the chatter about deceptive, uncaring, dishonest people in the world, those that are the opposite are often overlooked.  Just like the focus on what is "wrong" in the world, so we tend to notice only those that we do not trust.  What I am finding is there are many very beautiful people sitting in their homes needing others with whom they can interact and share from their heart.  We sit in our homes because it feels safe--"out there" are people we cannot trust to be honest and trustworthy.  Consider for a moment if YOU are one of those sitting in your home not trusting others "out there?"  If you are, think of the valuable resource YOU can be to someone else sitting in their home feeling they are the only trustworthy people in their area.  Think how many of US are sitting alone needing someone with whom we can share, be friends, laugh, cry, pray--it's a daunting thought!  Now imagine if some of us actually took the risk to step outside our homes, to open our door to others to enter our sacred space....imagine what our communities would look like if we took that "leap of faith."  If things are to change, it has to begin within our own heart space.  Each of us must be willing to share the gifts we have with others that are very much like us.  How do we know if they are like us?  We introduce ourselves, chat a bit, then trust our gut to tell us if that person is trustworthy.  It begins with baby steps.  And those steps begin within our heart.  Each of us must be willing to take the risk to really open our hearts and minds to others.  It doesn't take long to know if the person is someone you "feel" comfortable around; but it does take time to watch their actions and discern if they are dependable (or trustworthy.) It takes a balance between jumping too quickly and waiting too long to decide.  Somewhere in the middle is where our gut is used to guide us. Seems only logical if we are to begin to open our hearts we take the time to trust ourselves to know how to use discernment with trusting others.  Of course, like everything else, it begins within ourselves.  Are you trustworthy, do you keep your word, do you gossip?  I say, let's give it a whirl.  We have nothing to lose and everything to gain by opening our doors to venture into our communities and really "see" and "feel" what is outside our homes.  I know it will change our lives and our communities if we practice what we preach, honor our words and treat others like we want to be treated, rather then pointing the finger at someone else and asking if they do!  What the heck, it's certainly worth a try.  As I see it, we have everything to gain and it doesn't involve money!  We can find all the nourishment we need by allowing our heart to guide us to the "well" where we can partake of the water of life that feeds our heart and soul.

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The Future

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Had a glimpse at the future generations today...it was an opportunity to witness two couples having fun "exploring!"  We began our journey following a sign that led the way to the trail we had chosen to hike.  Temps were into the 90's today and yet we were cooled by the shade of the community of trees that lined the path.  Some trees were small saplings just beginning their growth into this world, others were very tall and lush from the bountiful display they adored from the rains this spring and warmth from the sun.  Still others had fallen from decay due to age, disease, animals, or maybe it was simply the effects of a cold and snowy winter.  Whatever was the culprit to their breakage, they leaned onto another tree or laid to the ground from sheer exhaustion.  What is marvelous, is seeing how generations of trees reside within the same area, each contributing something to the growth around it. The sapling would not be there if the mature trees did not drop their seeds, and neither would be there if the decayed or aged tree did not fertilize the ground with itself. 

There is a cycle to life, and we often get caught only looking at what seems "sad" or "fearful",or simply a puzzling predictament.  And our current family dynamics do seem something to be concerned about... it is different, it is "opposed" to what most of us know to be for the highest and best good.  There can be no dispute that as a community we do have to pay attention to what we are "feeding" ourselves and our families.  There are things that happen that bring us sadness and concern, especially when it comes to seeing people not respecting themselves, others or life.  It is disconcerting to witness the lack of joy in people's lives because they are more focused on "things" then on what makes their heart sing.  Families seem to be shapeshifting into something unrecognizable to what we know in our own hearts to be a "loving family." However, what I witnessed today reminds me everything has a purpose, the divine flow of all things will be restored.  It may take several seasons to see the rebalancing or restoration after a devastating winter or spring, but with the assistance of the community around it, it will rebalance from the experience. 

The question is, do we realize our thoughts, words and actions are feeding the community? As I see it, there will always be a future, the world will continue to exist, people will continue to have children, elders were slip from their physical body and leave this planet, and what each of us focuses on will contribute to what that community will become.  There really is no need for fear, that's something we humans use to avoid stepping into the power we have....because if we realized what an impact we have on those around us, we might consider our words and actions more carefully.  We might also understand more clearly how those around us influence us and choose who we spend time with more carefully! 

