Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
There's an old saying, "Curiosity killed the cat," and I am thinking about that this morning. Seems asking questions and wondering about life has been one of my favorite past times this life time. I find it fascinating how people act and react to life, how they interpret life experiences and how they choose to see the world in which they live. I find it absolutely amazing how two people can watch the same speech on TV and hear completely different messages. Same words, same intonations, same visual expressions, same body language viewed by both and yet the interpretations each person "hears" and observes may be completely opposite each other's. Is that interesting or what? So, I ask myself how is such a thing possible? And how do we not get into judgments about how the event is interpreted? Or when it comes down to "bare bones," who's interpretation is accurate? If you know how to figure this one out, please let me know. Much like the cat, I am very curious about many things; and I respect everyone has their own unique way of "hearing" things; guess my wish is no one's point of view be "killed" or "put down" just because someone else "heard" (or interpreted it) differently. I'd prefer each person learn something they hadn't considered and keep an open space for something new to emerge. Seems compassion is developed by keeping an open heart and mind! This only happens when we are willing to really "listen" with more then our ears! Wouldn't it be positively marvelous to use such gentleness to reach a mutual understanding; rather then the heavy energy generally emitted when someone is trying to proof you "wrong?" Somewhere, in the respect of listening and speaking is the purr of a contented cat!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Many of you already know I've been working on a book. Well, the first "mini book" is completed and ready for you to examine! This mini book is a "primer" of sorts since it introduces the reader to the series of stories that will follow in Book Two. It took a program co-sponsored by Neale Donald Welsh (author of Conversations with God) to get my rear in gear! The mini book has promotional pages to encourage others to begin writing their "story".... Whatever that may look like! It was a time-consuming, very detailed, self-motivated and self-monitoring program. Personally, I could not have done it working full-time; however, it does get you completely enmeshed in the writing, publishing process. I started the program about 10 months ago and learned more then I ever imagined about publishing a book. I must say, writing is the easy part! Nonetheless, if you have something to say, you might consider getting involved in the program. The one big caution I would give is you must be self-monitoring. This is not a step-by-step, person to person program. If you are computer savvy and enjoy searching for things online, you will love this program. They encourage a person to do most of their promoting, and networking online...which is not my forte! Personally, I like the personal contact, so it was often times a major teaching in patience and perserverance! I am currently completing stories for book two, which will be a regular size book handled by a publisher! When that happens, it will become more easily available through a number of book companies. If you would like to order the mini-book, just contact me via this blogsite. Blue Moon Gifts in Brazil, IN also has, if you are in their "neck of the woods," you can pick up one there.
My hope is you will find the stories "thought provoking" and perhaps learn something new or remember something you have forgotten! The book is called, "Head to Heart Talks;" I think you will enjoy the simplicity!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
This morning I am thinking about Respect and what that really means. Guess like every other word, it is a matter of each person's personal interpretations. Each of us are taught about respect by our significant others; parents, grandparents, extended family, and those outside our home. Of course, we first learned about respect from those with whom we lived. Learning about respect can be very difficult because sometimes people demand we show them respect when all we have done is reflect what we have seen. If what we learned as children was name calling, a raised voice, how to be critical and judgmental of others, that is what we will show in our lives. Of course, our caregivers may not think having those behaviors given back to them is "respectful"; so they will punish us in a variety of ways for not showing them respect. It can be very confusing to a young one to try to figure out what they did or did not do they "should" have done. Many parents, as well as people in authority, have not learned that you teach people how to treat you. IF you feel you are not being treated with respect, it would be helpful to take some quiet time and ask yourself specifically, what behavior you received that did not feel respectful. This may take some time since most of us know how we "feel," however, are not clear what action caused us to feel that way. All we know is it was a "yuky" feeling!
This morning, I am considering the actions of someone that was very negatively directed toward me. (Of course, he/she also exhibited negative energy toward most of the things happening in his/her life, so, I knew not to take it personal.) This morning I am considering if any of the words, or simply energy behind the words could be reflections of how I am feeling about myself or someone in my life. After careful consideration and prayer, I know such words and energy are not what I feel about myself, or anyone in particular in my life at this moment. (of course, being human, that may change! so I am mindful to be vigilant in noticing what is happening in my life) What I realize is this person needs prayers for their heart, for whatever is happening in their heart that is causing pain, causing them to feel so negative about most things around them. What I have discerned is they are not happy in their heart, for whatever reason, and my opportunity is to detach from any ill effects from the negative spewing and refill the space with love, respect and gratitude for the sweetness in life. If this person were to continue to show such negative actions, I would address the situation and seek some sort of peaceful resolution. Gratefully, they have never shown such angry words and actions; such behaviors are not who this person is, little wonder they feel so miserable! Perhaps my prayers of gratitude for who they truly are, will help him/her rebalance and feel the powerful effects love brings and begin to clear their heart of the toxic residue currently residing in their heart space.
