Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Sleep eludes me tonight as I consider the journey of parenting. After recently returning to the role of Guidance counselor at a high school for a brief month, I am reminded what strength and courage it takes to be the parent of a teenager. While each situation is very unique, there are many commonalities involved with parenting teenagers.
We had a case conference with the mother of four children, two of which are teenagers, and the weariness on her face brought back memories of thousands of other such faces I've seen over my twenty plus years as a Guidance counselor. Searching for answers as to what to do to help one's child move through the ever changing dynamics of puberty - such things as adjusting to different teachers personalities and teaching styles to moving through friendships as peers begin to develop new ways to express their changing personalities and beliefs. All this while the young person is finding their emotions moving through a gamut of feelings that have yet to be explored.
What one needs through such times of changing dynamics within and without is a stable base; something or someone that is a constant. That is to say, a "soft place to land," as Dr. Phil likes to say! That "place" is generally a person, although it may literally be a physical place to which one can go and pause, reflect, remember and reconnect to simpler times.
The interesting dilemma is the caregiver is more than likely moving through such significant life changes at the same time as the young person! That creates quick a situation for both parties! What once worked so well, contributed to the emotional and mental stability for a person is now uprooted and rather than being a "safe place" becomes a source of disappointment and upheaval. Parents that once managed the relationship with their children very well, now wonder what alien has taken them over!
For the young person who used to think their caregiver was the "center of their universe" there is confusion over how to not be so attached. They truly begin to think about how they will manage their life separate from their caregiver(s). Unfortunately, for most young people, those feelings are not always "available" for them to clearly understand, hence, they express their fear with seeming distaste for the one they used to so deeply need. Most generally it is a bloody collision course!
The simple truth is, both caregiver and child need each other. They need to somehow manage to keep the life cycle changes within the context for which it is occurring - both of them need to remember the love that binds them. In the final analysis, it is the caregiver that must summons the strength to remember that simple truth. They must pray for strength to move through their changes and keep their anchor in the remembering of what it was like to be an adolescent beginning their journey into adulthood.
My heart is heavy for caregivers confronting such life situations. I remember all too well how overwhelming it felt to look at my beautiful child and wonder if I could have done something different so my child did not have to experience such pangs of frustration - and, at the same time, I prayed for the time to arrive when they would leave home! Oh what guilt I felt about such feelings! As in all life's situations, looking back somehow erases the deep doubt, inner struggle and downright "yucky" feelings and all that is left is the laughter that comes from sharing the stories of the "survival!"
I could not tell that mother who shed tears of frustration and fear in front of me today that one day she would laugh about the situation, all I could do was listen to her heart, offer a few recommendations for finding the support she needs and add her to my long list of prayers. I know she and her children will one day laugh about this period in time. but not before there are many tears shed between them. That "soft spot" never changes - it is the unconditional love that helps us find the balance in our lives to move through life's journey! And it is the one contributing factor that helps us become better human beings! When one is loved through the "awkward" times when we have no idea who we are, it helps us find our own inner strength; and it teaches us how to love others unconditionally! Ah, parenting - it is the greatest joy and biggest fear one can experience! What a tremendous gift for those willing to have their heart completely opened!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
While waiting in line to pay for the items needed to prepare our family Gathering, a conversation between the clerk and the customer in front of me could be heard. One was commenting about the Christmas decorations and how Thanksgiving seemed to be "lost." As the person in front of me began to pay for her merchandise, I commented how interesting it is that being grateful seemed to be sandwiched between Halloween and Christmas and how it seemed most important to take the time to be thankful - they both agreed.
In the same day, a man and I were standing in front of two adjoining cash registers checking out and the cashier asked him how he was celebrating Thanksgiving. He commented his children would be seeing "his ex-wife" so he planned to get some work done around the house. As he took his merchandise, he said to the cashier, "Thanksgiving's no big deal to me, I'm not a pilgrim."
As we gather with our friends, families, or simply choose to be alone, my wish for all of us is that we take the time to consider the amazing gifts we have every day. Even those events that hurt our heart give us an opportunity to pause, reflect, and choose to create the life we desire. It is that simple. However, if we merely focus on the "commercial" side of holidays, we may miss the opportunity to notice the amazing gift we have to create the life our hearts want.
Today I will be a "pilgrim!" I will take the time to listen and explore my heart. I will respect it enough to ask what it feels and needs. I have learned to do this after having it closed for many years when I was "asleep" and did not realize I had a choice. I am grateful for the return of love I see every day in the brave men, women and children that are asking for what they need from a basic human emotional level; rather than the material one. From the lady who noticed the "oversight" of Thanksgiving, to the man who heart needs heard, I am given the reminder to take the time to notice the condition of my heart and take action to create exactly what I want to see more of in my life, and in the world!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
As I look out my bedroom window I see one star shining brightly in the East. Sort of reminds me of the star that led the shepherds to baby Jesus! That may sound a bit "grandiose" but that's the first thing that pops in my head. What is most interesting is it was there when I went to bed - does that sound unusual or what? So, as I notice it sparkling in the still dark morning sky, I wonder what's beyond this place I call "home" and what is its message to me?