Whether we like it or not, we are interdependent with each other.  We all need people in our lives.  The future is being created by each of us, and collectively we are molding future generations.  I have no doubt it will be just fine, especially if we can get out of the way of trying to "fix-it," and simply enjoy it. How do we do that? We return to our very core that knows there is a divine order, a Creator that knows precisely how and when to allow what needs to happen to rebalance things, and to do the job!  Until then, I'll continue to hike the amazing handwork of our Creator's, get "off the trail", consort with my "buds" and find the path back to where we started with more joy in my heart having spent the time with people I respect and love.  Guess that's the only way I know to help balance the crazymaking that comes from not recognizing and utilizing the gift of God's handwork!  After all, isn't life about the journey, and not necessary the destination?

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

It is an interesting time on this planet, alot of people are talking about all the negativity, corruption, unethical behaviors, and the other such "energy zapping" actions.  It makes one wonder if anyone can be trusted and how we can know for certain whether they can be? It has been said you can tell a person by their character, and we all know there are many "characters" asking us to trust them.  It is my understanding there are 3 main traits by which to observe a person's character, their trustworthiness, and that is: 1. every thing they think, 2. everything they say and 3. everything they do all matches.  That is to say, their actions back up their words.  And, of course, the old say, "as a man thinketh so he will be" (or something like that.) What that means is a person's actions show how they think about life, what is important, and how they feel about themselves and the world around them.  In order to learn how to discern if someone is trustworthy, we must listen, step back and observe.  Now the observation part can get tricky, because it is not our place to "judge" someone.  However, the difference between judging someone and observing them is their actions.  There are alot of people espousing truths, theories, ideas, and yet their lives show the contrary to what they say they believe.

We all have a value system that helps us determine what feels "right" in our life...solid principles by which we live.  It matters not whether people agree with us, what matters is whether we are content with our actions. Let's make this personal, Do you like what you see in the mirror?  Are you someone you would like to spend time with? In my opinion, it would be marvelous if everyone focused on creating more peace, harmony, contentment in the world; however, I know people who enjoy chaos, turmoil and unrest...and the media feeds that need.  In order to keep your life in alignment with what you hold true and dear, you must learn how to use good discernment.  Observing someones actions and deciding whether it matches what you wish to "feed" in the world gives you the opportunity to step back and make a choice.  All too often people try to change someone else to bring them into alignment with their own values.  To do this is to disrespect what that person came here to do.  Perhaps the person who is opposite your values came here teach you how to develop discernment skills? If you are trying to change someone else, you are wasting alot of precious time and energy that could be better served for you and someone else with similar values. 

It all begins with looking first at yourself.  Does what you think, say and do match?  If it does, then you can be confident you have the ability to step back and observe the other person's behavior based on their actions and not as being a judge and jury.  Then you can discern whether what you see will be in alignment with your values; that's to say, what core qualities you cherish and hold dear will bring more of what you want in your life.  It is interesting how discernment brings a sense of responsibility full circle back to YOU, because when what you think, say and do matches, you cannot blame someone else, or make excuses for your actions.  Instead, you take full responsibility for your life!  That can be pretty scary!  Interesting stuff...and something to think about!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Am feeling the power behind the gift of forgiveness today.  Of recent, several occasions have arisen that put that powerful energy in front of me.  One, was from a situation several years ago that pierced my heart very deeply; truth is, it catapulted me into my heart that I found myself redefining my life.  Many profound questions were in front of me, such things as: "What am I doing?" "Am I living from a place of integrity?" "What have I done that brought this action into my life?" And probably most importantly, "How do I know who(m) to trust?"  That last question was the most powerful, since experiences when I was younger left me building very high, very thick walls around myself.  I knew from those earlier experiences, I could not offer much to enrich this world, my community, my family, and myself if I "revisited" that option.  If I was to take responsibility for my thoughts, words and actions, I had to pay attention to my human emotions, and the truth was, there was very deep pain in my heart that needed attention.  Being an action person, I did ceremonies to remove any negativity, any ill feelings, sought assistance from a professional, utilized homeopathic remedies, along with other alternative options such as breathing techniques, yoga, and many more.  And yet, my nighttime dreams brought the awareness of the unresolved pain smack dap back into my physical reality. I was trying to wish the painful experience away when it was the very thing I needed to embrace in order to learn from the event.
The power of prayer, meditation, unconditional love of others (along with the various actions mentioned above,) gave me the grace to move forward without reconstructing a wall and much wisdom has been gleaned from the experience.  Time is a key element as well.  It seems we want everything done now, when if we will take the time to touch the core teaching of the experience, freedom will be found.  (It saddens me how many people seek prescriptions that only masks the teaching and keep us from really living life!) We are all given the opportunity to take our experiences, seek someone that has experience assisting others to help us ask, with a gentle heart, what we are to learn from the event. Only then the teaching will become clear and forgiveness can once again free our heart.  We are never victims, only students of life!  A footnote: please use discretion when seeking someone to assist you, you wouldn't have your car repaired by someone who drives a vehicle that is ill kept, has smoke rolling out the back and bald tires! Interview them as you would anyone for whom you are asking to care for someone you love.

