
Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

     Lent began this week for many who follow the teachings of Jesus. It used to be prominently a Catholic tradition; however, over the years, people have chosen this practice outside that particular faith. And, like other holidays, some who do not claim to have a specific "religious" practice, use this time to "give up" something. For some it's an old habit, others, simply a time to acknowledge there is something greater than oneself. 
    Regardless why a person chooses to use this opportunity to abstain from something, the simple truth is, it is a "spiritual" choice. Something within a person knows it is time to reduce a particular habit that is not helpful for either themselves or those around them. Wouldn't it be nice if an entire community could follow that tradition? Can you imagine the possibilities if all family members agreed to spend 40 days only speaking kind words to each other? Or all countries agreed to allow each other their unique beliefs without criticism for 40 days? 
   Pausing to consider someone's choice that may be different from yours always strengthens your own beliefs, for it allows each person the opportunity to honor each others beliefs. Being respected begins with respecting your own beliefs, then treating others the way you want to be treated. So, I say, now is a good time to take 40 days to consider what is truly, in the very deep crevices of your heart, important to you. I promise if you honor yourself by taking the time to get in touch with these core beliefs, you will find more JOY in your life, and ultimately, allow others to experience the same. Then when Easter arrives, let those core beliefs be set free! Let the old ways of not knowing who and what you are be gone! JOY begins when you really know yourself and have a clear understanding you are more than your circumstances. There is, indeed, a divine force that weaves through our veins, and once we realize and feel that connection, we are set free to truly experience JOY.

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Couch Potato

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  There is much to be said about being "couch bound." For one, you get a whole lot of "detail" work completed. Second, you have a new appreciation for the stillness. At least, that's what I am finding! It's not that I generally have noise going in the house, it's mainly my head that chatters away. When I'm home, I'll move from one thing to another, then something beckons me to "remember" to do this or that. So, there really is no "stillness." However, since occupying the couch for two days now, my head is becoming more "still." I've caught up on paperwork, online duties, and the such, so now I can "hear" the hum of the stillness. Did you know the stillness has a hum? If you didn't, you might try sitting on the couch for more than 24 hours with no TV or radio'll hear it clearly. 
   What the hum reminds me is that all of life is in motion. That "hum" is really billions and billions of energy particles least, that's my non-scientific, scientific analysis of it! It reminds me there's so much more to life than what is manifested in physical form. So, in reality, we are really never alone, there are billions and billions of energy particles moving at warp speed around us, bumping into us, nudging us to notice, that life is so very connected, even when we don't "consciously" realize it! What an amazing universe. 
    So, when someone calls you a "couch potato,"tell them, "Thank You!" Because, if you don't have the "Boob tube" on, you really are loving all God's creation that has not taken a physical form! Hmm, skeptical are you? Well, try a couple of hours with no noise and you'll see what I mean...then let's chat!

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Wisdom Keeper

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

   We will be more conscientious with updating and maintaining this blog site. In so doing, there will be monthly comments and teachings about the Clan Mothers; they will be posted under the Grandparent tab to the left.
  For this moment, we wish to share a daily reading from Earth Medicine, which shares teachings of the Clan Mothers. If you are interested in learning more about these amazing teachers of Truth, pick up the book, The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams. It can revolutionize your life, if you work with the teachings provided.
  Wisdom Keeper is the Clan Mother that entered in with the recent full moon, here is one of her teachings for February 18: The leaves were still raging with color when the first snow came to the silent mountains of the Earth Mother. Looking down from the Spirit World, Wisdom Keeper breathed a sigh of relief, having feared that the human beings had forgotten the importance of dreaming. The appearance of the snowflakes, which held the patterns of human hopes and aspirations in their frozen wheels, temporarily relieved the Medicine Guardian of her fears.
  The Wise One remembered that less and less snow had come during the last few winters, and this realization troubled her. Were her human children forgetting to use their imaginations? Were they so busy that they had lost the will to recapture their innocence and wonder of life? Had the false masks of sophistication robbed them of their common destiny? She knew that the destiny of humankind was to remember who they were and to use their talents to dream the coming World of Peace.
  She sighed as she wondered how many would grasp the double meanings of the Remembering. Had separation robbed her children of picking up the fragments of themselves and re-membering themselves into wholeness? Could the Two-legged Tribe of humans access their connections to the Great Mystery and claim the awareness that was their right?
  She knew the answer. Not without imagination, daring, freewill, and the power of the dreamer. She also knew that all she could do was assist those who sought her out--and to trust that the dreamers would awaken.

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

It is so interesting how everyone loves Friday! Whether a person does not like their work, or loves their work, Friday is always a good day! Maybe, just maybe, it is because we have a sense of completion -- something has been accomplished and now we can enjoy the weekend. That would be my wish for everyone; that they really enjoyed their work, and the weekend is the "icing on the cake!" I find it most interesting, that although I am retired from going to work at precisely the same time Monday - Friday, I still rejoice on Friday! So, with a hopeful spirit, I am taking the stance that it is because we all love spending time with our family and friends, and, of course, sleeping in! Let me know your take on the infamous TGIF!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Wherever have the days gone? Oh, I know, they've flown by like the birds! It has been over a month since I have written anything, so it's time to get my "rear in gear." Let me first say, I am so very grateful for the tremendous weather we've had. Being a "snow" person, I would liked to have seen more of it, but there's always next year, so no complaints from me. I find each season a gift. Something very uniquely sweet is offered through the diversity of change. Now, appreciating it in the weather is often easier to accept than having the change in every day life. Yet, I know if things stayed the same, we would all get rather bored.

So, let's hear a big OMGoodness, for the HUGE changes going on in nearly everyone's life. For we all know, that with change comes new creations, and with new creations comes new adventures. So, the next time you feel anxious about the changing world, remember, there's a new adventure just waiting to be experience right around the corner! 

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