I like thinking of such things, it somehow helps me know there is something beyond the experiences I have here on Earth. I am comforted in the reminder I am not alone ... ever! As I gaze at the night sky I imagine my ancestors watching over me and it brings great comfort to my heart. I imagine some of you have lost someone during your lifetime as I have, but it somehow brings a warm feeling to my heart to feel that he or she is not really very far away.
And so this morning, as the hint of dawn dims the brilliance of the one star out the East window of my bedroom, I send my gratitude to my loved one, my ancestors, to the Creator for providing me yet another reminder how very loved and watched over I am, and for the assurance that although I may not "see" them, they are always with me! And for the reminder, that if I pay attention, I am always being guided throughout my walk here on Earth.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It is not always easy to learn things about yourself, and yet, it is the very way in which we become better human beings. Case in point: It was brought to my attention that some of my writings seems to be "pointing the finger." That is to say, it is as though "I" am exempt from the teachings in which I write about. That was a very important awareness for which I am most grateful to have been brought to my attention.
Everything I write about is from personal experience. Every emotion, disappointment, perplexity, joy and silliness comes from my life! I was taught to get the "I" out of the conversation so as to not put the focus on me. It is a way to notice the "ego" that is so readily willing to emerge! Therefore, most of my writing excludes the "I." Be assured the writings come from my heart where every attempt is made to understand life, relationships and other such perplexities that comes from human actions and reactions.
Being vigilant with observing my thoughts, words and actions is at the forefront of my life and it is my hope what is shared offers anyone interested an opportunity to pause, reflect and examine his or her life as well. The Mayan have a saying, "You are another myself," and when we look into the great Smoking Mirror, hopefully, we can see what is beautiful, possible and waiting to be loved! I am humbled by my friend's honesty!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
I am thinking this morning about prayer. In particular, my heart is asking for this storm heading to the East coast to be more gentle than they are speculating it will be. Of course, the media likes to "hype" everything up to excite us into concern so that we become glued to our TV's. However, this morning my heart called to me to send gentleness and love to "Sandy." In life I do that for those I know who are angry, sad, confused, so why not send loving thoughts toward such a powerful storm that can bring such wrath to that section of the world.
So, those thoughts led me to consider prayer. That word is used often when we speak of needing some assistance, clarity or simply a more comfortable state of being. Whatever a person's religious views, prayer seems to be a universally accepted word that means the same thing for many different faiths. It is an act of compassion. Therefore, it is my request those of you that read this pause for a few moments and send heart-felt gentleness to "Sandy." Just maybe she will feel the powerful energy that love brings and move out to the ocean, or at the very least, lessen her intensity. Just as the cold front, pull of the tides and the full moon are influencing her, join me as we pray for gentleness and peace. It is most certainly worth a try! And who knows, we may learn a little more about the power of Prayer!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
An "unexpected" rain storm, complete with thunder and lightning, arrived this morning. Despite all the technology used to track weather an "unpredicted" storm no doubt work many sleeping families. As I enjoyed the mysterious event, it occurred to me how life presents such "unexpected" events as well. I may be moving through life with grace and ease and seemingly out of no where comes a fierce bolt of "weather."
Despite my preparation for life, (if there is such a thing!) such happenings all too often shake me at my roots and bring me directly into the present moment. For me, it is a reminder of the very insignificant control I have in life. I can do my best to "follow the rules" of being a compassionate human being to those around me, and yet, other humans also have a chose as to how to exist in this world. The things I think, say and do may be well intended, and yet someone may interpret them in a completely different way then my intentions.
It is a slippery slope we walk in this human experience, and yet, we continue to re-experience life here on Earth. Perhaps it's the "meteorology" of life that keeps us on our toes and on the "watch" for those bolts of lightning that come so unexpectedly. Whatever the case be, life does offer us the opportunity to pay attention and move through the "weather" of life so that we may be of service. I have found that such unexpected events can teach me something I may have taken for granted that needs to be shape-shifted into a new way of moving through life.
As the rumble of thunder resounds outside I am grateful for the opportunity to really pay attention to my thoughts, words and deeds. For without being present, I can easily fall back to sleep and ignore the gift of change that such events bring. Instead, I can move into the place of judgment of myself and/or others as a way of making sense of those "bolts of lightning!" Just as the weather cannot always be predicted, neither can the circumstances of life that happens when I least expect it.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
As the temps cool and color blankets the landscape now is a good time to begin the journey inward. Life offers diverse opportunities from which to experience the richness of being human. With spring we greet the newness of growth as we eagerly welcome the warmth, color and freshness that comes after a long winter's rest.
Next is the carefree experience of summer that offers us time to gather with friends, drink cold lemonade, eat the fresh veggies and fruits of our gardens and enjoy the coolness of our favorite "swimming hole." After a very hot summer, life now offers us the opportunity to snuggle into warm clothes, tell stories around a campfire, and enjoy the briskness Fall's beauty.
What a marvelous time to begin our journey into our hearts and homes as we move into the Holiday season's in front of us. From the "spooky" time of Halloween, grateful time of Thanksgiving, to the celebration of the Western world's Christmas, time is set aside to gather with friends and family and catch up on what has unfolded in each of our lives.
