No Fear!

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  As I approach another New Year, thoughts of what lies ahead dance through my head. Will our country continue to move in an upward direction in employment, bring more men and women home from other countries, will relationships with our country and internationally move closer toward peace? There are so many unknowns that lie ahead, it can often be a daunting task to know what action to take to be part of the solution when I am seemingly just a  "speck" in the big picture.
  By now, most of you that "check in" with this blog know I look for the best in all situations, regardless how difficult it may appear, and, indeed, can be, there is always a solution. I have learned to be a very patient woman, which was not an easy task! Probably because I can only "control" myself, not someone else ... and I promise you, when I was young, I tried to do that. I do not like to admit that, but it is the truth.
  Now that I have learned a thing or two, I realize the only person I can manage, is myself. And, that has not been an easy task. I have been afraid of doing the "wrong" thing, "offending" someone, making them mad, and the list went on. I have, however, learned that Fear is not my friend, and it absolutely does not bring peace or clarity in my life.
  I recently watched the movie, "After Earth," and heard some amazing teachings on Fear that I just have to share. It went like this: "Fear is not real, the only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination causing us to fear things that do not at present or may not ever exist! This is near insanity! Danger is very real, but fear is a choice. We are all telling ourselves a story!"
  Now how fabulous is that? When Will Smith's son became frightened, he told him to "Control yourself, stand down, recognize your power, and realize this is your creation!" He then gave him a very powerful tool; he told him to "take a knee and self-evaluate. Be in the moment now! What do you see, smell, what do you feel right now?"
  As we enter 2014, let us commit to "taking a knee" and humble ourselves to the true inner strength and wisdom we possess within ourselves. We just might find the very thing we have been searching for - a connection to something greater than ourselves! Imagine what 2014 can look like .... it would mean, No Fear because everything we need we already have, and that we, indeed, are not alone on this journey!

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The Book!

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  It occurred to me this morning that I had been remiss with posting a notice about the publication of "Head to Heart Talks: Rediscovering Your Authentic Self." Most of you have received an email announcing the "big event," and yet, I had not officially made that announcement on this blog. Isn't that interesting?
  So, let this be the "official" notice that the book is available for purchase online through Amazon. When I have been shown how to post a direct link to Amazon, I will provide that in the tab to the left labeled, "The Book."
  For those of you living in and around my area, I have copies that may be purchased if you want to make a gift of it for Christmas; however, I leave Thursday to spend the holidays with my daughter. You may contact me until 3 p.m. Thursday 12/19, or drop by "Choices" on Morton Avenue, they have a few copies available for purchase. Choices is located behind Mr. Dillion's. 
  I would like to share a teaching I recently learned about business tactics. I happened to notice on Sunday that Barnes and Nobles now have my book listed online for $37.27! The price on the book is $16.99, and until recently, they had it for sale at just under $15. So, I sent an email asking why the price was changed from the initial price to the extremely high price for a paperback book by a new author. I told them I wanted the book purchased so the richness of the stories could be read and shared, and that while I wanted to support local bookstores, I would be sending my friends to Amazon so they could afford to have a copy. 
  Well, apparently they decided to simply state the book was unavailable and keep the ebook at a comparable rate with Amazon. Please do not pay the high price! While I think it is a fabulously rich book worth its weight in gold, being a good steward of our resources is just as important. I also think the paper book is beautiful to hold. The ebook does, indeed, carry the richness of the stories; however, the beauty of the artwork is more widely present in the paper book. 
  With that said, read the book!! Share it with your friends, family and anyone that seems to be seeking something in life. I can promise you there are stories that will speak to every reader's heart.
  There is my "sales pitch," although it is actually the love in my heart that is speaking. You have everything to gain by purchasing the book. And, after you have read a bit into it, please go online at Amazon and leave a review so potential readers will decide to give it a read. So, there you have it, and thank you, in advance for making the purchase, your heart will be happy you did . . . and so will mine!