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

There's an old saying, "Curiosity killed the cat," and I am thinking about that this morning.  Seems asking questions and wondering about life has been one of my favorite past times this life time.  I find it fascinating how people act and react to life, how they interpret life experiences and how they choose to see the world in which they live.  I find it absolutely amazing how two people can watch the same speech on TV and hear completely different messages.  Same words, same intonations, same visual expressions, same body language viewed by both and yet the interpretations each person "hears" and observes may be completely opposite each other's.  Is that interesting or what?  So, I ask myself how is such a thing possible?  And how do we not get into judgments about how the event is interpreted? Or when it comes down to "bare bones," who's interpretation is accurate?  If you know how to figure this one out, please let me know.  Much like the cat, I am very curious about many things; and I respect everyone has their own unique way of "hearing" things; guess my wish is no one's point of view be "killed" or "put down" just because someone else "heard" (or interpreted it) differently. I'd prefer each person learn something they hadn't considered and keep an open space for something new to emerge.  Seems compassion is developed by keeping an open heart and mind!  This only happens when we are willing to really "listen" with more then our ears! Wouldn't it be positively marvelous to use such gentleness to reach a mutual understanding; rather then the heavy energy generally emitted when someone is trying to proof you "wrong?" Somewhere, in the respect of listening and speaking is the purr of a contented cat!

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"The BOOK"

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Many of you already know I've been working on a book.  Well, the first "mini book" is completed and ready for you to examine!  This mini book is a "primer" of sorts since it introduces the reader to the series of stories that will follow in Book Two.  It took a program co-sponsored by Neale Donald Welsh (author of Conversations with God) to get my rear in gear!  The mini book has promotional pages to encourage others to begin writing their "story".... Whatever that may look like!  It was a time-consuming, very detailed, self-motivated and self-monitoring program.  Personally, I could not have done it working full-time; however, it does get you completely enmeshed in the writing, publishing process.  I started the program about 10 months ago and learned more then I ever imagined about publishing a book.  I must say, writing is the easy part!  Nonetheless, if you have something to say, you might consider getting involved in the program.  The one big caution I would give is you must be self-monitoring.  This is not a step-by-step, person to person program.  If you are computer savvy and enjoy searching for things online, you will love this program.  They encourage a person to do most of their promoting, and networking online...which is not my forte! Personally, I like the personal contact, so it was often times a major teaching in patience and perserverance!  I am currently completing stories for book two, which will be a regular size book handled by a publisher!  When that happens, it will become more easily available through a number of book companies.  If you would like to order the mini-book, just contact me via this blogsite.  Blue Moon Gifts in Brazil, IN also has copies....so, if you are in their "neck of the woods," you can pick up one there. 
My hope is you will find the stories "thought provoking" and perhaps learn something new or remember something you have forgotten!  The book is called, "Head to Heart Talks;" I think you will enjoy the simplicity!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

This morning I am thinking about Respect and what that really means.  Guess like every other word, it is a matter of each person's personal interpretations.  Each of us are taught about respect by our significant others; parents, grandparents, extended family, and those outside our home.  Of course, we first learned about respect from those with whom we lived.  Learning about respect can be very difficult because sometimes people demand we show them respect when all we have done is reflect what we have seen.  If what we learned as children was name calling, a raised voice, how to be critical and judgmental of others, that is what we will show in our lives.  Of course, our caregivers may not think having those behaviors given back to them is "respectful"; so they will punish us in a variety of ways for not showing them respect.  It can be very confusing to a young one to try to figure out what they did or did not do they "should" have done.  Many parents, as well as people in authority, have not learned that you teach people how to treat you.  IF you feel you are not being treated with respect, it would be helpful to take some quiet time and ask yourself specifically, what behavior you received that did not feel respectful.  This may take some time since most of us know how we "feel," however, are not clear what action caused us to feel that way.  All we know is it was a "yuky" feeling!
This morning, I am considering the actions of someone that was very negatively directed toward me.  (Of course, he/she also exhibited negative energy toward most of the things happening in his/her life, so, I knew not to take it personal.)  This morning I am considering if any of the words, or simply energy behind the words could be reflections of how I am feeling about myself or someone in my life.  After careful consideration and prayer, I know such words and energy are not what I feel about myself, or anyone in particular in my life at this moment.  (of course, being human, that may change! so I am mindful to be vigilant in noticing what is happening in my life) What I realize is this person needs prayers for their heart, for whatever is happening in their heart that is causing pain, causing them to feel so negative about most things around them.  What I have discerned is they are not happy in their heart, for whatever reason, and my opportunity is to detach from any ill effects from the negative spewing and refill the space with love, respect and gratitude for the sweetness in life.  If this person were to continue to show such negative actions, I would address the situation and seek some sort of peaceful resolution. Gratefully, they have never shown such angry words and actions; such behaviors are not who this person is, little wonder they feel so miserable!  Perhaps my prayers of gratitude for who they truly are, will help him/her rebalance and feel the powerful effects love brings and begin to clear their heart of the toxic residue currently residing in their heart space. 
It's certainly worth the try!  If necessary, a Plan B is always available....but we'll figure that out later.