Pause for a moment, if you will, and consider the diversity of colors Fall presents. It just might help you appreciate the many facets of life that awaits your presence! Choose to really "see" life and appreciate what is truly important. The distractions offered by daily life experiences are really of little value in the big scheme of things. Join me and choose to really "Fall" into life! Earth is such a beautiful place to be!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Dementia is something directly in front of me at this time. I saw my Great Grandfather go through this, then my Grandmother. During that time I do not recall hearing my Mother talk or react much to what was happening. Perhaps it was because I was a young adult absorbed with raising my children. Now that my Mother has dementia, I am learning first-hand the impact it has on those left to care for the person. It is confusing, frustrating, extremely sad, and most definitely an opportunity to be authentic with myself and those in my life.
I have spent most of my life being a "Peace-maker," trying to the best of my ability to uplift others, help them find their strength and to believe in him or herself. During this experience all the "tools" in my medicine bag have seen the light of day multiple times. Every thing I have learned about staying centered, relying on Creator for guidance and dealing with the "shadow side" of myself have been directly "in front of me!"
Many years ago, my daughter told me she felt dementia (in all the various forms and labels) is really a way for a soul to forget this life so they can move onto the Spirit side. While it was said on a whim, it an was extremely wise and accurate assessment of this "dis-ease." My mother spent most of her life quiet, reserve and grateful for her family. This is not the woman she is today.
As a mature woman, I find myself learning many things about my Mother that are not pleasant to realize. It is quite discerning to discover personality traits that were obviously hidden all those years and see the consequences of those "secrets." And yet, it is developing my ability to be compassionate. Some of the things have left my heart aching, fired up my "shadow side," and brought forth tears from the frustration of knowing that nothing I do can help. It is a most challenging life event. And one in which I am certain there is much I can share with those that come behind me. Had I a hint of the emotional roller coaster it would bring I could have somehow searched for guidance before I stood in the middle of it.
So, if any of you have experience with the various forms of dementia, please share them. According to medical findings it is on the rise. While I have no fear of getting dementia, I am taking strides to keep myself in good mental, physical and emotional health. And, I do this more for my children than for me. There are no words to describe the effects it has on those directly caring for the dementia patient, especially if they are a parent. You certainly expand your understanding of unconditional love!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
This Clan Mother teaches how to live the Truth. She guides those willing to listen to that sacred Within Place, the space within our hearts where we really already know the Truth. She helps us develop our skills of dependability, inner knowing, achievements and goals by realizing we are vastly more than our physical bodies! She is a grand teacher on how to live an impeccable life.
Jamie Sams shares the Seneca teachings bestowed on her by her elders in such a way as to offer treasures at our feet. IF you are ready for your life to be enriched by the Creator's Truth, then by all means purchase her book and watch your life transform. "The 13 Original Clan Mothers," by Jamie Sams, is rich in Truth and if you will follow each month's teaching for one complete year, you WILL notice a deepened awareness of who you truly are.
With all the searching for answers we humans move through in our lives, the journey can become quite burdensome. We lumber through facts, theories, teachings, and story telling as a way to satisfy our inner searching for meaning. All of that is well and good, and will no doubt add to a deeper understanding of life. I have been such a "student" of the searching soul and I can tell you these teachings will assist you with finding your inner Truth!
As surely as the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West, the universe awaits our questions. And the answers you find will be felt deep within as an knowing. Trust your gut as you weave through what you hear and observe, and notice how the colors around you become more rich. Truly, when your hearts begin to open, colors intensify, smells are stronger, and your step in life will become lighter.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Every being on the planet can feel the change! Whether it is an answer to our prayers for something different, new, or simply an option to the status quo, the SHIFT is here! If we look over our shoulder at what is behind us, we can most definitely see how we are different today then we were even a day or two ago.
As we turn to face what is in front of us, we can see the world is evolving. For some it may seem frightening since what they knew to be certain is no longer the same. And yet at one time or another most of us have asked for something in our lives to change. All too often when things actually do change, we feel uprooted from what is known which generally leaves most of us feeling a bit (or a lot!) unsettled.
It is a great paradox that we want change, and yet want things to be the same. None-the-less, we move through life, wobble with the "shifts" presented before us, and eventually regain our balance. And more times than not, we find a very welcomed newness as a result of the change. Imagine for a moment how boring it would be if things stayed the same all the time!
As we move through this marvelously delicious time of great "shifts," may we embrace the birth waiting in the great "unknown" and welcome the uncertainly. Deepak Chopra so wisely states, "Through the wisdom of uncertainty I will find my security!" That small statement carries a wealth of teaching about how to live in faith and trust with the entire universe. It is one thing to talk about having faith and trust, and quite another thing to actually demonstrate it in our actions! Having this divine partnership with something greater than ourselves helps all of us to keep our balance when the "Shift happens" in our world and in our lives--if we are willing to embrace it!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Imagine what the world would be like if we did not have choices! We would all march around like "cookie cutter" robots. We would be poured out of the same mold, given our "assignment" for this life and off we would go to fulfill someone else's destiny for us.What a boring life it would be!