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Deep Freeze

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  Burr . . . it is a crisp cold morning in the Midwest! Temps plummeted to the coldest all year, and in some areas, the coldest since 2011. It is beautiful outside my bedroom window as snow blankets the ground and roof tops, and Grandfather sun's brilliant yellow moves upward from the East. Somehow just seeing his face makes the temps feel "warm." 
  Such is how a positive attitude can warm the hearts of those that feel alone, afraid, uncertain. It is a scary place to be to feel "frozen" in emotions that keep a person from moving forward. There is not a person in the world that has not felt such depths of "darkness," at some time or other in his or her life. It is the kindness of others that helps "defrost" those times so that a person can see past his or her current experience.
  For today, look in the mirror and ask yourself, "For what do I have to be grateful?" Once you have a few things in mind (and my hunch is the list is long,) take that warmth from knowing how blessed you are out to the world. To the grocery store, the filling station, the post office, to work, any and every place you go. You may not realize it, but you just may be like Grandfather sun and shine a ray of warmth that brings hope to someones life so that they can move from his or hers Deep Freeze and begin to breathe.

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  A quick note to let each of you know how very grateful I am for you! The work you do, the way you "show up" in your life, and for the many things I still do not know about you. It is my hope this Thanksgiving season holds much love in your heart as you take the time to notice the many blessings in your life. And, yes, even the tough times can help you find blessings . . . if you will take the time to look for them! I, for one, do not know what I would have done without the support and love of people who stood by with through those times!
   If you have not yet heard, this is the first time in nearly 125 years that Hanukkah and Thanksgiving are on the same day. They say it will be another 7,500 years before that will happen again. Now, are we in a very "peculiar" time on this planet or what? Let's share in each others joys and "challenges" as we connect with our families and friends during this time of Thanksgiving. Here's to full bellies, lots of laughs and the repetitive story telling of our shenanigans as we gather with family and friends and really open our hearts to being our authentic selves! There truly is nothing like feeling loved unconditionally!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  This morning as I awoke it occurred to me how richly abundant we are in this world. There are so many gifts put in front of us each day. The question that occurred to me was, "How many of us notice these gifts?" I will make this personal. Yesterday, a friend took me to the airport, dropped me off, and told me how grateful he/she was for me. After enjoying a few hours watching people hurry about the airport, I got on my flight, enjoyed being the only person on my row of seats, arrived at my destination at warp speed and had another friend pick me up, give me a hug and tell me "Welcome home!" Now how good does it get?
   Sometimes I have to remind myself how blessed my life is. Oh, sure, there are situations that tug at my heart, make me crazy and brings tears to my eyes. However, that too, reminds me how richly abundant I am to have so many people and situations in my life that offers me the opportunity to really "feel"the full spectrum of emotions that being on this planet offers. Now, how abundant is that? 

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

   This morning I am reminded that clarity is always present; we just have to be patient until we can see it! The fog is thick this morning, Grandfather sun has not yet made his ascent. The skies are beginning to lighten, so I am reminded he's on his way. 

   Much like life, we cannot always "see" what's really happening. We can know the sun will appear, whether we can actually see it or not because we can feel it's presence. The air is warmer, animals are awake and moving around, birds are in flight and, in most cases, we are busy doing whatever we do during the day time. And, yet, some days Grandfather is hidden from our visible eye. 
   Life situations are mirrors of this natural order. While we can "feel" the uncertainty or consequence of a situation, we cannot always know how or why it is or has occurred, and this can lead to all sorts of emotional reactions and feelings. 
   There is much we can learn from nature about faith, trust and a calm abiding with life situations, if we will simply be still and find something beautiful in the moment.  If we will take that action, we will remember, that whether we can "see" the solution, answer or reason it is there, given time, it will be resolved, made clear, or understood. All we must do is take a few moments to "look over our shoulder" and remember, that we have grown stronger, wiser, and more confident from our past experiences.
    Clarity is there, we simply have to "occupy" until the fog is lifted and the beauty of the situation is revealed. 

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  Someone referenced the word Parataxic last evening while in a conversation about a couple who have been married a long time. Seems the husband is going in for back surgery and his wife will not be present since she is spending time helping their daughter's with their grandchildren. I commented I was perplexed with their relationship and that decision. I am certainly not judging them, everyone has to define their own relationship.
  So, I looked up parataxic and found it was a psychological disorder - "a distortion in perception, especially of interpersonal relationships, based on a tendency to perceive others in accordance with a pattern determined by previous experiences."
  Well, that seemed a "fancy" way to say, anything goes! And, rightfully so. We live in a world where everything is subject to personal interpretation, and that is freedom, I suppose. We have been domesticated to interpret everything as defined by societal norms rather then on our human heart! So, what this woman would like to say is throw out the fancy words, psychological interpretations and allow our hearts to define love! 
  A memory came forth from this "musing" this morning. I remembered a conversation with my children about marriage relationships when one looked at me as though to say, "What do you know about that?" (I have been single for 28 years.) I looked at my child and said, "Just because I am divorced doesn't mean I do not know about love." 
  So, this morning I realize that "being in relationship" does not always mean you are "in love." Just as being single does not mean you do not know about love. It seems to me the heart knows about love, that is our "expert" with whom we can seek guidance, and then, perhaps we will not have a parataxic distortion and, instead, have a heart felt connection to another human being. The truth of the matter is because my heart knows love so deeply, it has settled for nothing less. 
   Please share your perspective!

