
Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

While waiting in line to pay for the items needed to prepare our family Gathering, a conversation between the clerk and the customer in front of me could be heard. One was commenting about the Christmas decorations and how Thanksgiving seemed to be "lost." As the person in front of me began to pay for her merchandise, I commented how interesting it is that being grateful seemed to be sandwiched between Halloween and Christmas and how it seemed most important to take the time to be thankful - they both agreed.

In the same day, a man and I were standing in front of two adjoining cash registers checking out and the cashier asked him how he was celebrating Thanksgiving. He commented his children would be seeing "his ex-wife" so he planned to get some work done around the house. As he took his merchandise, he said to the cashier, "Thanksgiving's no big deal to me, I'm not a pilgrim."

As we gather with our friends, families, or simply choose to be alone, my wish for all of us is that we take the time to consider the amazing gifts we have every day. Even those events that hurt our heart give us an opportunity to pause, reflect, and choose to create the life we desire. It is that simple. However, if we merely focus on the "commercial" side of holidays, we may miss the opportunity to notice the amazing gift we have to create the life our hearts want. 

Today I will be a "pilgrim!" I will take the time to listen and explore my heart. I will respect it enough to ask what it feels and needs. I have learned to do this after having it closed for many years when I was "asleep" and did not realize I had a choice. I am grateful for the return of love I see every day in the brave men, women and children that are asking for what they need from a basic human emotional level; rather than the material one. From the lady who noticed the "oversight" of Thanksgiving, to the man who heart needs heard, I am given the reminder to take the time to notice the condition of my heart and take action to create exactly what I want to see more of in my life, and in the world!

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One Star

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  As I look out my bedroom window I see one star shining brightly in the East. Sort of reminds me of the star that led the shepherds to baby Jesus! That may sound a bit "grandiose" but that's the first thing that pops in my head. What is most interesting is it was there when I went to bed - does that sound unusual or what? So, as I notice it sparkling in the still dark morning sky, I wonder what's beyond this place I call "home" and what is its message to me?
  I like thinking of such things, it somehow helps me know there is something beyond the experiences I have here on Earth. I am comforted in the reminder I am not alone ... ever! As I gaze at the night sky I imagine my ancestors watching over me and it brings great comfort to my heart. I imagine some of you have lost someone during your lifetime as I have, but it somehow brings a warm feeling to my heart to feel that he or she is not really very far away. 
  And so this morning, as the hint of dawn dims the brilliance of the one star out the East window of my bedroom, I send my gratitude to my loved one, my ancestors, to the Creator for providing me yet another reminder how very loved and watched over I am, and for the assurance that although I may not "see" them, they are always with me! And for the reminder, that if I pay attention, I am always being guided throughout my walk here on Earth.

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  It is not always easy to learn things about yourself, and yet, it is the very way in which we become better human beings. Case in point: It was brought to my attention that some of my writings seems to be "pointing the finger." That is to say, it is as though "I" am exempt from the teachings in which I write about. That was a very important awareness for which I am most grateful to have been brought to my attention.
  Everything I write about is from personal experience. Every emotion, disappointment, perplexity, joy and silliness comes from my life! I was taught to get the "I" out of the conversation so as to not put the focus on me. It is a way to notice the "ego" that is so readily willing to emerge! Therefore, most of my writing excludes the "I." Be assured the writings come from my heart where every attempt is made to understand life, relationships and other such perplexities that comes from human actions and reactions.
  Being vigilant with observing my thoughts, words and actions is at the forefront of my life and it is my hope what is shared offers anyone interested an opportunity to pause, reflect and examine his or her life as well. The Mayan have a saying, "You are another myself," and when we look into the great Smoking Mirror, hopefully, we can see what is beautiful, possible and waiting to be loved! I am humbled by my friend's honesty!

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