Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Am sitting on the couch at my Mother's in Florida this joyful morning. Discovered a channel on the TV that has a fireplace with Christmas stockings hanging from the mantel. I hit the mute button so as not the wake my Mother or there would be Christmas music playing. What a delightful idea someone had to make your TV appear as a fireplace, complete with a rolling fire! My Mother has a ceramic Christmas tree that is all of 18 inches tall, however, it is the sweetest tree . . . very colorful with a gold star at the top. Someone gifted it to her many years ago and it serves to be quite useful and festive. It sits directly beside the TV (now serving as a fireplace.) It's quite a sweet display this Christmas morning.
Neale Donald Walsch wrote a very sweet inspirational message for this morning that truly depicts the "reason for the season." If you desire or need inspirational words each day, he offers an email message that is always quite timely, and, very informative. With all the distractions life brings, an inspirational message each day offers a "light" in the darkness of confusion, protest and overall dismal news we are confronted with each day. I must admit, of recent, I have noticed more programs on TV offering stories of hope, compassion and overall goodness from and to others in communities. When I am "at home" I only have a select number of TV channels since I only use rabbit ears! "At home" I am busy doing other things besides sitting in front of the TV. My Mother spends a lot of time in front of the TV, so I have been exposed to more of what is being shown. Overall, there are more programs sharing stories of goodwill then were at prior visits. I am most grateful for those that choose to offer our world something pleasant, hopeful, inspiring to watch. There are many people, like my Mother, who are not as mobile as they once were, it is good to see there are programs showing the "compassionate" side of our world.
As I look over my small laptop at the roaring fire on the TV screen, I am grateful to have the opportunity to be connected the the warmth offered through generous and caring TV program creators. While it's not "home," it does remind me of the "fire within" that burns with a desire to see more sweetness in the world, more peace, more people living the example of the one we celebrate today - Jesus. He walked his talk; there is much we can learn from his example. Just imagine the possibilities for peace on this planet if more of us lived as he did. With New Year's just around the corner, it might be good to consider adding some of those teachings in our resolutions for 2012. It matters not our "religious" affiliation, his teachings on how to live life are universal truths that bring peace and love to the world. I will conclude by saying, "I'm in!"
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
There are so many changes these days it makes my head spin trying to keep up with them. On nearly every level things are moving, shape-shifting, "in process," evolving. It is part of life, just as sleeping, eating, waking, and all the other routines we do each day. Change brings more change, and most of us move through them quite well. Of course, there are some areas we would like to not change so much, and still we move with them (perhaps screaming and kicking, but we move with them.)
In order to make adjustments, we feel more secure when we know there are some "constants," things that are the same, or at least still around. I have observed the moon each evening, and this morning she woke me up as she streamed through the bedroom window. I'm not real savvy with understanding the "technical" terms, but I believe she's in a "waning" phase. That's to say, she's becoming of low visibility until such time that she begins her move toward becoming full once again. Of recent, she's becoming a smaller slice in the night sky. I find it interesting where she appears in the sky as well - there doesn't seem to be a particular order as to precisely where she will be. One thing is for certain, she will be in the night sky. Even with clouds, she is generally subtly visible if you really look. Sometimes it takes some searching, but she's there.
Being a traveler, I enjoy the different terrain of places. I find it absolutely amazing how Earth Mother takes so many shapes and forms (how some people do not believe in a Creator is beyond my understanding.) Nonetheless, when home feels far and the time accumulates that I am gone, I find much comfort watching Grandmother Moon move about in the night sky. I think she knows I am ready to be home because she's placed herself just outside the bedroom window the past few nights.
I am grateful for this constant, for knowing that wherever I am, however I feel, she will be visible in the night sky. She reminds me of the many "phases" of my being. That whatever I feel, it will change, it will return to a full balance if I will just move with the change and know, without a shadow of doubt, that it is all part of the evolution of life. There are constants in all our lives if we will notice and stay grateful for them. Like good friends, the moon moves through her rhythms, shows different "faces," and yet, she is a constant that can be counted on. It's up to me to pay attention and notice her presence.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Isn't it interesting how people can see the same event, listen to the same speech and each have a different interpretation? No doubt it is one of the fascinating experiences we have here on Earth that keeps us curious, asking questions and often scratching our heads! What causes us to see things differently? Perhaps it is our family of origin teachings that effect the way in which we receive information? Maybe it's the media? Could it be we have relied so heavily on what they report that we have forgotten how to process information within ourselves?
I am curious as to how many other people feel the same way. It never ceases to amaze me how something said or done can be so twisted and contorted to fit a completely different view then the sender intended. This has recently been in my face and I gratefully accept the opportunity to simply step back and observe. What a delicious place to be, it sure beats the heck out of explaining what my message really meant. I am grateful for the gift of compassion that helps me move through life knowing the only thing I really am in charge of is myself. How someone else interprets it is up to them. My job is to pay attention to how I deliver message.
Simple misunderstandings are common, I recall a situation when I was working for the Indiana State Senate and a page asked a Senator if he could get him anything. The Senator replied to the young man, "yes, I'll take an orange." When the young man returned with an "orange," the Senator looked at him strange and said, "I meant an orange soda."
I've never forgotten that story because it shows how simple words can be misunderstood, even when each party had great intentions. And so, I make every attempt to consider what my message is, then notice how I feel before delivering the information. I do not have control over how it is received; rather, I'm only responsible for my actions. It can be a very perplexing situation since emotions are easily stirred. What a perplexing situation . . . think I'll sign off and get an "orange," at least I know what I mean!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
The inner chatter seems to be more gentle these days; boy am I grateful! There was a time when my thoughts were loud and boisterous. Of course, they rarely had nice things to say to me; mostly, they were questioning my choices and "encouraging me" to second guess my decisions. How very grateful I am they have become my friend! Now when they speak to me they are in smooth, round words and more in the tone of a a gentle reminder to "pay attention." Whew, what a relieve!
These whispers have become my friend, they seem to have listened to my request to assist me with the changes I select and offer guidance with decisions. They also serve as a grand mirror to show me how much more loving and gentle I am to myself. With soft words of love they guide my path in whatever direction I choose . . . I am most grateful for these Whispers!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It's a slippery slope to really love each other. Books are written, movies made, songs created to describe what it feels like to love someone; to actually allow someone to enter the most sacred place of our being. Of course, trust is the key element, for if there is not trust, a wall surrounds our heart that keeps watch for suspicious activity. It is a natural reaction to protect one's heart, for that is the place where our core human need resides - Love!
Every person alive needs love above all else. Food, shelter, a place to reside and feel safe are basic needs that make life more comfortable, but without Love, nothing is important. As much as we talk about love, it takes tremendous courage to really share it with others. It all begins within. Each of us must love ourselves before we can really love someone else. We have to know what love feels like, what it means to be listened to and acknowledged as a sacred human being. To do this, we must take time every day to simply "be" with ourselves. Whether it's in the silence of the drive to or from work, or in the quietness just before rising in the morning or concluding our day, each of us must pause and reflect on our actions. Did we think and do something that added more joy to our heart and to the world around us, or did we simply do what felt best for us, without regard for those around us?
Loving each other is a great goal for this Holiday Season, in fact, it's the best gift you can give yourself and those around you. I choose to pay attention to what strengths I have that can add joy to the world, and to change those traits that do not serve me or those around me so that they do add more love to the world. It is marvelous to realize the power we have to BE what we want to see more of in the world!
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