Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
This morning I am considering the differences between "good" and "bad," "right" and "wrong," and what I have discovered is none of them really makes sense. Whatever word I choose to use to describe the polarizing energies, still does not help me understand how such contrasting words can create such havoc in the world.
When I was in the very fundamental faith, I was told "good" was God, and "bad" was the devil. Hence I grew up afraid of both. I was fearful if I didn't do certain things God would be disappointed and somehow punish me, and if I listened to the devil I would most certainly be banished to burn in hell for all of eternity. Consequently, I was constantly judging myself, my actions, my words! And, as though that wasn't enough, I judged everyone else in the same manner. It was a very tedious and joyless way to live.
This morning it is clear there is much to learn and discern about "good/bad" "right/wrong", ultimately, God and the Devil. It is certainly not my job to convince anyone what is best for them; my job is to discern for myself and take action according to what I know within my heart. And there lies the key to understanding . . . knowing one's heart!
Growing up I was told God lives in heaven, watches my actions and has a huge pad of paper on which he keeps track of what I do. I really never knew that God was within me; that God and I could be intimate friends! I am most grateful to have realized that we are, indeed, intimate partners in this life. And that everything I think, say and do is a reflection of the Creator of the Universe! Once I realized this, everything in my life changed. Never again did I feel alone, never did I feel inferior. Instead, I watched my thoughts, words and actions so that they reflected to others the divine. I wanted everyone to know the "peace" and security that comes from having a friend available 24/7. I do watch my thoughts, words and actions, but this time it's because I want others to witness the Creator and all that comes from being intimate with the divine.
I have human emotions and reactions to situations that are not uplifting, or loving; however, I know that through the situation something is being "worked out," somehow there will be a deepening of compassion and understanding if I will hold love in my heart knowing it is God that sits within.
There are, indeed, varying degrees of positive/negative, good/bad, and yet if we will allow our divine nature to guide our life, we will find our way home to hearts. What an amazing place that is!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
We had a gathering this other evening and shared what we were "harvesting" in our lives. Sometimes that question can be a bit "daunting" since most of the time we are all so busy we rarely see things growing, let alone actually ripening. Living in the North, allows one to see very clearly what the seasons brings. We can see the ripeness of Fall, stillness of Winter, awakening of Spring, and the fullness of Summer, and yet we often rarely pay attention to how that is "showing up" in our lives.
Consider, if you will, the activity of the 2011 summer for you. What sorts of events happened? Did you grow a garden, travel for a holiday, get involved in a more physical "outdoor" activity, or simply bask in the warmth of the hot summer? There are so many things we do every single day that we rarely stop to consider how "full of life" the events are.
Today, pause for a few moments and list some of the things you have done that you did not do in the Winter or Spring, then consider what effect those activities had on you physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually. Seriously, stop and write them down. Chances are those events were created in the stillness of Winter. They were something you planned, dreamed of, talked about, researched, trained for, whatever the activity is, there was a moment when the idea entered your head. I will wager it was created in the Winter; however, it may have been something you thought about last Fall when Summer concluded. It might have been something you wanted to do, but did not get around to, so you put it on your "list."
Today is the first day of Fall, you might find it worth taking a few moments to see what you are "harvesting" as a result of your actions this summer. Why do this? Because it helps you actually "see" that you are creating all the time. It just might help you stop and think about what you are "thinking about." Then to realize what a powerful force your mind is. With that realization you can consciously move through the ripeness of Fall, create in the stillness of Winter, witness the awakening or birth of new growth in Spring and see the fullness of those dreams next Summer. If all of us took this action, and we considered seeing more Peace and Harmony, consider how the world would change!
Here's to a Harvest that fills your cornucopia with the abundance of love, health, and whatever else you dream for your life! Happy Harvesting!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
As I look out at the barren desert of Nevada, I am reminded Earth Mother gives us "something for everyone." Flying over the state from Las Vegas to Reno, the entire scene below was barren land. The gentleman sitting to my right was from Las Vegas, and his love for the country side was evident. He pointed out the various land formation, where gold was being mined, where Area 51 was located, how the very distinct lines in the land below were where someone was dividing the land into parcels to be sold to people "out east," it was most interesting. When I asked where the trees were, he told me Las Vegas only gets about 1 inch of rain a year; so any foliage they have must be watered by human hands every day. I continued the questions with, "so where does the water come from?" and was told it is piped from the Hoover Dam and there are individuals seeking to have a huge waterline developed that would bring water from the Colorado River.
It was all very interesting. I told him I was a tree lover and living in the area would be impossible for me. He responded by telling me he wasn't crazy about trees because they block the view of the horizon. He says when you are in the desert you can see for miles and it is a very "expansive" feeling; the sky is visible from horizon to horizon with thousands of stars everywhere. I remember how that looks from a trip my daughter and I made to Wyoming one summer. I recall after setting up the tent looking at the then darkened skies to find stars from horizon to horizon. It was like standing on the edge of the planet (which, of course, we are; however, it doesn't feel that way until you see all the open space.) So I do understand what the gentleman was talking about.
For me, I love the tender fullness of the trees that surround the lay of the land. It's a protective feeling of being "buffered" (for lack of a better word) from all the elements one may encounter. However, every person has something that brings comfort and security to their hearts. Having such a conversation was most certainly eye opening as yet another opportunity was put in front of me to view life from someone else's perspective.