Instead, we are given lots of opportunities to choose what our "destiny" will be. We have the freedom to choose our career, a mate, where we want to live, how we eat, sleep, play, and worship! (just to name a few!) Why we have so many opportunities to choose, no wonder we complain about all the decisions to make. And yet, what would life be like if someone made all our decisions for us? No doubt life would lack luster because someone else was doing the choosing. No one knows what makes your heart sing but you!
Consider the tremendous gift we have to be able to make choices in our life. The next time you complain about your life, go to the mirror, look deep into your eyes and say, "OK, time for us to choose something new." What a marvelous country we live in that we are given the freedom to choose, and if we do not like that choice, we can step away, regroup and choose again. It might be good to remember this the next time you want to complain about your life or the world. Take responsibility and do something to change what no longer works. Whether it's in your life, work environment, or community, do something to bring about change. It beats the heck out of complaining!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
I was reminded this morning what happens to the heart when someone feels "wronged." There was a very dear person important in my life who went through an experience that hurt his/her heart very much. At the time it was clear the dynamics were intense, and that actions and words had been said that would have a great impact on the family dynamics. As is all too often the case, the effects seeped onto the friends of all concerned and the division lines were drawn.
It is a quandary to deal with such events when as a friend to the family, you wish only to see all parties happy, and peacefulness restored to all concerned. Unfortunately, however, we do not have the power to control such events. All any of us can do is look within our own hearts to see if the peaceful we seek for others is present within ourselves.
For this moment, I am grateful for the love within my heart, family, and community that holds a reflection for those with a broken heart to see, feel, and access to help heal his/her injured heart. While my humanness would like to "help," my soul knows only the Creator can perform such "heart surgery!" There is, within my heart, a vacant space waiting for the "broken-hearted" one to return.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Have you ever watched cows graze in the field? They have a slow, steady pace about life. Rarely, if ever, do you see cows running anywhere. Even if it is storming they find their way to shelter well before the "effects" are felt and therefore have no reason to hurry. With the current hot weather we have had, it has been interesting to notice how they flock together under the trees in the field to seek shelter from the direct rays of the sun. When the rain has been plentiful, you will often see cows standing in ponds of water to cool their body. They seem to know instinctively what to do to take care of themselves.
I recently visited my brother in Kentucky and one morning took his routine walking path along the hills and hollers. The cows (and bulls) stared at me as though to check out the "new face" on the block! As I walked past them, I made no audible sound; rather, kept my eyes locked with theirs and silently said, "Hello!" Slowly and very methodically they chewed their cud and moved their heads as I passed. It was as though they did not have a care in the world. Perhaps that is why the expression, "the contented cow!" Cows seem to take life one moment at a time and trust their instincts to deal with what is in front of them. It was at that time the thought occurred to me; perhaps, the cow knows something that would be good for me to remember - to trust my instincts and simply be content where I am!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Consider if you will, what an opportunity we all have in front of us! This record breaking heat wave has given all of us the opportunity to look at our life and ask what needs removed. Much like winter offers us time to go within to consider what we want to see more of in our life, so this sweltering heat is doing! Most of us are fortunate enough to have some means to cool ourselves so much of the weekend was probably spent within our homes, at a movie, shopping mall or some place with air conditioning. I noticed the local news reported attendance at museums was up last week; that is certainly a healthy sign that families are spending time together.
As we move through this hot summer, pause for a few moments and ask yourself, "What do I want to allow this heat to 'burn away,' and how can I use this to assist me." I will just bet you know precisely what you'd like to offer up to the "sun god" that will make your life more joyful, more fun, and filled with adventure. Here's a challenge to take state what you want to "burn away," and welcome the newness that comes with the new growth.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
There is a sweetness that flows from Gentleness. It is the unblemished truth of life. Imagine what the world will become when everyone learns the art of Gentleness!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It never ceases to amaze me the ways in which Fathers have changed over the years. In the past, many saw their primary role as "breadwinner," while others wished to be more involved but had no reference point from which to engage. In my sixty-plus years on the planet, Fathers have gone from "Knowing what is best," and being the only parent to work outside the home, to choosing to be fully engaged as a caregiver. It is a welcoming sight to watch these strapping men wrap themselves with a baby carrier and head for the store. What a marvelous sight to behold!
I guess if women are going to focus on exploring their life outside the perimeters of the home, and choose to focus on careers, it is good to have Fathers picking up the caregiving. Of course, this is not to say women best meet the child's needs by staying at home - in fact, for many that is far from the case. It is simply an interesting observation to see how the focus of caring for children has changed. Afterall, it really does not matter who gives the nurturing, what is important is that at least one of the parents feed that need, and hopefully, both do!
Nor am I saying women cannot provide nurturing to their children if they work outside the home. That also is completely false! For it is not the "quantity" of affection, rather, it is the "quality" that has the greatest impact. If the primary caregiver does not truly feel called to stay home and care for the child, they cannot and will not provide the unconditional love every child deserves and needs. Therefore, many parents best do this when they find the balance between career and family. Often times a family member, or hired caregiver is best suited to meet these needs. Adults that are happy within their hearts make the best caregivers for they can sincerely give to others what they give to themselves.