It's certainly worth the try! If necessary, a Plan B is always available....but we'll figure that out later.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Fox News reported this morning that Father's Day ranks 4th in gift-giving; it was surpassed by Mother's Day, Easter and Valentine's Day. After interviewing several people, it is surmised that Father's are most difficult to "buy" for primarily because what they prefer most is to be appreciated by their family; hence, what they want most is time with them. Now, isn't that a tremendous thought. How often do we think about our time and presence with someone as a "gift?" Most of us take for granted the people we interact with every day. Like the bed you sleep in, or the toothbrush you grab in the morning, it's an item you just take for's always there. While many in the world do not have their fathers "always there," most of us have the opportunity to at least know how to get in touch with them....if we want. The problem as I see it is we all too often take our fathers for granted. After spending nearly 30 years in education, I can tell you most young people do not really know their father. Even if the father lives with them, they know little about who their father is outside being their "father." It was surprising to me to realize how few students even know what their father (or mother for that matter) did for a living. How is that possible, I asked myself, and then I realized how little time most children spend with their fathers. And, of course, there's the real truth that most kids are too self-absorbed to even think to ask. For most young people, the father is the representative of the "things" they have in life. What they do to bring home the "bacon" is of little importance, what is most important is the "bacon."
Seems very sad to me. I have two sons that are, in my personal and professional opinion, excellent fathers. They have a strong work ethic, have been actively involved with their children since birth and do "show up" in their children's life. And yet, they too are often seen as aloof by their children. What I know from years of experience, is fathers rarely show all their emotions, instead, they move through their life focused on what their "family" wants, which, in modern day, is "things." And so, these men feel their worth is measured by what they can provide for their families. Imagine how that feels? Then, of course, there's the whole step-father thing....and yet, that too can be viewed in a similar light.
All of this is said to bring some light on understanding who fathers are. As in all relationships, there are many "colors" from which to choose how to describe a person. It is from our personal "paint pallette" we choose how to interpret each other's actions. Perhaps for today, we might pause and consider if it is time to choose another "color" to describe our father. Today might be an opportunity for us to show our father a new might help them "feel" the brightness by which we "see" them that will give them the "gift" they deserve for all the "things" we took for granted they spent their life "giving" to us!
Let it be noted there are many who never knew their fathers, that missing piece cannot be replaced, only filled with forgiveness and finding other male figures to teach us something about the role of a good father.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It is so exciting to see brave producers bringing truths to the "silver screen!" While some may think it fantasy, many of us know the truth. There is another dimension so rich and full of life, there are wisdoms carried only by the "non-human" that offers "humans" a wealth of alternatives. Wouldn't it be marvelous to have people really listen and talk to their animals, or to ask the trees in their yard what stories they want to share? I think it would be delightful to have our children taught how to be that connected to everything around them. Can you imagine how secure a young person would feel if they knew they always had support wherever they walked? Many of us were taught these truths as children. It was a time full of imagination, creativity and simplicity. Of course, that was before we were "taught" how to be passive and allow others to entertain us. So, on a very positive note, I applaud the brave men and women who dare to encourage us to dream. For as the scriptures say, "Where there is no vision the people parish" (that's my phrasing) Much gratitude to the silver screen for helping the next generation dream! Let's support those shedding light to what is possible and move away from those that promote negativity and disrespect.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Do all humans have the same desires in life? Or do only a few seek such simple things as peace and simplicity? Do most humans "ponder" life, or simply move from moment to moment experiencing whatever happens? Do older people think about such things as happiness because they have more time, or is that something everyone actively seeks? Are some people satisfied with what their occupations because it brings a sense of fulfillment, or are they just grateful for a job? Does everyone ponder what the "big picture" is in life, or is that something only a few consider?
There are many questions that run through my mind and have for most of my life. Sometimes I wonder about that--do other people "think" so much about life or it that something unique to only a few "chosen" to wonder about life?
For this moment, I will simply "observe" how my mind processes the experiences of life, and be grateful for the ability to just wonder. Seems to me "wondering" is how things get better, how inventions are created and how solutions are found. Then again, I wonder if the world is more peaceful because of people who simply live life and not "think" about it so much. There is much to be said about simply "being" in life and not pondering the "what if's," or "why's" of life. I'm wondering how that feels?
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