
Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Ever think about the word "silly". Wherever did it come from? Who first coined that phrase? I wonder about many of our words and how they came about. For today, the word is "silly." Today I will notice the events and thoughts that are "silly"; that is to say, that make me want to giggle, snicker, scratch my head. It is a preponderance of crazy-making that encourages me to stop, think and ask questions. Things that make no sense, that stops me in my track and place a big question mark in front of me. There are many things I hear from others and myself that make me wonder, "Whatever does that mean?" Often I ask myself "What was I thinking?" Sometimes I realize I wasn't thinking or what happened would not have happened. Sometimes I notice how often I am sleep-walking during the day; moving from one activity to another just being busy, not thinking about anything, just routely doing tasks. In actuality, I am just mindlessly doing the task; however, the real key is in realizing, my "head mind" is constantly chattering away while I do these task! So, in essence, I am rarely fully present in the moment! It is a very funny life that lies in front of me, and I have so many options from which to choose how to live each moment. I think that is the reality--how much I just move through life considering the past events and fretting about what "might be," it really is very humorous being human; fact of the matter, it is really very "silly!"

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

There is power in the stillness of our minds; in the space where the "head chatter" has no merit. I am reminded this morning of the importance of spending time in the "void"; the place where only the sound of our heart beat and breath is heard. Consider how much time you really spend in this space--if you are like 99% of the human population it's probably only about 5 minutes a day! Even when we sit in our favorite space to BE with ourselves, God, all that is divine, our head talks to us. For today, take 10 minutes to sit in the quiet of your mind and really notice how much time is spent in complete silence, with absolutely no head chatter...I am certain you will be surprised. I was also reminded that those in the Spirit world need us to "stand in the gap" between the worlds as an embassador for those that do not know of this connection. With all the chaos, confusion, and fear life brings, many people can only focus on survival. When this happens, there is no time to consider our true source of strength, wellness, abundance and access all we needs to move through the "crisis" in our life. And so it is with our planet. What we need are more spiritual warriors, those that intimately know the Truth and access the divine before taking any action. Only then can we "Be the change we seek in this world." Let us know what you learn from trying this 10 minutes of silence! We need YOU to help US be part of the solution to our world's challenges and changes.

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

As yet another gray day greets us, I am reminded of the word "HOPE". The weekend displayed what is just around the corner: sunshine, warmth, and all the "bonuses" that come with that! So what is this word HOPE? Many wise sages, ascended master, prophets, popes, ministers, whatever term fits your understanding of those that have an intimate walk with God/Creator/the Divine, that have shared their views of HOPE. There are so many different "words" to describe what we "feel" is divine and true. The words we use are most definitely important to our hearts; it's important to remember that each and every one of us has our own "words" that carry meanings that are uniquely personal for each of us. If we can remember this and respect this truth, we will assist the divine with bringing in the energy for which we can "plug" into and refuel our souls. There has been much "disorganizing", "diffusing", "disrespecting" of what is our personal knowing, and it has all been said in the name of the Almighty. As I look out at the gray skies, I am reminded that things are not "black or white", "right or wrong"; there is great wisdom in the gray area that allows us to go within and find our uniquely personal, true connection to whatever we define divine. IF each of us could respect this, there would be less conflict within ourselves, our family, our community and, indeed, our world.

So what does all this have to do with HOPE? This morning this is what I am shown: HOPE is Honoring Our Physical Experience. It is respecting that everything we choose involves a conscious choice, and with that choice comes the consequences of our actions. It is truly, the old and wise saying, "You reap what you sow". If we could begin at this very moment, to take responsibility for what we are choosing in our thoughts, words and actions, we would spend less time judging others and more time intimately knowing our true selves, and with that comes the intimate relationship with the divine. Wouldn't it be wonderful to see more focus on what is divine; (sort of like, let's look at what's working in our world, then what's "wrong" with it.) So, consider what HOPE means in your life by spending some of these gray moments considering your thoughts, words and actions and take responsibility for what you are creating! Life brings you what you are spending time noticing. For today, let HOPE show you where you are, where you want to go, and how to get there!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

When we are gestating within our Mother's womb, we are held in a sacred bag; the scientific word is "placenta". While in this bag, we are surrounded by everything we need to grow, develop, mature until the perfect time for us to emerge into the physical world. This bag is filled with blood, the life-giving substance for our growth. Within this bag we are protected from the environmental and earthly experiences of our Mother. We are insulated from possible effects of those around us. Of course, whatever our Mother ingest will find it's way to us; although the placenta blood filters these substances as best it can. It is our umbilical cord that carries this filtered nourishment's to our being as we sleep, move, hiccup, excrete waste, and other life sustaining processes waiting for the perfect time to enter the physical environment. Most of the time, we do not exit this safe place until all processes are complete and our maturation has come to fruition. It is at the perfect time we make our grand entrance; even if it is what the medical field terms "premature".

Consider this for a moment: We are still held in the sacred placenta bag, connected to our Creator, fed and nourished through this cord each and every moment of our earth experience! We have precisely what we need in each and every moment, and we are held by the angelic beings that agreed to come to the earth experience with us until such time as we leave this earth plane. Not for one moment are we ever without everything we need! When we have developed what we need to grow and mature, we make our grand entrance "home." Now consider, what that feels like to really know this.

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Moving into a new place has occupied the first two months of 2011 for me; which is just the tip of the iceberg with the changes coming this year for all of us. Seems everyone is being confronted with some sort of major shift in their life; whether it feels like a conscious or unconscious choice, shifts are happening! Of course, everything that happens in our life we have called into it. It takes getting past the emotional reactions to truly understand that Truth--but it is a Truth! Emotions are part of being human; and, in reality, it is one of the attractions for being on this planet. Of course, after all the domestication we forget what we came here to do until life brings us some years of experience; and, unfortunately, some painful events. Then we begin to return to our "authentic self" and the memories seep back.

We are traveling through time at warp speed and the energy is very intense. Just look around at all the upheaval and unrest and you will see the manifestation of this vibrational frequency. It is happening in our world, our communities, our homes and in ourselves. The big question in front of each of us is what to do with this energy. For those seeking to "Be the Change" the only answer is to "Do your work"! Get off the fence! and choose what you want to manifest. Have no doubt, you will manifest something in 2011, even if you never get off the fence. You just may not like what you see and be very clear, you will have no one to blame for what happens around you but you. This is a most pivotal time to truly "own" what is yours. No more blaming someone else. What you have is precisely what you have created by your actions...and do realize that doing nothing is an action! One of the most powerful tools for choosing is to remember, YOU are responsibility for your life. So, feel the firmness of the fence beneath you, consider what you want to create, and get the feeling back in your bottom! You will be traveling with some amazing people!

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