The Future

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Had a glimpse at the future generations was an opportunity to witness two couples having fun "exploring!"  We began our journey following a sign that led the way to the trail we had chosen to hike.  Temps were into the 90's today and yet we were cooled by the shade of the community of trees that lined the path.  Some trees were small saplings just beginning their growth into this world, others were very tall and lush from the bountiful display they adored from the rains this spring and warmth from the sun.  Still others had fallen from decay due to age, disease, animals, or maybe it was simply the effects of a cold and snowy winter.  Whatever was the culprit to their breakage, they leaned onto another tree or laid to the ground from sheer exhaustion.  What is marvelous, is seeing how generations of trees reside within the same area, each contributing something to the growth around it. The sapling would not be there if the mature trees did not drop their seeds, and neither would be there if the decayed or aged tree did not fertilize the ground with itself. 

There is a cycle to life, and we often get caught only looking at what seems "sad" or "fearful",or simply a puzzling predictament.  And our current family dynamics do seem something to be concerned about... it is different, it is "opposed" to what most of us know to be for the highest and best good.  There can be no dispute that as a community we do have to pay attention to what we are "feeding" ourselves and our families.  There are things that happen that bring us sadness and concern, especially when it comes to seeing people not respecting themselves, others or life.  It is disconcerting to witness the lack of joy in people's lives because they are more focused on "things" then on what makes their heart sing.  Families seem to be shapeshifting into something unrecognizable to what we know in our own hearts to be a "loving family." However, what I witnessed today reminds me everything has a purpose, the divine flow of all things will be restored.  It may take several seasons to see the rebalancing or restoration after a devastating winter or spring, but with the assistance of the community around it, it will rebalance from the experience. 

The question is, do we realize our thoughts, words and actions are feeding the community? As I see it, there will always be a future, the world will continue to exist, people will continue to have children, elders were slip from their physical body and leave this planet, and what each of us focuses on will contribute to what that community will become.  There really is no need for fear, that's something we humans use to avoid stepping into the power we have....because if we realized what an impact we have on those around us, we might consider our words and actions more carefully.  We might also understand more clearly how those around us influence us and choose who we spend time with more carefully! 

Whether we like it or not, we are interdependent with each other.  We all need people in our lives.  The future is being created by each of us, and collectively we are molding future generations.  I have no doubt it will be just fine, especially if we can get out of the way of trying to "fix-it," and simply enjoy it. How do we do that? We return to our very core that knows there is a divine order, a Creator that knows precisely how and when to allow what needs to happen to rebalance things, and to do the job!  Until then, I'll continue to hike the amazing handwork of our Creator's, get "off the trail", consort with my "buds" and find the path back to where we started with more joy in my heart having spent the time with people I respect and love.  Guess that's the only way I know to help balance the crazymaking that comes from not recognizing and utilizing the gift of God's handwork!  After all, isn't life about the journey, and not necessary the destination?

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

It is an interesting time on this planet, alot of people are talking about all the negativity, corruption, unethical behaviors, and the other such "energy zapping" actions.  It makes one wonder if anyone can be trusted and how we can know for certain whether they can be? It has been said you can tell a person by their character, and we all know there are many "characters" asking us to trust them.  It is my understanding there are 3 main traits by which to observe a person's character, their trustworthiness, and that is: 1. every thing they think, 2. everything they say and 3. everything they do all matches.  That is to say, their actions back up their words.  And, of course, the old say, "as a man thinketh so he will be" (or something like that.) What that means is a person's actions show how they think about life, what is important, and how they feel about themselves and the world around them.  In order to learn how to discern if someone is trustworthy, we must listen, step back and observe.  Now the observation part can get tricky, because it is not our place to "judge" someone.  However, the difference between judging someone and observing them is their actions.  There are alot of people espousing truths, theories, ideas, and yet their lives show the contrary to what they say they believe.

We all have a value system that helps us determine what feels "right" in our life...solid principles by which we live.  It matters not whether people agree with us, what matters is whether we are content with our actions. Let's make this personal, Do you like what you see in the mirror?  Are you someone you would like to spend time with? In my opinion, it would be marvelous if everyone focused on creating more peace, harmony, contentment in the world; however, I know people who enjoy chaos, turmoil and unrest...and the media feeds that need.  In order to keep your life in alignment with what you hold true and dear, you must learn how to use good discernment.  Observing someones actions and deciding whether it matches what you wish to "feed" in the world gives you the opportunity to step back and make a choice.  All too often people try to change someone else to bring them into alignment with their own values.  To do this is to disrespect what that person came here to do.  Perhaps the person who is opposite your values came here teach you how to develop discernment skills? If you are trying to change someone else, you are wasting alot of precious time and energy that could be better served for you and someone else with similar values. 

It all begins with looking first at yourself.  Does what you think, say and do match?  If it does, then you can be confident you have the ability to step back and observe the other person's behavior based on their actions and not as being a judge and jury.  Then you can discern whether what you see will be in alignment with your values; that's to say, what core qualities you cherish and hold dear will bring more of what you want in your life.  It is interesting how discernment brings a sense of responsibility full circle back to YOU, because when what you think, say and do matches, you cannot blame someone else, or make excuses for your actions.  Instead, you take full responsibility for your life!  That can be pretty scary!  Interesting stuff...and something to think about!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Am feeling the power behind the gift of forgiveness today.  Of recent, several occasions have arisen that put that powerful energy in front of me.  One, was from a situation several years ago that pierced my heart very deeply; truth is, it catapulted me into my heart that I found myself redefining my life.  Many profound questions were in front of me, such things as: "What am I doing?" "Am I living from a place of integrity?" "What have I done that brought this action into my life?" And probably most importantly, "How do I know who(m) to trust?"  That last question was the most powerful, since experiences when I was younger left me building very high, very thick walls around myself.  I knew from those earlier experiences, I could not offer much to enrich this world, my community, my family, and myself if I "revisited" that option.  If I was to take responsibility for my thoughts, words and actions, I had to pay attention to my human emotions, and the truth was, there was very deep pain in my heart that needed attention.  Being an action person, I did ceremonies to remove any negativity, any ill feelings, sought assistance from a professional, utilized homeopathic remedies, along with other alternative options such as breathing techniques, yoga, and many more.  And yet, my nighttime dreams brought the awareness of the unresolved pain smack dap back into my physical reality. I was trying to wish the painful experience away when it was the very thing I needed to embrace in order to learn from the event.
The power of prayer, meditation, unconditional love of others (along with the various actions mentioned above,) gave me the grace to move forward without reconstructing a wall and much wisdom has been gleaned from the experience.  Time is a key element as well.  It seems we want everything done now, when if we will take the time to touch the core teaching of the experience, freedom will be found.  (It saddens me how many people seek prescriptions that only masks the teaching and keep us from really living life!) We are all given the opportunity to take our experiences, seek someone that has experience assisting others to help us ask, with a gentle heart, what we are to learn from the event. Only then the teaching will become clear and forgiveness can once again free our heart.  We are never victims, only students of life!  A footnote: please use discretion when seeking someone to assist you, you wouldn't have your car repaired by someone who drives a vehicle that is ill kept, has smoke rolling out the back and bald tires! Interview them as you would anyone for whom you are asking to care for someone you love.

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