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Chop Wood, Carry Water

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  Arrived at my Mother's house in Florida Thursday evening to a refrigerator/freezer full of mold and maggots. Needless to say, it was a most unpleasant welcoming! After 3 hours of cleaning and scrubbing, I went to the neighbors to check in with her. When no one answered the door, I made an assumptions she was back in the hospital and decided to call a few in the surrounding area the next day.
  She is an elderly lady who lives alone and has been estranged from her family for many years. She has two children still alive that have absolutely no contact with her. It has always been amazing to me how her children could simply not speak to her. Oh, she's a crusty old woman who is direct and speaks her truth. However, in the 25 years I have known her, I have discovered what a generous and caring heart is beneath that rough exterior.
  Everyone has wounds from past conflicts with family and/or friends. Anyone alive has had to deal with an individual or two who seem to have no compassion for others. And, most certainly, each of us have been hurt by the words or deeds of another human being.
  It is in the response we choose we either harden our heart, or allow ourselves to feel the disappointment, betrayal, or whatever words fits the experience and move through the emotions. 
  Yesterday I found my friend dead in her home. She had apparently been deceased for several days. It appears she simply fell asleep in her recliner and never woke up. That brings me some comfort. 
  It is not the passing from this life to another that pierced my heart, it was the thought that she died alone and undiscovered for several days. As strong of a woman as I am, the sight immediately pierced my heart. So, after calling 911, observing the "protocol" of the authorities, I went back to my Mother's house and began weeding. I pulled, cut, stacked, and cried. It was precisely what my friend who had done if she would have been put in that situation.
  What I know, is the Mayan teaching of, "Chop Wood, Carry Water," was what the indigenous people did to cope with such deep emotions. I am grateful to have learned that "technique" early in life, for it has carried me well. There is much to be said about allowing our physical body to exert itself on the behalf of the community and oneself. I am grateful for the way in which communities come together to help their neighbors when disasters and crisis come along; it is truly, Love in Action. I am grateful to the ancestors for leaving such teachings for us to use today and I am grateful for those that have kept the teachings "in action" so the next seven generations can benefit from such wisdom. It certainly helped my heart.

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Anam Thubten

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  I attended a retreat with Anam Thubten at the TMBCC this past weekend. It was, as usual, an amazing and peaceful experience. If you would like to know more about his teachings he has published two books: "No Self, No problem," and "The Magic of Awareness." Both are a quick and easy read while offering profound teachings for those seeking a peaceful life!
  The weekend was packed with wisdom, so I will only share the last words he shared. He was answering questions people wrote down on paper and gave to him. One person asked how he felt about Gandhi's words that we have become so technologically advanced that humanity has stepped backward. (I am recalling how the statement was spoken) Anam simply answered, "Human nature is pure and innocent. It is neither right nor wrong. It is our perspective that interprets."
  Now, how powerful is that? And, if we "sit" in the quietness of our heart, we know that is true. I see our world as changing toward community, compassion. Everywhere I go I see people gathering, sharing, holding benefits, walks, fundraisers for people in need in their community. I see citizens cleaning up their neighborhoods, walking more, enjoying the outdoors. 
  We are so very fortunate to live in this country. All one has to do is look at the evening news and see that much of the world has unrest. So, it seems to me, if we want to help, we need to start in our own home by noticing what is good, loving and above all of value. If we can do that, we contribute to putting more "good vibes" into the ether's and perhaps help those that only believe the world is a mess! Change happens when things are shaken up! Let's see if we can help that "resettling" to be one of hope, peace, community! Good, bad, or ugly, we are in this together! So, the question is, what are YOU contributing?