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Father's Day

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Fox News reported this morning that Father's Day ranks 4th in gift-giving; it was surpassed by Mother's Day, Easter and Valentine's Day.  After interviewing several people, it is surmised that Father's are most difficult to "buy" for primarily because what they prefer most is to be appreciated by their family; hence, what they want most is time with them.  Now, isn't that a tremendous thought.  How often do we think about our time and presence with someone as a "gift?" Most of us take for granted the people we interact with every day.  Like the bed you sleep in, or the toothbrush you grab in the morning, it's an item you just take for granted...it's always there.  While many in the world do not have their fathers "always there," most of us have the opportunity to at least know how to get in touch with them....if we want.  The problem as I see it is we all too often take our fathers for granted.  After spending nearly 30 years in education, I can tell you most young people do not really know their father.  Even if the father lives with them, they know little about who their father is outside being their "father."  It was surprising to me to realize how few students even know what their father (or mother for that matter) did for a living.  How is that possible, I asked myself, and then I realized how little time most children spend with their fathers. And, of course, there's the real truth that most kids are too self-absorbed to even think to ask.  For most young people, the father is the representative of the "things" they have in life.  What they do to bring home the "bacon" is of little importance, what is most important is the "bacon." 
Seems very sad to me.  I have two sons that are, in my personal and professional opinion, excellent fathers.  They have a strong work ethic, have been actively involved with their children since birth and do "show up" in their children's life.  And yet, they too are often seen as aloof by their children.  What I know from years of experience, is fathers rarely show all their emotions, instead, they move through their life focused on what their "family" wants, which, in modern day, is "things."  And so, these men feel their worth is measured by what they can provide for their families.  Imagine how that feels?  Then, of course, there's the whole step-father thing....and yet, that too can be viewed in a similar light.
All of this is said to bring some light on understanding who fathers are.  As in all relationships, there are many "colors" from which to choose how to describe a person.  It is from our personal "paint pallette" we choose how to interpret each other's actions.  Perhaps for today, we might pause and consider if it is time to choose another "color" to describe our father.  Today might be an opportunity for us to show our father a new look....it might help them "feel" the brightness by which we "see" them that will give them the "gift" they deserve for all the "things" we took for granted they spent their life "giving" to us!
Let it be noted there are many who never knew their fathers, that missing piece cannot be replaced, only filled with forgiveness and finding other male figures to teach us something about the role of a good father. 

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

It is so exciting to see brave producers bringing truths to the "silver screen!" While some may think it fantasy, many of us know the truth.  There is another dimension so rich and full of life, there are wisdoms carried only by the "non-human" that offers "humans" a wealth of alternatives.  Wouldn't it  be marvelous to have people really listen and talk to their animals, or to ask the trees in their yard what stories they want to share?  I think it would be delightful to have our children taught how to be that connected to everything around them.  Can you imagine how secure a young person would feel if they knew they always had support wherever they walked?  Many of us were taught these truths as children.  It was a time full of imagination, creativity and simplicity. Of course, that was before we were "taught" how to be passive and allow others to entertain us.  So, on a very positive note, I applaud the brave men and women who dare to encourage us to dream.  For as the scriptures say, "Where there is no vision the people parish" (that's my phrasing) Much gratitude to the silver screen for helping the next generation dream! Let's support those shedding light to what is possible and move away from those that promote negativity and disrespect.

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I'm wondering....

