Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
How much time do you spend in silence? Now might be a good time to consider how often you have complete silence in your day. For some people it would take some contemplating to figure that out. We seem to be flooded with noise from the time the alarm goes off to the last TV show, or computer program we turn off before going to bed. Some people even sleep with the TV going all night!
There's much that can be learned in the silence. You might be able to really hear that voice in your head that's constantly telling you what needs done, how you messed something up, that you're gaining weight, talking too much, not listening enough, forgot to pay a bill - and the list goes on. Truth is, even IF you have no music or TV going, there's much chattering going on in your head all the time!
Try this - Take 10 minutes today to sit in complete silence and see what happens. My hunch is you'll be getting up for a note pad and pen so you can write down what your "head" reminds you needs done! It really is very humourous to listen to the rantings of one's head. Our brain is an amazing device that somehow knows what we need even when we are not certain. And as soon as we realize we need it, our head starts running through our options. What a tremendous gift we have to be so guided by an intelligence that never turns off! It is always available, always very eager to offer suggestions, advise, corrections, even if we have not asked! Hmm, sounds like some people I know!
Silence offers us the opportunity to notice the conversation going on 24/7, and to take note of whether it is our best friend, or worst enemy! So, if you are brave, try sitting in the silence for 10 minutes each morning and each evening and if you are courageous, see if you can get your brain to stop talking for 2 minutes of that time! It will be adventure, I promise you that! Then let us know how it went for you!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
The "buzz" in Indiana is, of course, the "500!" Hundreds of thousands of people will gather to watch cars race around the speedway. If you have attended you can attest to the fact that most participants rarely come to just watch the cars. It is a sight to behold to witness how human choose to be "entertained!" It is easy to make judgments about some behaviors, because the actions of some "characters" are beyond descriptive words! It is, truly, an experience! And as I write these words, I have to chuckle at my personal reactions to the first one I attended. Years later, after I had lived a little life, I realized it was an opportunity to "go beyond" my own sense of how people "should" or "shouldn't" behave. I am forever grateful for my very first Indy 500!
With that said, I am grateful for the many experiences that have helped me stretch beyond my "itsy-bitsy" frame of reference in life. Throughout every single jaw-dropping, "oh my gosh" reactions in life, (and being raised very old-fashioned, I've had many!) I have grown as a sacred human being. I have to smile when I consider how the "moral judgments" I've made throughout my life actually helped me develop in wisdom. Each experience expanded my ability to show compassion and love unconditionally in that I had to look at myself, notice my judgments, and take action to move in a different direction! Heck, I have decided some of those individuals "acting out" were actually much braver than I! At least they were willing to "BE" their authentic self and not care about others opinions! I have spent a great deal of my life making certain I "do it right!"
As the green flag is waved in life, race around at whatever speed you choose, take some risks and notice the amazing people moving along in the traffic with you. Then when the checkered flag is waved, notice that we all are really winners because we've shared the ride together!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Beginning today with the solar eclipse, several big events are expected to occur over the next couple of months. They say it has been 18 years since the last solar eclipse. Many towns on the East coast have scheduled big gatherings to observe this event. Here in the mid-west we will not see much of it; however, the energy of the event will still be available for those of us seeking assistance with the changes within our lives.
Imagine what this event means on a very deep level. The sun represents the Masculine, or in Native American teachings, the Grandfather. It carries the wisdom of the energy that takes us out into the world and really warms the dreams, creations, soul-level gifts that are sitting in our hearts "percolating!" The power within the sun really helps us bring forth and carry out into the world what we have to offer. The masculine energy gives us the courage to take the action needed to see those gifts come to fruition.
The moon represents the Feminine, or in the Native American teachings, the Grandmother. This energy is what holds and births our gifts. It is in the quiet darkness within that our deepest dreams are created. As the moon shows her face in the darkness of the night, so in the silence within our hearts, we touch our core that carries our dreams. Within the darkened cave of our inner being, human guidelines and rules have little influence. This is why meditation is so crucial to our overall well-being in every level of our lives. It was described to me in the following way: Prayer is talking to God, Meditation is listening to the divine!
The Creator of the Universe is giving us the opportunity to access the dynamic and powerful energy both the Moon and Sun have to offer. Why not use that energy to help "rebalance" your feminine and masculine (yin and yang)? If for only a few moments you "sit in the silence of your heart"and witness the intimacy between two very powerful forces, I am certain you will feel the passion within yourself conceiving new dreams!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It is that time of year to pause and recognize the Mother's in the world. Hopefully, we begin at home letting our "Mother" know how grateful we are for her. (whether it's an Aunt, Grandma, adopted Mother, teacher or another woman) Some people may have Mothers that raised them in such a way he/she has to "flip the coin" to see what they learned had merit in his/her life. As in any situation, we have to look at what we learned. If your Mother was harsh, overbearing, or generally not present, if you "flip the coin" you will see you learned how to be tender, compassionate and attentive if you will use the experience to become the parent to your children you wanted from yours.
Make no mistake, a Mother sets the tone for who we become. Through the manner in which she spoke to her child, to the way in which she fed him/her, she laid the foundation for how we viewed ourselves and the world. Perhaps it is because we were held in her womb for nine months (plus or minus,) felt all her emotions, heard her heart beat, and lavished in a protective cushion of moisture that created that bond. It most definitely gave us an introduction to the human race, and from there we came into the world with our first impression already set in place. For most of us, it was a grand experience! It was after we arrived we learned the "other" ways of life!
Finally, on this Mother's Day, if you are not a biological or adoptive parent, you still may be a "Mother" of some creation; some amazing idea, painting, or other artistic creation, or you may offer younger ones around you a gentle, loving recognition that he/she is important in this world. All of those components make up being a Mother. Here's to a fabulous day of remembering love comes in many forms, and always, it has an influence on someone around you, whether you recognize it or not!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Three Amigas are sharing lemon mint water, homemade caramels and some giggles as one says to the other, "you look completely different than you did three days ago, what's happened?" The second Amiga responds, "It's been a tremendous three days of healing," and she continued to share the events and people she had visited to assist her with making a shift in her life. (This Amiga broke her back in January and found herself in the thralls of stillness that led her to much time for introspection. Interestingly, she had been searching for a new way of being in her life.)
She said, "I knew I was ready for something, just wasn't certain how to do it, so with a lot of patience, love and determination, it's finally clear. I feel more joy than I have for a long time, and I know what I want to do. I'm not certain how and where I'll do it, but I trust that will be made clear also."
The third Amiga spoke up and said, "So, you did know how to 'turn your corner,' all you had to do was be patient, loving and determined and your clarity and joy followed. So, now you know what to do the next time you have another corner to turn!"With that, the three giggled very grateful they had each other to witness the unfolding of each other's hearts! And, that at least one Amiga knew how to make such delicious caramels!
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