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

   I went to Barnes and Nobles yesterday to order a book for my daughter and a male clerk took the order. He seemed quite friendly, had a very pleasant "feel" and was most polite. I could not remember the exact name of the book, so I gave him a few words and he entered them until the title, "The Global Heart Awakens," came up. I promptly affirmed that was the book, to which his smile turned to a frown and he commented something like, "Yeah, like that's going to happen!"
   I watched a very cordial, gentle man turned very skeptical and bitter within seconds as he continued with, "And, I voted for the guy, I thought he would be different and he's not." As his face became red I felt sadness, not anger from him as he continued, "We are about to be in a third war, I thought he was against such things. Well, the other 'guy' would have been the same, so what chose did we really have, they are all alike."
   While I am recalling what word order he gave, the meaning was loud and clear. Here was a caring individual who had hope when he voted. I mean, he was kind and polite when he greeted me, and yet, at the very sight of a book title his face turned hard, discouraged, without hope. It was very sad. 
  There are many things we need in this world to bring about the change most of us wish to see. I dare say no one wants to watch the results of chemical warfare plastered on a TV screen no more then that daily violence reported every day. And yet, we do not want to be an ostrich and have our heads in the sand leaving our "rear" in the air. So, what can we do?
   For me, I will recall the words of Gandhi, "Be the change I wish to see in the world." Somehow we must hold onto Hope! We have to pray each day for strength to not just believe, but know things will get better. To allow our hearts to "turn off" to that possibility will only serve to add to the discouragement seen on the faces of people we encounter each day. 
   I am thinking I will order another one of those books and take it to the gentleman. He has a very good heart and his words show he does know what hope feels like, so perhaps reading that book will help restore some renewed hope for our planet.
   If you have not read the book, I highly recommend it. It is an easy read, very down to earth, and filled with Truths, not just some ideology someone espouses. No doubt, it will give you a better understanding where we are on this planet and help you to see we truly are moving in a very positive direction - that is, if each of us are willing to examine our hearts and allow it to teach us how to be the sacred human beings we really are.

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  There is a place within ourselves that knows. As simple as that sounds, it is so very true! Often our "head mind" wants to interpret the "event," or "situation," as "good" or "bad." Once it has a label, it feels safe to start telling stories about what has occurred. Oh, how grand the stories can be! They can have us victims of others that become victorious, or saviors of others that need rescued. We can color the story any shade of the rainbow we choose.
   However, in that choosing, we need to remember we have a phelothera of emotions standing ready to be called forth! Yes, we are that powerful, we are, indeed, "masters of our destiny," in that we bring into our life precisely what we choose to experience.
   Therefore, it might be wise to remember this Truth the next time we find ourselves confronting new "events," or "situations" and then decide how we want to "feel" about it. If we want to have more peace in our life, more faith in humanity, we might consider choosing to observe the event or situation as an outsider, rather then as a participant. To do this would require we find a place from which to observe the event or situation. 
   I call that space my "Center." It is the place of neutrality, of non-judgment. This space has taken some time to be comfortable in because it is quiet and lacks words. Instead, it listens to the stillness, to my breathing, to the emptiness within that simply exist. I wish I could say it is easy to find and stay present there, but it is not. It takes much work and discipline to be there even for fifteen minutes! 
   To be there, is to be free though, so I continue to "show up" and practice being there in order to keep my faith renewed, my health strong and my relationships happy. For everyone must find their own way through life's journey, and in order to do that, they need to experience the event. It is nice when the wisdom of someone who has walked that journey can be listened to and used; however, some times the best teacher is the one that has us "walk into the fire." So, I have learned that what those that choose to enter the fire need from me is the unconditional love that is shown by "getting out of the way," and holding my "Center" until they can find theirs.

