Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Am currently sitting in the beautiful mountains just outside Murphy, NC. It was a very cold morning as nearly 400 eager bikers gathered to begin a "vision quest" of sorts. There were riders very young to more mature, ranging in various sizes and shapes. It was interesting to observe their various modes of riding apparel. No one expected it to be so darn cold this morning, so many were huddled in groups with blankets waiting for the start of the race. The first set of riders left the starting point about 6:50 a.m. for a hundred mile mountain excursion, followed at 7:05 by those aiming for sixty-five miles. This was my first mountain bike race experience, so it was most exciting to observe the expressions in words and actions of these excited riders. There were probably only a dozen or so supporters gathered to watch our friends or relatives begin their journey. I am here because of a vision a young friend of mine had. This is her first sixty-five mile race and it was most exciting to watch her actions in preparation for this big event. I have watched this young lady become a very powerful woman--actually, it would be more accurate to say, I have witnessed her claiming her authentic self. She has always shown tremendous commitment to whatever she chose to do, I have watched her show me what it looks like to really "see" someone be impeccable. Her word is her bond and her actions follow what she says. It is a rare and precious commodity! So, we both bundled up about 5:00 a.m. and began the ritual of preparing for her day's journey. This young woman and I have worked many vision quest together as we supported those walking the mountain to pray for clear vision. Both of us have made that walk and know the importance community supporters are for those making the journey. There are no words to describe how very important "supporters" are in our life. They help us learn how to show up in our lives, receive love then return it to those that come behind us on their quest. My heart is full of gratitude for the magnificent way in which Creator's face is made visible through the eyes of those supporting us in our earth walk. It is a blessing to be the supporter and the one supported....there really is no difference!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
We are in the season that replenishes the Earth; such a marvelous time to notice the benefits of moisture. Nearly every moment of the day reveals richer greens, vivid colors and a lush fullness brought forth by the moisture of spring. All of one's senses can witness this unfolding. Sit outside and listen to the sounds of the birds as they gather clippings from newly mowed lawns, last winter's weather and the amazing winds of all seasons. If you listen close enough, you can almost hear the plants pushing through the Earth as the rains awaken the slumbering plants within our Mother. If you are fortunate enough to have an old fashioned lilac tree in your yard, just sniff the air a bit and you will take in the sweetness of memories of life at it's fullest. While the weather still carries the coolness of early spring, you can feel the warmth beginning to fill the air; it is a promise of what is soon to caress our bodies; the heat of summer.
All of our senses are awakened if we slow down long enough to allow these gifts to stir our hearts; the place where our soul resides. Spring is, indeed, a grand time to allow our soul to emerge, to awaken from the slumbering state in which we often spend much time attempting to protect ourselves from the moisture brought from disappointments life can present. IF one is brave enough to truly desire all this Earth experience offers one will sit in the peaceful place of nature and allow the moisture to feed one's soul. For just as the moisture brings beauty to the world, so it offers to enrich our inner life; and when this happens, everyone can smell, hear and feel the fullness of love at it's fullest. Just as moisture feeds what is within the Earth and supports it's emergence, so it feeds the fertile soil of our hearts and allows our gifts to add beauty to the world. Consider if you will, what beauty lies in wait within your heart to assist this planet with shifting into the next level of consciousness where love "reigns" to feed the community.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
With spring in full bloom, thoughts move toward planting gardens. Some of the sweetest times for those of us in the North is when the Earth shows what was "resting" within her womb. It is a wonderful reminder that growth and change are still "brewing", even if we do not see it! It is good to be assured that much is done in the "invisible" realm. Often in life, it feels as though we are "stuck", not making progress, not achieving what we want and it can become discouraging to the point of us wanting to give up. However, it is precisely at that time we need to watch some of our greatest teachers--those in nature to be reminded everything is in a divine order. As human beings we are conditioned to believe if we do enough, act a certain way, say the magic words, things will manifest. In essence, they do; however, the key to keeping our balance is in remembering we are in a partnership on this journey. We are never without precisely what we need, and absolutely never alone. In the re-membering of that, we can find the faith to know all we must do is plant the seed, tend to it's needs, then get out of the way for all that is divine to do the rest. As you step outside into the beauty of the spring, notice what is appearing beneath the earth, growing almost in front of your eyes, and without your physical assistance! Perhaps noticing this will help you spend more time discerning what you want to see more of in your life, then planting those dreams into the fertile soil of our consciousness, and allowing the divine to take care of the rest! Our job is merely to pay attention to the basic needs of what we have planted with proper care, then removing weeds as needed. (As for the weeds, you will know what those by the way in which they smother your hopes and place doubt in what you are creating.)
We would love to hear what sort of things you do to tend those dreams you have planted! It helps all of us with our own planting!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
To keep my commitment to update my blog on a regular basis, I am sitting in front of the computer. It has been a journey to be willing to write things that are visible to "the world." Being a rather private person, I have resisted being part of the "network world." Truth is, I prefer hearing someone's voice, seeing their expressions, observing their gestures, and just plain seeing their face. I love human contact, one-on-one, face-to-face communications. Whether it is crying, giggling, or sharing views, it feels more satisfying "sit" with someone. If they are long distance, and it is not possible to have their physical presence, then a phone call is nice. Hearing their voice, noticing their intonations, giggles, varying volume associated with the topic of discussion all helps me really "know" the feelings of the person better. I can tell from all these communication factors whether what I am saying is being received in the way in which it was intended. Communication is clear when each person can pay attention to all of these very important "contributors." Some have said I need to "get with the program" and join a social network; I have considered their words and carefully looked at whether it is my "resistance" to the technology I have problems with, or simply something else. I have decided, it is "something else." I love my family and friends, and to ensure they feel my heart and that communications are clear I prefer human contact in the form of physical modes (i.e. face-to-face, or phone calls). To show I am not an "old fart" about technology, I do like Skype!
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