Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Dementia is something directly in front of me at this time. I saw my Great Grandfather go through this, then my Grandmother. During that time I do not recall hearing my Mother talk or react much to what was happening. Perhaps it was because I was a young adult absorbed with raising my children. Now that my Mother has dementia, I am learning first-hand the impact it has on those left to care for the person. It is confusing, frustrating, extremely sad, and most definitely an opportunity to be authentic with myself and those in my life.
I have spent most of my life being a "Peace-maker," trying to the best of my ability to uplift others, help them find their strength and to believe in him or herself. During this experience all the "tools" in my medicine bag have seen the light of day multiple times. Every thing I have learned about staying centered, relying on Creator for guidance and dealing with the "shadow side" of myself have been directly "in front of me!"
Many years ago, my daughter told me she felt dementia (in all the various forms and labels) is really a way for a soul to forget this life so they can move onto the Spirit side. While it was said on a whim, it an was extremely wise and accurate assessment of this "dis-ease." My mother spent most of her life quiet, reserve and grateful for her family. This is not the woman she is today.
As a mature woman, I find myself learning many things about my Mother that are not pleasant to realize. It is quite discerning to discover personality traits that were obviously hidden all those years and see the consequences of those "secrets." And yet, it is developing my ability to be compassionate. Some of the things have left my heart aching, fired up my "shadow side," and brought forth tears from the frustration of knowing that nothing I do can help. It is a most challenging life event. And one in which I am certain there is much I can share with those that come behind me. Had I a hint of the emotional roller coaster it would bring I could have somehow searched for guidance before I stood in the middle of it.
So, if any of you have experience with the various forms of dementia, please share them. According to medical findings it is on the rise. While I have no fear of getting dementia, I am taking strides to keep myself in good mental, physical and emotional health. And, I do this more for my children than for me. There are no words to describe the effects it has on those directly caring for the dementia patient, especially if they are a parent. You certainly expand your understanding of unconditional love!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
This Clan Mother teaches how to live the Truth. She guides those willing to listen to that sacred Within Place, the space within our hearts where we really already know the Truth. She helps us develop our skills of dependability, inner knowing, achievements and goals by realizing we are vastly more than our physical bodies! She is a grand teacher on how to live an impeccable life.
Jamie Sams shares the Seneca teachings bestowed on her by her elders in such a way as to offer treasures at our feet. IF you are ready for your life to be enriched by the Creator's Truth, then by all means purchase her book and watch your life transform. "The 13 Original Clan Mothers," by Jamie Sams, is rich in Truth and if you will follow each month's teaching for one complete year, you WILL notice a deepened awareness of who you truly are.
With all the searching for answers we humans move through in our lives, the journey can become quite burdensome. We lumber through facts, theories, teachings, and story telling as a way to satisfy our inner searching for meaning. All of that is well and good, and will no doubt add to a deeper understanding of life. I have been such a "student" of the searching soul and I can tell you these teachings will assist you with finding your inner Truth!
As surely as the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West, the universe awaits our questions. And the answers you find will be felt deep within as an knowing. Trust your gut as you weave through what you hear and observe, and notice how the colors around you become more rich. Truly, when your hearts begin to open, colors intensify, smells are stronger, and your step in life will become lighter.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Every being on the planet can feel the change! Whether it is an answer to our prayers for something different, new, or simply an option to the status quo, the SHIFT is here! If we look over our shoulder at what is behind us, we can most definitely see how we are different today then we were even a day or two ago.
As we turn to face what is in front of us, we can see the world is evolving. For some it may seem frightening since what they knew to be certain is no longer the same. And yet at one time or another most of us have asked for something in our lives to change. All too often when things actually do change, we feel uprooted from what is known which generally leaves most of us feeling a bit (or a lot!) unsettled.
It is a great paradox that we want change, and yet want things to be the same. None-the-less, we move through life, wobble with the "shifts" presented before us, and eventually regain our balance. And more times than not, we find a very welcomed newness as a result of the change. Imagine for a moment how boring it would be if things stayed the same all the time!
As we move through this marvelously delicious time of great "shifts," may we embrace the birth waiting in the great "unknown" and welcome the uncertainly. Deepak Chopra so wisely states, "Through the wisdom of uncertainty I will find my security!" That small statement carries a wealth of teaching about how to live in faith and trust with the entire universe. It is one thing to talk about having faith and trust, and quite another thing to actually demonstrate it in our actions! Having this divine partnership with something greater than ourselves helps all of us to keep our balance when the "Shift happens" in our world and in our lives--if we are willing to embrace it!
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