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The Human Heart

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  It absolutely boggles my mind how many people are starving for affection, for the touch of another human being, or a word of recognition from someone they love. How is it we live in a world where communication is a "click" away and yet, we are miles from the touch of another human being?
  It seems we have replaced the comfort found in a smile, the touch of a hand, a memory shared from a past experience, the love shown in someone's eyes, with "things?" A new game, brain teaser, degree, promotion, seemingly safe "flirt" with someone we know nothing about, has somehow replaced actual human contact with someone who is "suppose" to occupy our heart?
  How is it this has happened? Can a shopping trip, a dinner out, a new car, vacation, recognition award, really adequately replace genuine heart-felt emotions? I am perplexed by the hunger I see in the eyes of those I come in contact with daily. Can reading a post on someone's blog, Facebook account, email, twitter, Linked in, honestly replace a phone call, a face-to-face conversation, or a simple, none word hug?
  I do not believe it is my age that asks these questions, for it is the young people around me that I also see such a hunger. Are we really so "independent" and "together" we would prefer to cry in the privacy of our bed then to reach out for support from those we so desperately yearn to love?
  The human heart is such a marvelously, delicious gift it amazes me how much energy we expand to keep it from being hurt. And, in the process of preventing "injury" we have lost the gift given by being vulnerable enough to truly feel and accept love from another's heart. We all know the difference between affection between two people who are simply seeking physical pleasure and those that truly speak to the very core of our heart.
  I guess the question is, "When will humanity be brave enough to ask for love from someone that truly stirs their heart?" I can only answer that question for myself. And, I know that whatever action I choose will, indeed, influence those around me.
  I have recently seen this truth in the eyes of those I love. For as I shared my heart's song currently being played, I have seen their tears. As I shared my tears from my newly reopened heart, I have seen their hunger for such a deep connection. And, while many of these people are in relationship, there is a hunger in their eyes that says they, too, desire more heart-felt affection in their lives.
  So, tonight, I sip sleepytime tea, and burn a candle for a loved one who I know cries from her soul for the love she has for her partner. He is "deciding" whether he wants to continue to share the heart-felt emotions with her that he once did. He can call it an opportunity to "find himself," but what I know is he is walking away from a love that hungers to share a depth of knowing, of deep affection that he will no doubt one day wish he would have cherished. But then, that is his journey to choose. What I know is, her willingness to love with such a depth will be rewarded if she will allow her heart to remain open. 
  But such is the story for many of us. No doubt most of us have "protected our heart" by finding fault with someone, making excuses for why they are not "right" for us, too this, too that, only to be left with a heart wrenching hunger. That hunger is a deep yearning from within for someone with whom we can be truly personal, truly heart connected. And when that desire is not met, our soul is left feeling empty and incomplete, but if we will listen, it will ultimately ask us to please be brave enough to try again.
  The human heart needs human contact. There are not enough games, things, or money, that can fill that vacant place. So, tonight I pray, that my heart will remain open, vulnerable, willing to risk it all for the wordless, none descriptive adjectives that are felt when another human being reaches a hand to feel my presence, looks into my eyes and sees me so completely. And, this I wish for our world!

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Just Jump!

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  Of recent I have relearned how to "Just Jump." Many who know me might be surprised to hear me say that since I have always practiced the art of carefully "considering the consequences" before making any decision.
  I still very much believe in the importance of listing all the options available when confronting important decisions then carefully considering the consequences of each one; however, if a person has taken that action there comes a time to choose!
  Once the selection is made, then one must be brave enough to place one foot in front of the other and move toward that selection. Golly, is that ever hard to do sometimes. And most of the time that's because we no longer have any more excuses for not making a decision.
  Finally, of course, one has to take responsibility for what one has chosen. I believe that is what keeps many of us standing on the edge of a major decision telling ourselves all sorts of stories about why we need to "wait and make certain" what we have chosen is "correct."
  I have been reminded that life is, indeed, very precious and very short, so why keep standing on the edge ruminating over "yeah, buts" "what ifs" and all the other words we use to keep from taking responsibility for making a decision. Truth be told, not choosing is choosing!
  Now, isn't all of this most interesting? I mean do we really want to live our lives waiting for the perfect moment? Or do we want to live life to the fullest? I say let's "Just Jump!" Because what my most recent experience reminded me was the "drop" brought butterflies to my belly that actually made me feel very much alive, and that what waited for me was a whole new freedom I never knew was part of the "package deal!"  

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Grandmother Moon

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  I sat in the cell phone lot at the airport last night waiting for a friend to arrive and got some great teachings. It was a fabulously cool night so I was able to have the window's down and enjoy the fresh night air. Grandmother Moon's face was full and she filled the night sky with brillance. In the stillness of the night, when people have settled into their homes, and with only the sounds of the planes taking off and landing my heart felt a deep connection to the vast night sky. I do not know why, but nothing feeds my soul like being in nature.
  I parked my vehicle strategically so that I could stare at her beauty, and as I watched the clouds move all around her face, it occurred to me, how many of us humans ever consider all that she does for our planet? It is the moon that orchestrates the ocean tides, as does she influence human emotions and moods. Now, I am certainly am not a scientifically gifted person, so I can only speak to what I observe when I glaze at the night sky and allow her beauty and mystery to fill my soul.
  What I discovered was my heart spoke to me. It asked me to consider those in my physical life that had influenced me in such a way that I had not really noticed the effects until something significant happened in my life that I had to call upon that person. Which made me think some more about the specific people in my life that have quietly stood by me as I busyed myself with life.
  And then I considered, "What if" each of us actually took the time to pause and consider those that have made themselves available when we needed to chat, laugh, cry, contemplate, solve, conclude, or simply vent our concerns? "What if" we went to that person and told them how grateful we are for them? How would the world look if each of us took that action? And, if each of us took that action, could it be that one day we might answer a knock at our door, open it, and find someone standing in front of us to say, "Thank you." 
  All this I got from watching Grandmother Moon! Now tell me she doesn't have a great influence on this world! Imagine what more she could do if we slowed down our lives enough to and simply notice her!