On this Father's day, take a few moments to really look at the Fathers in the world. Or, simply look in your neighborhood and you'll see how important and vital the role of Father is to the children in your community. Both the feminine and masculine create a balanced child. Whether it comes from the Mother or Father does not really matter - what is important is both qualities are honored and present to help a child develop into a healthy adult!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
How much time do you spend in silence? Now might be a good time to consider how often you have complete silence in your day. For some people it would take some contemplating to figure that out. We seem to be flooded with noise from the time the alarm goes off to the last TV show, or computer program we turn off before going to bed. Some people even sleep with the TV going all night!
There's much that can be learned in the silence. You might be able to really hear that voice in your head that's constantly telling you what needs done, how you messed something up, that you're gaining weight, talking too much, not listening enough, forgot to pay a bill - and the list goes on. Truth is, even IF you have no music or TV going, there's much chattering going on in your head all the time!
Try this - Take 10 minutes today to sit in complete silence and see what happens. My hunch is you'll be getting up for a note pad and pen so you can write down what your "head" reminds you needs done! It really is very humourous to listen to the rantings of one's head. Our brain is an amazing device that somehow knows what we need even when we are not certain. And as soon as we realize we need it, our head starts running through our options. What a tremendous gift we have to be so guided by an intelligence that never turns off! It is always available, always very eager to offer suggestions, advise, corrections, even if we have not asked! Hmm, sounds like some people I know!
Silence offers us the opportunity to notice the conversation going on 24/7, and to take note of whether it is our best friend, or worst enemy! So, if you are brave, try sitting in the silence for 10 minutes each morning and each evening and if you are courageous, see if you can get your brain to stop talking for 2 minutes of that time! It will be adventure, I promise you that! Then let us know how it went for you!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
The "buzz" in Indiana is, of course, the "500!" Hundreds of thousands of people will gather to watch cars race around the speedway. If you have attended you can attest to the fact that most participants rarely come to just watch the cars. It is a sight to behold to witness how human choose to be "entertained!" It is easy to make judgments about some behaviors, because the actions of some "characters" are beyond descriptive words! It is, truly, an experience! And as I write these words, I have to chuckle at my personal reactions to the first one I attended. Years later, after I had lived a little life, I realized it was an opportunity to "go beyond" my own sense of how people "should" or "shouldn't" behave. I am forever grateful for my very first Indy 500!
With that said, I am grateful for the many experiences that have helped me stretch beyond my "itsy-bitsy" frame of reference in life. Throughout every single jaw-dropping, "oh my gosh" reactions in life, (and being raised very old-fashioned, I've had many!) I have grown as a sacred human being. I have to smile when I consider how the "moral judgments" I've made throughout my life actually helped me develop in wisdom. Each experience expanded my ability to show compassion and love unconditionally in that I had to look at myself, notice my judgments, and take action to move in a different direction! Heck, I have decided some of those individuals "acting out" were actually much braver than I! At least they were willing to "BE" their authentic self and not care about others opinions! I have spent a great deal of my life making certain I "do it right!"
As the green flag is waved in life, race around at whatever speed you choose, take some risks and notice the amazing people moving along in the traffic with you. Then when the checkered flag is waved, notice that we all are really winners because we've shared the ride together!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Beginning today with the solar eclipse, several big events are expected to occur over the next couple of months. They say it has been 18 years since the last solar eclipse. Many towns on the East coast have scheduled big gatherings to observe this event. Here in the mid-west we will not see much of it; however, the energy of the event will still be available for those of us seeking assistance with the changes within our lives.
Imagine what this event means on a very deep level. The sun represents the Masculine, or in Native American teachings, the Grandfather. It carries the wisdom of the energy that takes us out into the world and really warms the dreams, creations, soul-level gifts that are sitting in our hearts "percolating!" The power within the sun really helps us bring forth and carry out into the world what we have to offer. The masculine energy gives us the courage to take the action needed to see those gifts come to fruition.
The moon represents the Feminine, or in the Native American teachings, the Grandmother. This energy is what holds and births our gifts. It is in the quiet darkness within that our deepest dreams are created. As the moon shows her face in the darkness of the night, so in the silence within our hearts, we touch our core that carries our dreams. Within the darkened cave of our inner being, human guidelines and rules have little influence. This is why meditation is so crucial to our overall well-being in every level of our lives. It was described to me in the following way: Prayer is talking to God, Meditation is listening to the divine!
The Creator of the Universe is giving us the opportunity to access the dynamic and powerful energy both the Moon and Sun have to offer. Why not use that energy to help "rebalance" your feminine and masculine (yin and yang)? If for only a few moments you "sit in the silence of your heart"and witness the intimacy between two very powerful forces, I am certain you will feel the passion within yourself conceiving new dreams!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It is that time of year to pause and recognize the Mother's in the world. Hopefully, we begin at home letting our "Mother" know how grateful we are for her. (whether it's an Aunt, Grandma, adopted Mother, teacher or another woman) Some people may have Mothers that raised them in such a way he/she has to "flip the coin" to see what they learned had merit in his/her life. As in any situation, we have to look at what we learned. If your Mother was harsh, overbearing, or generally not present, if you "flip the coin" you will see you learned how to be tender, compassionate and attentive if you will use the experience to become the parent to your children you wanted from yours.