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Do all humans have the same desires in life? Or do only a few seek such simple things as peace and simplicity? Do most humans "ponder" life, or simply move from moment to moment experiencing whatever happens? Do older people think about such things as happiness because they have more time, or is that something everyone actively seeks? Are some people satisfied with what their occupations because it brings a sense of fulfillment, or are they just grateful for a job? Does everyone ponder what the "big picture" is in life, or is that something only a few consider?
There are many questions that run through my mind and have for most of my life.  Sometimes I wonder about that--do other people "think" so much about life or it that something unique to only a few "chosen" to wonder about life?
For this moment, I will simply "observe" how my mind processes the experiences of life, and be grateful for the ability to just wonder.  Seems to me "wondering" is how things get better, how inventions are created and how solutions are found.  Then again, I wonder if the world is more peaceful because of people who simply live life and not "think" about it so much.  There is much to be said about simply "being" in life and not pondering the "what if's," or "why's" of life.  I'm wondering how that feels?

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

There is much to be said about Faith.  Where does it come from? How to you "get it"? What's the purpose of Faith?  And, of course, as the current population of the world would say, "What's in it for me?"  Well, "Faith is the substance of things not seen," according to the Holy scriptures, so it is not something tangible we can "see." However, it is very visible if you look at the lives of those that have it.  When Faith is present in a life, you see less worry, more contentment, more resiliency and most certainly more peacefulness.  There is no way to avoid stress in life.  Even if you lived under a rock, chances are someone could mindlessly kick it or pick it up and there you would be exposed to life and all it's events.  Yep, life is a nondiscriminatory experience.  It does not matter who you are, how much money you have, whether you are male or female, or what your ethnicity, it finds you wherever you reside.  So, how can having Faith help in life?  Very simply, Faith gives us Hope, it gives us a light by which to find our way in the dark times we experience.  And while it would be "nice" to only live in the light all the time, we would not grow if we only experienced one aspect of life. We would never know what light was if we did not experience the dark nights of the soul.  So Faith is a gift we are offered to help us find our way.  Wouldn't it be grand if humans had the Faith the rest of the world possesses?  A tree does not fret about life, nor do the birds or animal kingdom.  They waste no words complaining and pointing fingers, they simply reach for the heavens, stand firmly on Earth Mother and keep the Faith, that in the next season all will be in perfect balance.  Think of what we could learn from the Faith of a Tree, or our family pet, or the stars that continue to reside in the night sky.  I cannot imagine living on this planet without Faith.  It helps me know, without a shadow of a doubt, that everything will rebalanced and more stable very soon.  Until then, I am comforted knowing something more divine is managing the affairs of the world!  Thank Creator for Faith!  It helps me stay out of the way for the divine to do the work; all I need do is keep the Faith so others may see the benefits it brings.

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Not Caring

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

When I first heard the teaching of not caring for people, I thought, "how selfish!"; then I learned more about what that really means.  According to the origin of the word "care", it means to "carry the burden."  So, in essence, to not care about someone is to have the utmost respect for them.  Whatever does that mean?  If you consider for a moment, that everything you have become is based on the experiences you have confronted.  We are all shaped by our experiences, when confronted with various situations, we have choices to make as to what we will do with the situation.  Every day we make dozens of choices as to what to do, say or think, and each one we decide gives us a consequence.  Hopefully, as we mature, we consider those consequences before taking action, rather then reacting to life.  If each of us are to grow, we need to take the time to consider how we became the person we are, then take responsibility for our choices and use that information when making new decisions.  As we do this we learn to respect ourselves and others as we carefully consider our actions.  IF we really respect our friends and family, we will know they are capable of making their own decisions and will learn more quickly if they make their own choices.  The tricky part is wanting to help those we love to have a "happy" life by making all the "right" choices, so we all too often quickly volunteer our advice.  Consider carefully that if we do this, we really are saying to the other person, "since you do not know how to take care of yourself, I will do it for you." And we all know how that works out, if the consequences are not what the person hoped for, guess who gets blamed!  So, consider showing respect to those in your life by "not carrying their burdens" and honoring they will grow in wisdom as they choose for themselves.  After all, don't we all have enough decisions to make in our own lives without getting involved in someone else's?  If you don't perhaps you could write a book so the rest of us could learn from you how to not have so many decisions to make!  So what can you do to help those you love?  You pray for them, you listen to their words, remind them you know they are capable of making a good choice, and you look in the mirror at your own life.  Is there something in your life you can do to support their life?  Chances are the answer to that is "yes." Now, instead of carrying their burden, take care of what is in front of you. 