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A Student . . .

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

It never ceases to amaze me how I can continue to learn something every single day! Perhaps it is another teaching for my Ego so that I can be reminded the world is full of "unknown's." And, these "unknown's" certainly add to the mystery of life; which, quite frankly, makes for more adventure! 

There is an old saying that goes, "Just when I learned the answers, they changed the questions" . . . I believe that is a message for our soul's to help us stay humble. When I look over my shoulder at my life, I am reminded that most of what I have learned came from those that sought guidance from me with their concerns. It was in the process of helping someone else with their situation that I gained the greatest insights as to have to "be" in life. And so, I gratefully accept that for as long as I take breath in this world, I will forever be, "A Student!"

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Ego . . . continued

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  This morning I am thinking some more about Ego. My Teacher told me years ago that I had a strong "Ego," which completely blew me away. What I knew at that point was I had always suffered from thinking I wasn't as good, wise, pretty, etc as those around me. However, my Teacher was quick to point out that is still Ego, because it is still comparing yourself to others. That was quite a revelation for me! Since then I have worked at watching my thoughts to see what it is telling me about what is going on in my life. 
   Not surprisingly, I found I was always jumping from thinking I wasn't so "good," to thinking I was pretty darn smart! Being human is a funny and exciting adventure, and everyday I seem to learn more about what my "brain" is telling me about life. It seems to be on auto-pilot with making interpretations about situations, conversations, "insights" I observe every day. 
   So, my latest task is to be more of an "observer" in my life. I am doing my best to really "listen" to what my head is telling me and when I begin making up stories about what just happened, I am trying my best to not make assumptions; rather, to ask for more information, clarification, and the such if I have questions. At least, that is what my heart is saying will help me truly develop understanding and ultimately deeper compassion for cultures, ideas and people in general. 
   There is my latest revelations about Ego. Ahh, the learning never stops!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  I have been thinking about "Ego" lately. What precisely "it" is and how it affects my life. From a psychological view, I know it has to do with how we identify with ourselves in the world. That is to say, our "standing" in our family, work and overall community. To keep this simple, (which in and of itself is a tall order!) Ego is how we see ourselves as "measured" by those around us.
  So of recent, I am looking around myself and seeing that Ego really keeps us looking outside ourselves, and when we do turn our eyes inward, what we see is measured by our "outward" observations. That is to say, we are constantly comparing ourselves to those around us. Now, I don't know about you, but that's a lot of work, and most of the time, it has me constantly "stalking" myself trying to make certain I'm "doing things right!"
  This morning it occurs to me that takes a lot of work, and, it is done using a "critical eye." So, from the beginning, we are using a "negative" measuring stick in order to make certain we are "good enough" or "better" than someone else. Now isn't that a sad state of affairs?
   With all that said, I invite anyone reading this to consider how "Ego" works in his/her life and offer your insights as to how you see this "Ego" working in your world. It is my experience that sharing such lessons from one's life helps others become more aware. Who says we have to learn everything from first hand experience? We all know that's going to happen, so why not glean knowledge from other people's experience. It certainly doesn't mean someone is "wiser" than another, it simply means one can choose to find a "non-ouch" way to maneuver through life. So, leave a story, or a "tip," it just might help someone else (including me!) to find a sweeter way to look at him/herself and grow!