Whatever brings YOU comfort, joy, peace, harmony or any other word that can be used to describe what strokes your heart, I'd say all of us on this planet have quite the gift from Creator to find something that brings us a sense of connection to the divine.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It is a very misty morning as a new day awaits the Sun's arrival. Traffic is busy as people begin their pilgrimage to work. Wonder what is on their mind as they travel in the darkness to their employment? I certainly recall thinking, "What am I doing going to work in the dark, my body is to be sleeping if it's dark" and yet, as Fall approached, so the drive to work was done in darkness. I used to make a game out of it. I used to pretend I was a warrior, preparing to safeguard the community. It was my job to use the darkness to skillfully find the best place to situate myself to do my work. Sometimes I simply enjoyed the changes in the sky as the Moon began her descent to make room for the Sun to take center stage. I remember observing the stars as they went from sparkling brightly to being invisible all in a morning's drive. So many "events" happened on the morning drive to work, that it became my favorite time of day. In the stillness my creativity is able to play before my mind takes over planning the day concerned about deadlines and solutions to problems.
There is much to enjoy in the stillness of the morning if one is willing to play and dream "outside the box" with what is put in front of them. Guess it really does not matter if it's morning or night, it is using your creativity to put a positive slant on something that may all too often be annoying, and that is often more easily done when the "head mind" is not fully engaged!
The thought this morning, is what is heavy on your heart and mind that needs some creativity to assist with finding alternatives? You just might try thinking "outside the box" by allowing and honoring your creative spirit to assist by choosing a time when you first wake up, or just prior to going to bed. Sometimes the best solutions are found if we make a request just prior to going to bed. It may surprise you what you discover when you wake up in the morning!
The sky is beginning to lighten, although Grandfather Sun will not make an appearance for at least an half hour; what I know is a golden opportunity to discover something new, something exciting, something very different awaits my attention. Now, to allow my soul to teach me how to silence my head mind and think "outside the box" using my heart mind!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Everyone wants to be "seen," to have someone really care that they are on this planet. Everyone needs to know that if they ceased to exist someone would notice their absence. To be in 'favor' in this world gives one that assurance. Favor is different from 'favorite,' it simply means someone knows you exist to the point they are willing to acknowledge your presence.
I'm wondering this morning what it feels like to not know someone would miss you if you were not around - that someone would miss picking up the phone and calling you, or (in today's world) posting comments or reading about your adventures on your Face book page. Indeed, we all need to be loved, and the simple act of being noticed expresses such an act. Today, as you read this, stop and consider who(m) in your life or in your community might need to know you 'see' them? Is there someone you see fairly often that you have not spoken to, but you do have contact with them? Perhaps the mail person, clerk at a store, the neighbor next door? Today, allow your heart to consider who(m) that person might be, then make a decision to acknowledge them the next time you 'see' them. A greeting is a good starting point; a wave, nod, eventually a 'hello'....then you could add, 'How are you doing?' It really is quite simple and takes only a few moments to let someone know you 'see' them.
Favor, a very small word that carries a powerful message. Are you willing to spend 2 minutes to let someone know they are 'seen' by someone? It just might make YOU feel seen as well!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Am thinking about families this morning. There are so many different types, so many various ways of 'being in relationship!' Families come in all sorts of sizes and shapes; there really is no clear definition for the word. I suppose family is any group of individuals who have a sincere interest in each other, and in the unit they call a family. It is interesting how some individuals in a family seems to simply be related through blood - genetics - shared "parents." And yet, their actions seem to imply they really do not like others in the "family" unit.
Perhaps that is the teaching for me; understanding how some people choose to be unhappy despite how much others in their life extend love and compassion. It really is not about what "my" concept is anyway. Families have been around for centuries and they will continue to offer a place for individuals, like me, to figure things out. What I know, for me, is family is a bond that cannot be broken despite any actions of another. There may be individuals in the family you see only occasionally, who say disrespectful things about other family members, and despite all of that, they are still family. There is something between family members that share some sort of fond memory that will keep them connected, even if only for those few fleeting moments. Then again, maybe it's the shared relationship some individuals have for a parent or grandparent that keep them "connected." After all, most everyone loves someone in what they call their "family."
As is always the case, it is really up to me to discern what it means for me, then to get out of the way and allow others to figure out their place in the family for themselves. Darn it! I thought it was my job to make certain everyone in the family was happy! Oh, I do have to giggle!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
This summer has been a return to an old tradition for me; Canning the "harvest" of a garden. It is interesting the memories that return as the produce is planted, tended, picked and made into something for the winter. Of course, the real treat is sharing the "gifts" with family and friends. Seems such a tradition is greatly appreciated by those "receiving" the treats. No doubt, we will be making a return to such traditions as we gather in communities to discern ways to eat healthy and stay on a budget. Of course, the initial cost does involve making investments in the products needed to can and/or freeze the produce; however, in the long run, it's all really about honoring the gifts given by our divine Mother and Father.
This morning I arose at 4:30 to can some tomato sauce I left cooking in the crock pot last night. Didn't sleep well because the smell kept waking me up! That's an okay reason to wake up, it reminds one their actions are reaping rewards, and that's a much better reason then waking up because our actions weren't so positive!
Much like life, planting, tending, picking and gathering the harvest provides a visual product showing the results of our actions. Next time you receive a homemade product from someone, consider the intention and attention it took to offer you such a gift. Sure he/she could have gone to the store and purchased you something similar, and to be honest, it probably would have been less expensive for the person. However, when someone loves deeply, they prefer to give of their time and resources to plant, tend, pick and gather the harvest as a way to share what is in their heart. If you have not experienced gardening, it is well worth the effort to feel the dirt in your hands, heat on your back and sweat on your brow from fully engaging with your divine Mother and Father. Perhaps the next time someone gives you a small jar of homemade jelly, you can see the size of the heart in the person handing it to you.
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