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Sleepless in Martinsville

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Maybe I went to bed too early, maybe it's the humidity and warmth, or perhaps I simply need to put another entry on the blog.  Sleep is something I have been blessed with.  I know people who rarely get a good night's sleep, and gratefully, that is not true for me.  Generally when I cannot sleep there is something on my mind.  Since January, there have been many nights I have awaken for no apparent reason and if I get up, there is generally some point of clarity that reveals itself.  Must be the stillness of the night that opens an avenue that leads to discovering something the mind cannot hear during the busyness of day.  Even the birds sleep at night; it is very still where I live and I am grateful for the quietness.  My heart seems to speak to me more clearly in the middle of the night, or perhaps it is simply the lack of distractions that makes it appear that way.  Either way, I love the quietness of the night when only a hum can be heard in my ears, it is a great reminder that my heart does have a voice--gratefully, it is a sweet one that loves to sing to me.  I am grateful to know that in the stillness of night my heart connects to the divine and reminds me how precious and loved we all are.  Certainly makes waking up most rewarding! Now for some comforting sleepytime tea, then back to bed!

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Mother's Day

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

I do not know when Mother's Day first became an annual holiday, nor do I know if our country is the only one that celebrates this occasion.  What I do know is how nice it is to notice people taking the time to remember their Mother.  Whether your Mother was kind and compassionate, or strict and stern, the job of being a Mother is not an easy one.  Stop for a moment and consider what courage and strength it takes to be a Mother.  From the time you conceive the child until you die, you are on call 24-7.  Of course, once your child leaves home, there is less responsibility; however, if they need something, it is generally the Mother they call.  Perhaps it is because a child lies at his/her Mother's belly for nine months that creates that bond, or maybe it is simply because she's the one most available the first few years of a child's life.  What is most obvious is the love a child has for his/her Mother is generally hard to break, regardless what they relationship has been.  When push comes to shove and life gets really difficult, it is Mom most of us want.  And Mom comes in many shapes and forms: biological, adopted, grandmother, Aunt, are among the most common.  However, what a child is really yearning for is the heart-felt love that most generally comes from the one we first encountered.  It is that love we all seek that keeps us forever willing to open our hearts to another.  Whether our hearts get broken, or filled with hope, rarely do humans stop searching for that unconditional love.  As Mother's Day is celebrated, take a few moments to ask yourself, if you have the love in your heart to open it to someone else?  Are you willing to ask for what you want and give from your own heart?  Every human being wants to be seen and loved, and whether your Mother gave that to you or not, there is always an opportunity to give and receive heart-felt love to another person.  With so many people searching for love, surely you can take the time to give someone a hug, speak a kind word, or simply give them a smile.  It just may be precisely what their heart and yours needs.

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

It is 3:00 a.m. and sleep alludes me; thoughts of current situations in my family are playing in my head.  So, I did my usual "routine" for clearing my mind and attempted to return to bed.  No luck; my thoughts kept ruminating over recent news flashes a family member told me.  I continue to pray for my loved ones knowing Creator has a grander scale of healing tools by which to assist humans then my brain can even begin to imagine.  I am grateful for Sleepytime Tea and the ability to know if I take an action I move toward what I want to create and therefore, away from trying to figure out how to "fix" someone else's situation.  My children have taught me how to stay out of their business and respect them enough they have the tools to confront whatever situation they bring into their life.  My job when they were young was to teach them how to find solutions and know within themselves they have the answers they need.  Now, it is my job to be there to listen and remind them of those truths.  It is much more empowering to help someone find their own wisdom within then to be the "saviour" who has all the answers. 
So here I am making my way through the chaos of life's situations by writing down my thoughts and feelings.  It is a different generation than I grew up in when there were not so many choices, so much exposure to what everyone else is doing in their life.  Indeed, there is constant chaos brought about by the actions of others most of us really have no dealings with, except through the media.  Still, we can be pulled into their life's dramas simply by turning on the TV or Internet.  It boggles my mind how people can choose to watch these "reality" shows; like life does not bring us enough in our own families.  It has been said, "misery loves company" and that most certainly fits today's society.  I suppose there is comfort in knowing others have the same difficulties as we do.  Through the chaos of life's situations we do find strength; just seems to me that strength can come through looking over our shoulder at how we have made choices, listening to our elders talk about how they adjusted to changes in life, and gleaning the wisdom of discernment through their insights rather than actually experiencing it ourselves.  I am grateful to have been taught to think before doing something.  Even though doing this was a way to make certain we didn't embarrass our parents, or offend God in some way, it still gave me the opportunity to stop and think about possible consequences.  By doing this it was easier to take responsibility for my actions, rather then blame someone else.  A rather novel idea in today's world; however, certainly one that would lead to less chaos in life. 
It all comes down to what each person chooses for his/her life.  If you are reading this, you now have no excuse for not taking responsibility for your choices--you have been told how to stop and think first. What I know is chaos can bring positive changes to one's life, IF we learn from the experiences.  However, if we are continually confronting chaos, there is something we are missing in the experience or we would not keep repeating it. 
So, for this moment, I will complete this entry, finish my tea, turn off the computer and return to a very good sleep.  I am grateful there is a Creator in charge of helping those who ask for assistance...it makes my life so much simpler!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Native teachings refer to the sun as "Grandfather" and the moon as "Grandmother."  What I know living in the mid-west is we are most grateful for his recent "appearance."  We know the universe knows precise what is needed to keep our Earth Mother in balance, and heaven knows it has had to work overtime to meet those needs; especially considering most humans pay little attention to her!  We have been blessed with much rain, and the vivid greens bare witness to the lushness brought forth from the abundance.  While most of us truly enjoy the beauty, we also need to see our Grandfather's face!  The warmth he brings stirs our bodies and souls as we eagerly wait for the warmth of summer.  I am grateful Creator knows precisely what Earth Mother needs, and I trust when enough water has been stored, we will once again feel the warmth brought from the presence our Grandfather. 