Make no mistake, a Mother sets the tone for who we become. Through the manner in which she spoke to her child, to the way in which she fed him/her, she laid the foundation for how we viewed ourselves and the world. Perhaps it is because we were held in her womb for nine months (plus or minus,) felt all her emotions, heard her heart beat, and lavished in a protective cushion of moisture that created that bond. It most definitely gave us an introduction to the human race, and from there we came into the world with our first impression already set in place. For most of us, it was a grand experience! It was after we arrived we learned the "other" ways of life!
Finally, on this Mother's Day, if you are not a biological or adoptive parent, you still may be a "Mother" of some creation; some amazing idea, painting, or other artistic creation, or you may offer younger ones around you a gentle, loving recognition that he/she is important in this world. All of those components make up being a Mother. Here's to a fabulous day of remembering love comes in many forms, and always, it has an influence on someone around you, whether you recognize it or not!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Three Amigas are sharing lemon mint water, homemade caramels and some giggles as one says to the other, "you look completely different than you did three days ago, what's happened?" The second Amiga responds, "It's been a tremendous three days of healing," and she continued to share the events and people she had visited to assist her with making a shift in her life. (This Amiga broke her back in January and found herself in the thralls of stillness that led her to much time for introspection. Interestingly, she had been searching for a new way of being in her life.)
She said, "I knew I was ready for something, just wasn't certain how to do it, so with a lot of patience, love and determination, it's finally clear. I feel more joy than I have for a long time, and I know what I want to do. I'm not certain how and where I'll do it, but I trust that will be made clear also."
The third Amiga spoke up and said, "So, you did know how to 'turn your corner,' all you had to do was be patient, loving and determined and your clarity and joy followed. So, now you know what to do the next time you have another corner to turn!"With that, the three giggled very grateful they had each other to witness the unfolding of each other's hearts! And, that at least one Amiga knew how to make such delicious caramels!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Spring has arrived with great warmth and it is a delight to see the birth of nature at its very best. Spring rains have been steady and consistent which has contributed to the rapid growth. Why, you can sit on your porch and almost hear the stretching of leaves, grass, and various plants as they emerge from their winter's hibernation. Such a fertile time of newness that offers each of us the opportunity to consider what we would like to bring forth this season.
Winter is a time of stillness, of resting within our homes as we wait to see what the cold season will present. This year in Indiana, we saw little snow; instead, we had the bareness of the winter. For some that represents death since everything is pretty drab. However, for things to be birthed there is a dying away that must occur.
With spring in front of us, now is a good time to consider what we would like to see grow in our lives. Each of us have something we are ready to put aside and something we would like to focus our energy and time to create. So, now is a good time to take the steps needed to see it put in some shape or form. Spring is a time to birth those dreams, actually take action to see material results from something we have on our "bucket list," "new year's resolution," or whatever word we choose to describe something we have always wanted to do.
Through the spring rain, we are given the symbolic reminder that gray skies produce the very element needed to feed the fullness of the beauty we observe during the next six months. Our personal "gray days" can produce the same richness in our lives IF we will see it as a feeding of our dreams rather than a hindrance to their manifestation. Now is a good time to use what seemed "gloomy" as fertilizer for the outgrowth within that germinated during the winter months. Here's to spring rains that enrich, nurture and support those "seedlings" that knew they could be something very beautiful!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Recently, a friend of mine has been dreaming about a picture being auctioned for charity by a sorority to which she belongs. She has loved hummingbirds for most of her life and this painting was of one. The other day she shared how very much she wants that painting for her home. As my other friend and I were listening to her speak so passionately about the painting, my friend asked her where she would place it in her home. The friend wanting the picture quickly responded she did not know since she had not hung any of the pictures currently in her house.
It was so delightful to watch her realize this would be her very first picture to hang in her home. It is a joy to witness someone claiming a "first," even if it's merely hanging a picture! After all, this is not just "some" picture, this is one that holds great meaning to her. Within just a few seconds, she quickly identified the "spot," and shared with us where it would be.
Today she called and said the picture also had a dragonfly with the hummingbird, and she had just hung a dragonfly figure beside the entrance door to her house. She knew there had to be some significance to that, so she called me to ask what medicine the dragonfly carried.
She was thrilled to learn the dragonfly carries the energy to burst through illusions. That whatever belief you have that is limited, outdated, or simply doesn't "fit,"can be carried away with the dragonfly. It was amazing to realize that this painting she loved so much, carried the message that when you break through the illusions in your life, you find your true JOY (which is the medicine of the hummingbird.) As a healer, she was "over-the-top" excited about what has entered her life. She broke her back less than three months ago and has been given the opportunity to be idle so her dreams can become very clear. Now, at the perfect time, she has realized what the past three months have been all about.
What a gift artist give to us, and what a gift, those willing to truly "see" happening in their life give to world! May the dragonfly enter your life to help you burst through your illusions so the Joy may enter the world, one person at a time, and it can begin with you!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
While writing in my journal this morning, something very important jumped off the pages. Anyone who knows me will tell you I look for the positives in every situation. Granted, sometimes it takes some searching, but, it does work. One can always find something they can glean from the experience that will help them stay focused on what is working, rather than what is not working. This morning was no exception.
