
Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  I am thinking this morning about prayer. In particular, my heart is asking for this storm heading to the East coast to be more gentle than they are speculating it will be. Of course, the media likes to "hype" everything up to excite us into concern so that we become glued to our TV's. However, this morning my heart called to me to send gentleness and love to "Sandy." In life I do that for those I know who are angry, sad, confused, so why not send loving thoughts toward such a powerful storm that can bring such wrath to that section of the world. 

  So, those thoughts led me to consider prayer. That word is used often when we speak of needing some assistance, clarity or simply a more comfortable state of being. Whatever a person's religious views, prayer seems to be a universally accepted word that means the same thing for many different faiths. It is an act of compassion. Therefore, it is my request those of you that read this pause for a few moments and send heart-felt gentleness to "Sandy." Just maybe she will feel the powerful energy that love brings and move out to the ocean, or at the very least, lessen her intensity. Just as the cold front, pull of the tides and the full moon are influencing her, join me as we pray for gentleness and peace. It is most certainly worth a try! And who knows, we may learn a little more about the power of Prayer!

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Bolts of Lightning!

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

   An "unexpected" rain storm, complete with thunder and lightning, arrived this morning. Despite all the technology used to track weather an "unpredicted" storm no doubt work many sleeping families. As I enjoyed the mysterious event, it occurred to me how life presents such "unexpected" events as well. I may be moving through life with grace and ease and seemingly out of no where comes a fierce bolt of "weather."
  Despite my preparation for life, (if there is such a thing!) such happenings all too often shake me at my roots and bring me directly into the present moment. For me, it is a reminder of the very insignificant control I have in life. I can do my best to "follow the rules" of being a compassionate human being to those around me, and yet, other humans also have a chose as to how to exist in this world. The things I think, say and do may be well intended, and yet someone may interpret them in a completely different way then my intentions. 
  It is a slippery slope we walk in this human experience, and yet, we continue to re-experience life here on Earth. Perhaps it's the "meteorology" of life that keeps us on our toes and on the "watch" for those bolts of lightning that come so unexpectedly. Whatever the case be, life does offer us the opportunity to pay attention and move through the "weather" of life so that we may be of service. I have found that such unexpected events can teach me something I may have taken for granted that needs to be shape-shifted into a new way of moving through life. 
   As the rumble of thunder resounds outside I am grateful for the opportunity to really pay attention to my thoughts, words and deeds. For without being present, I can easily fall back to sleep and ignore the gift of change that such events bring. Instead, I can move into the place of judgment of myself and/or others as a way of making sense of those "bolts of lightning!" Just as the weather cannot always be predicted, neither can the circumstances of life that happens when I least expect it.


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"Fall" into Life . . .

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  As the temps cool and color blankets the landscape now is a good time to begin the journey inward. Life offers diverse opportunities from which to experience the richness of being human. With spring we greet the newness of growth as we eagerly welcome the warmth, color and freshness that comes after a long winter's rest. 

  Next is the carefree experience of summer that offers us time to gather with friends, drink cold lemonade, eat the fresh veggies and fruits of our gardens and enjoy the coolness of our favorite "swimming hole." After a very hot summer, life now offers us the opportunity to snuggle into warm clothes, tell stories around a campfire, and enjoy the briskness Fall's beauty. 

  What a marvelous time to begin our journey into our hearts and homes as we move into the Holiday season's in front of us. From the "spooky" time of Halloween, grateful time of Thanksgiving, to the celebration of the Western world's Christmas, time is set aside to gather with friends and family and catch up on what has unfolded in each of our lives. 

  Pause for a moment, if you will, and consider the diversity of colors Fall presents. It just might help you appreciate the many facets of life that awaits your presence! Choose to really "see" life and appreciate what is truly important. The distractions offered by daily life experiences are really of little value in the big scheme of things. Join me and choose to really "Fall" into life! Earth is such a beautiful place to be!

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