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Am currently sitting in the beautiful mountains just outside Murphy, NC.  It was a very cold morning as nearly 400 eager bikers gathered to begin a "vision quest" of sorts.  There were riders very young to more mature, ranging in various sizes and shapes.  It was interesting to observe their various modes of riding apparel.  No one expected it to be so darn cold this morning, so many were huddled in groups with blankets waiting for the start of the race.  The first set of riders left the starting point about 6:50 a.m. for a hundred mile mountain excursion, followed at 7:05 by those aiming for sixty-five miles.  This was my first mountain bike race experience, so it was most exciting to observe the expressions in words and actions of these excited riders.  There were probably only a dozen or so supporters gathered to watch our friends or relatives begin their journey.  I am here because of a vision a young friend of mine had.  This is her first sixty-five mile race and it was most exciting to watch her actions in preparation for this big event.  I have watched this young lady become a very powerful woman--actually, it would be more accurate to say, I have witnessed her claiming her authentic self.  She has always shown tremendous commitment to whatever she chose to do, I have watched her show me what it looks like to really "see" someone be impeccable.  Her word is her bond and her actions follow what she says.  It is a rare and precious commodity!  So, we both bundled up about 5:00 a.m. and began the ritual of preparing for her day's journey.  This young woman and I have worked many vision quest together as we supported those walking the mountain to pray for clear vision.  Both of us have made that walk and know the importance community supporters are for those making the journey. There are no words to describe how very important "supporters" are in our life.  They help us learn how to show up in our lives, receive love then return it to those that come behind us on their quest.  My heart is full of gratitude for the magnificent way in which Creator's face is made visible through the eyes of those supporting us in our earth walk.    It is a blessing to be the supporter and the one supported....there really is no difference!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

We are in the season that replenishes the Earth; such a marvelous time to notice the benefits of moisture.  Nearly every moment of the day reveals richer greens, vivid colors and a lush fullness brought forth by the moisture of spring. All of one's senses can witness this unfolding. Sit outside and listen to the sounds of the birds as they gather clippings from newly mowed lawns, last winter's weather and the amazing winds of all seasons. If you listen close enough, you can almost hear the plants pushing through the Earth as the rains awaken the slumbering plants within our Mother. If you are fortunate enough to have an old fashioned lilac tree in your yard, just sniff the air a bit and you will take in the sweetness of memories of life at it's fullest. While the weather still carries the coolness of early spring, you can feel the warmth beginning to fill the air; it is a promise of what is soon to caress our bodies; the heat of summer.

All of our senses are awakened if we slow down long enough to allow these gifts to stir our hearts; the place where our soul resides. Spring is, indeed, a grand time to allow our soul to emerge, to awaken from the slumbering state in which we often spend much time attempting to protect ourselves from the moisture brought from disappointments life can present. IF one is brave enough to truly desire all this Earth experience offers one will sit in the peaceful place of nature and allow the moisture to feed one's soul. For just as the moisture brings beauty to the world, so it offers to enrich our inner life; and when this happens, everyone can smell, hear and feel the fullness of love at it's fullest. Just as moisture feeds what is within the Earth and supports it's emergence, so it feeds the fertile soil of our hearts and allows our gifts to add beauty to the world. Consider if you will, what beauty lies in wait within your heart to assist this planet with shifting into the next level of consciousness where love "reigns" to feed the community. 