What was realized this morning was how very fortunate we are to live in the United States. With all the hubbub about our differences, politically speaking, what is splattered all over the media is who is "right" and who is "wrong," regarding social, economic, and spiritual concerns. Elections have a way of bringing up our differences and putting them "on trial" for all of us to pick who's "right" and who's "wrong."
This morning I was reminded how blessed we all are to live in a country that allows such free expression. How marvelously open we are to speaking about our differences; and, when all is said and done, most in this country are open to listening to the various views. Oh, sure we get "fired up" about views completely opposite from our personal ones; however, consider how fortunate we are to be able to have them openly discussed. Many countries do not have such freedoms.
So, consider the blessings we have when someone begins speaking about their views that are strongly different from our own and remember how fortunate we are to live in a country where we are not physically punished for such openness. Hopefully realizing that will give us the opportunity to step back and move away from the emotions of the differences and really listen with an open heart. Every view represents something someone feels in their heart, and listening from that perspective may allows us to "hear" them differently. We may not agree, and that's perfectly fine, but at least we can realize it's another perspective someone has that's different than ourselves. It does not mean one of us is "right" and the other "wrong," it's comes from a place of two different ways of seeing things in life. Somewhere in the middle common ground can be found.
In this country, we have the personal freedom to accept their views as their views, rather than personal differences that can often create strive. It is one of the most precious freedoms we have in this country - the right to choose - and it is based on our individual beliefs. Just as importantly, people are taking a stand when what is spoken from a heart lacks love and respect, and, they are having an influence on bringing change to such unloving actions. As we move in this direction, there will be more peace among us, rather than animosity based on wanting to be "right." Instead, we will are given an opportunity to come from compassion - now how tremendously uplifting is that! I am so very grateful to live in such a country!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It's a gloriously beautiful Sunday morning as spring nudges ever so close to being here. This is the week to "officially" celebrate one of my ancestors - The Irish! This part of my heritage is very near and dear to my heart; I suppose because they loved nature and saw the sacredness of All Creation! What I also respect of the that marvelous "emerald island," is the way in which they honor their heritage, old structures, simplicity of life, and the culturally rich stories. There are so many amazing teachings in their story telling, and their genuine appreciation for gathering at the local "pub," offers even more evidence of their commitment to the old tradition of supporting each other as a community!
Truly, my heart is grateful for the recognitions given to the old stories of the "wee people," significance of the contributions provided through the feminine, along with the resiliency of spirit that brings every living thing (including humans) through adversity. They are a proud, humble people who stand by their traditions and each other. Truly, my heart is grateful to carry the memories and stories of my ancestors who walked this earth well before I was a "sparkle" in my Father's eye!
So, let us lift our glasses in the air and celebrate the simple and strong ways of a courageous people. If you would like to do that with others, join us on Thursday evening, March 15 at 6:00 p.m. as we Gathering at my home to re-member the sacredness in All Our Relations. Slainte,
(to your health)
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Lent began this week for many who follow the teachings of Jesus. It used to be prominently a Catholic tradition; however, over the years, people have chosen this practice outside that particular faith. And, like other holidays, some who do not claim to have a specific "religious" practice, use this time to "give up" something. For some it's an old habit, others, simply a time to acknowledge there is something greater than oneself.
Regardless why a person chooses to use this opportunity to abstain from something, the simple truth is, it is a "spiritual" choice. Something within a person knows it is time to reduce a particular habit that is not helpful for either themselves or those around them. Wouldn't it be nice if an entire community could follow that tradition? Can you imagine the possibilities if all family members agreed to spend 40 days only speaking kind words to each other? Or all countries agreed to allow each other their unique beliefs without criticism for 40 days?
Pausing to consider someone's choice that may be different from yours always strengthens your own beliefs, for it allows each person the opportunity to honor each others beliefs. Being respected begins with respecting your own beliefs, then treating others the way you want to be treated. So, I say, now is a good time to take 40 days to consider what is truly, in the very deep crevices of your heart, important to you. I promise if you honor yourself by taking the time to get in touch with these core beliefs, you will find more JOY in your life, and ultimately, allow others to experience the same. Then when Easter arrives, let those core beliefs be set free! Let the old ways of not knowing who and what you are be gone! JOY begins when you really know yourself and have a clear understanding you are more than your circumstances. There is, indeed, a divine force that weaves through our veins, and once we realize and feel that connection, we are set free to truly experience JOY.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
There is much to be said about being "couch bound." For one, you get a whole lot of "detail" work completed. Second, you have a new appreciation for the stillness. At least, that's what I am finding! It's not that I generally have noise going in the house, it's mainly my head that chatters away. When I'm home, I'll move from one thing to another, then something beckons me to "remember" to do this or that. So, there really is no "stillness." However, since occupying the couch for two days now, my head is becoming more "still." I've caught up on paperwork, online duties, and the such, so now I can "hear" the hum of the stillness. Did you know the stillness has a hum? If you didn't, you might try sitting on the couch for more than 24 hours with no TV or radio'll hear it clearly.
What the hum reminds me is that all of life is in motion. That "hum" is really billions and billions of energy particles least, that's my non-scientific, scientific analysis of it! It reminds me there's so much more to life than what is manifested in physical form. So, in reality, we are really never alone, there are billions and billions of energy particles moving at warp speed around us, bumping into us, nudging us to notice, that life is so very connected, even when we don't "consciously" realize it! What an amazing universe.