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

With spring in full bloom, thoughts move toward planting gardens.  Some of the sweetest times for those of us in the North is when the Earth shows what was "resting" within her womb.  It is a wonderful reminder that growth and change are still "brewing", even if we do not see it!  It is good to be assured that much is done in the "invisible" realm.  Often in life, it feels as though we are "stuck", not making progress, not achieving what we want and it can become discouraging to the point of us wanting to give up.  However, it is precisely at that time we need to watch some of our greatest teachers--those in nature to be reminded everything is in a divine order.  As human beings we are conditioned to believe if we do enough, act a certain way, say the magic words, things will manifest.  In essence, they do; however, the key to keeping our balance is in remembering we are in a partnership on this journey.  We are never without precisely what we need, and absolutely never alone.  In the re-membering of that, we can find the faith to know all we must do is plant the seed, tend to it's needs, then get out of the way for all that is divine to do the rest.  As you step outside into the beauty of the spring, notice what is appearing beneath the earth, growing almost in front of your eyes, and without your physical assistance!  Perhaps noticing this will help you spend more time discerning what you want to see more of in your life, then planting those dreams into the fertile soil of our consciousness, and allowing the divine to take care of the rest!  Our job is merely to pay attention to the basic needs of what we have planted with proper care, then removing weeds as needed.  (As for the weeds, you will know what those by the way in which they smother your hopes and place doubt in what you are creating.) 

We would love to hear what sort of things you do to tend those dreams you have planted!  It helps all of us with our own planting!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

To keep my commitment to update my blog on a regular basis, I am sitting in front of the computer. It has been a journey to be willing to write things that are visible to "the world." Being a rather private person, I have resisted being part of the "network world." Truth is, I prefer hearing someone's voice, seeing their expressions, observing their gestures, and just plain seeing their face. I love human contact, one-on-one, face-to-face communications. Whether it is crying, giggling, or sharing views, it feels more satisfying "sit" with someone. If they are long distance, and it is not possible to have their physical presence, then a phone call is nice. Hearing their voice, noticing their intonations, giggles, varying volume associated with the topic of discussion all helps me really "know" the feelings of the person better. I can tell from all these communication factors whether what I am saying is being received in the way in which it was intended. Communication is clear when each person can pay attention to all of these very important "contributors." Some have said I need to "get with the program" and join a social network; I have considered their words and carefully looked at whether it is my "resistance" to the technology I have problems with, or simply something else. I have decided, it is "something else." I love my family and friends, and to ensure they feel my heart and that communications are clear I prefer human contact in the form of physical modes (i.e. face-to-face, or phone calls). To show I am not an "old fart" about technology, I do like Skype!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Ever think about the word "silly". Wherever did it come from? Who first coined that phrase? I wonder about many of our words and how they came about. For today, the word is "silly." Today I will notice the events and thoughts that are "silly"; that is to say, that make me want to giggle, snicker, scratch my head. It is a preponderance of crazy-making that encourages me to stop, think and ask questions. Things that make no sense, that stops me in my track and place a big question mark in front of me. There are many things I hear from others and myself that make me wonder, "Whatever does that mean?" Often I ask myself "What was I thinking?" Sometimes I realize I wasn't thinking or what happened would not have happened. Sometimes I notice how often I am sleep-walking during the day; moving from one activity to another just being busy, not thinking about anything, just routely doing tasks. In actuality, I am just mindlessly doing the task; however, the real key is in realizing, my "head mind" is constantly chattering away while I do these task! So, in essence, I am rarely fully present in the moment! It is a very funny life that lies in front of me, and I have so many options from which to choose how to live each moment. I think that is the reality--how much I just move through life considering the past events and fretting about what "might be," it really is very humorous being human; fact of the matter, it is really very "silly!"

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

There is power in the stillness of our minds; in the space where the "head chatter" has no merit. I am reminded this morning of the importance of spending time in the "void"; the place where only the sound of our heart beat and breath is heard. Consider how much time you really spend in this space--if you are like 99% of the human population it's probably only about 5 minutes a day! Even when we sit in our favorite space to BE with ourselves, God, all that is divine, our head talks to us. For today, take 10 minutes to sit in the quiet of your mind and really notice how much time is spent in complete silence, with absolutely no head chatter...I am certain you will be surprised. I was also reminded that those in the Spirit world need us to "stand in the gap" between the worlds as an embassador for those that do not know of this connection. With all the chaos, confusion, and fear life brings, many people can only focus on survival. When this happens, there is no time to consider our true source of strength, wellness, abundance and access all we needs to move through the "crisis" in our life. And so it is with our planet. What we need are more spiritual warriors, those that intimately know the Truth and access the divine before taking any action. Only then can we "Be the change we seek in this world." Let us know what you learn from trying this 10 minutes of silence! We need YOU to help US be part of the solution to our world's challenges and changes.

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