So, when someone calls you a "couch potato,"tell them, "Thank You!" Because, if you don't have the "Boob tube" on, you really are loving all God's creation that has not taken a physical form! Hmm, skeptical are you? Well, try a couple of hours with no noise and you'll see what I mean...then let's chat!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
We will be more conscientious with updating and maintaining this blog site. In so doing, there will be monthly comments and teachings about the Clan Mothers; they will be posted under the Grandparent tab to the left.
For this moment, we wish to share a daily reading from Earth Medicine, which shares teachings of the Clan Mothers. If you are interested in learning more about these amazing teachers of Truth, pick up the book, The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams. It can revolutionize your life, if you work with the teachings provided.
Wisdom Keeper is the Clan Mother that entered in with the recent full moon, here is one of her teachings for February 18: The leaves were still raging with color when the first snow came to the silent mountains of the Earth Mother. Looking down from the Spirit World, Wisdom Keeper breathed a sigh of relief, having feared that the human beings had forgotten the importance of dreaming. The appearance of the snowflakes, which held the patterns of human hopes and aspirations in their frozen wheels, temporarily relieved the Medicine Guardian of her fears.
The Wise One remembered that less and less snow had come during the last few winters, and this realization troubled her. Were her human children forgetting to use their imaginations? Were they so busy that they had lost the will to recapture their innocence and wonder of life? Had the false masks of sophistication robbed them of their common destiny? She knew that the destiny of humankind was to remember who they were and to use their talents to dream the coming World of Peace.
She sighed as she wondered how many would grasp the double meanings of the Remembering. Had separation robbed her children of picking up the fragments of themselves and re-membering themselves into wholeness? Could the Two-legged Tribe of humans access their connections to the Great Mystery and claim the awareness that was their right?
She knew the answer. Not without imagination, daring, freewill, and the power of the dreamer. She also knew that all she could do was assist those who sought her out--and to trust that the dreamers would awaken.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It is so interesting how everyone loves Friday! Whether a person does not like their work, or loves their work, Friday is always a good day! Maybe, just maybe, it is because we have a sense of completion -- something has been accomplished and now we can enjoy the weekend. That would be my wish for everyone; that they really enjoyed their work, and the weekend is the "icing on the cake!" I find it most interesting, that although I am retired from going to work at precisely the same time Monday - Friday, I still rejoice on Friday! So, with a hopeful spirit, I am taking the stance that it is because we all love spending time with our family and friends, and, of course, sleeping in! Let me know your take on the infamous TGIF!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Wherever have the days gone? Oh, I know, they've flown by like the birds! It has been over a month since I have written anything, so it's time to get my "rear in gear." Let me first say, I am so very grateful for the tremendous weather we've had. Being a "snow" person, I would liked to have seen more of it, but there's always next year, so no complaints from me. I find each season a gift. Something very uniquely sweet is offered through the diversity of change. Now, appreciating it in the weather is often easier to accept than having the change in every day life. Yet, I know if things stayed the same, we would all get rather bored.
So, let's hear a big OMGoodness, for the HUGE changes going on in nearly everyone's life. For we all know, that with change comes new creations, and with new creations comes new adventures. So, the next time you feel anxious about the changing world, remember, there's a new adventure just waiting to be experience right around the corner!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
A new cycle is in front of us and last year is a memory behind us. That is, unless your credit card statement reminds you of 2011! The time for making resolutions has passed, although, for many of us, our visions for 2012 have yet to be listed. Some of us find ourselves solidly in January with no set "goals" or visions for the year. If we really want to co-create our lives, it is good to set aside a day to establish goals and visions. We do not have to just do that in January, sometimes the best time is when we are confronting something we would prefer to do differently. Day after day we are inundated with choices. Whether to take the same route to work, what to wear, where to go, how long to stay, who to ask to accompany us. There are hundreds of choices everyday whether we realize it or not. Sometimes we think if we do not make a choice, we are ok; however, not making a choice is making a choice!
Sometimes we seem to be on auto-pilot moving through life on the wave of whatever is happening at the moment. It's good to stay in the present, to pay attention to what's directly in front of us, however just as important is to know where we are going, what we want to see happen, how we plan to get there and who we choose to be at our side.
There is a balance to life, and finding that point takes being responsible for your actions. That, of course, means knowing what you want so you recognize it when it is put in front of you. To aimlessly move with the whims of life seems to indicate a lack of purpose. To know your purpose for life you need to know what you want. So take time to get clear about what you want for 2012, write it down, draw a picture, paste pictures/words on a poster board, do something that puts your hopes and dreams for the year in front of you each day. It is a great way to remember your purpose. Then, when confronted with situations, you can ask yourself, "What choice do I need to make to get me toward my goal (or vision, or whatever word you choose to describe your dream for your life.)" Doing this gives you direction, which then helps you feel like you are "in charge" of your life. You cannot always get precisely what you want at the moment in which you want it, but you can be guaranteed, that if you keep your focus on your goals and continue paying attention to what is in front of you, you will get there at exactly the perfect moment! Now there's something to think about for 2012.
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