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Buried Truth

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

    Miley Cyrus was interviewed on Good Morning America today. When asked about how she feels when she sees a picture of herself as Hannah Montana, she responds with, "That was me at 15, now I'm 20 and this is me!" She continued, "It will be interesting to see how I am in 2 years."
    Of course, as the media does so well, they asked her about the backlash of people's reactions to such drastic changes, and the publicity surrounding her relationship with her family. It was her reply I found most "enlightening," especially with regards to understanding the current actions of our youth. She replied there was enough things to be concerned about that she just wants to add something uplifting and hopefully motivating so people don't forget how to have fun. She continued that she hopes she is adding a positive substitute for the current dilemmas in the world.
   Finally, they pointed out she just broke an all time record for most viewed video within a 24 hour period. Miley commented that even if people who did not like her were viewing her new video online and leaving negative comments, it was still adding to the popularity of her music, so she really didn't care what others thought...She concluded, "I win either way!"
   Now isn't that most interesting! There is much wisdom in the words of this young lady who I hope keeps her "Center" through the changes in the world and her life. There was profound Truth buried within the context of her words. Sometimes we don't "get" that Truth because we are too busy judging the manner in which it was delivered!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

   Storytelling has held wisdom throughout the ages. It is through the telling of our stories we share what we have learned throughout our lives.It matters not whether the "characters" are fictional, or real, what is important is we tell our stories. 
    "Head-to-Heart Talks" will be published this summer, and through the twenty-five stories within the binding are truths told via the heart. It takes courage to tell one's story, to be open enough to allow another to hear the unfolding of one's life. Being vulnerable takes a willingness to truly be "seen" by others. I wonder, what is your story? What adventures are held within your heart that could help another sojourner move along their path? 
     Now might be a good time to tell the story of your life - or at least one adventure that might touch another person's heart. It seems to me if each of us could simply tell one story, it would help our community come a bit closer together. Then as each community grows, so the community next to it expands to the one next to it. And so, perhaps the world could be changed, one story at a time! 
    I wonder how the world might then be changed, if we simply remembered what our ancestors knew so well - how to tell a good story? Come on, you can do it - "Once upon a time . . ."

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The "Pause" button!

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

    Words are very particular, unique, powerful, and quite frankly, create our reality. What we say is really a prayer of what we are asking for in our life. Many very wise people have taught this Truth, and yet, until we actually see how it manifests in our life, we really can't see just how powerful our words are.
    For me, it has helped to learn of the "pause" button! My thoughts are often running rampant in my brain, so I have to "pause" to discern which I really want to allow to occupy my mind, and which thoughts need to be put aside. Gratefully, I have learned my thoughts are the "fore-runners" of my words, so rather then continually be explaining what I really meant by something I said I have learned to hit the "pause" button. That is not always an easy task since my brain is running 24/7, however, it is certainly a gift I am gladly developing in my life!
    I am so very grateful for that "pause" button! I has helped me save time and energy by not having to explain my words and it has helped me learn the importance of the reflective time available in the silence! It is sort of like the "inhale" I take between thoughts and words. 
    This "pause" button also helps me with my emotions. Rather then reacting to a situation that elicits my emotions, I am learning how to "pause," breathe in a few times then discern what I want to do about the feelings. Most of the time it is best for me to just hit that "pause" button, leave the situation, and get involved with something completely different until such time I feel more balanced with my emotions. It certainly saves the time that I otherwise would have been spent explaining what I meant!
    Always the student, always learning more about myself. I find that a very peaceful place to be! It sure beats the heck out of thinking I need to know it all by this age! And, it helps me enjoy the beauty of learning, changing and growing! I find it much more relaxing and fun! So, you might consider trying the "pause" button - and see how it works for you!

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Flat Tires

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

    A wish from our Heart is a dream! It is a deep "calling" from within that won't go away no matter how much we allow ourselves to be distracted. Everyone has a dream of some sort or another, EVERYONE! The trick is to discover it - allow ourselves to slow down enough to hear what it has to say.
    Most of my life I was called a "dreamer." It was not always said as a positive attribute, however, it did acknowledge a truth about me. I do believe in the magic of miracles! Whether it is small ones like asking for a parking spot in a crowded mall or that the neighbor's barking dog get laryngitis, or something big, like World peace, we all wish for something that will make life easier, simpler, less stressful and have more meaning!
   Recently both of my cars got flat tires. Now, what are the chances that could happen within a couple of weeks of each other? So, being the ever-wondering person I am, I asked myself if I was hindering or holding myself back in any way. What I discovered was a powerful teaching was being put in front of me. Like everyone, life presents us with distractions! That is to say, we can be moving along doing well and something happens to someone we care about and what you had been working on often takes "back seat" to helping that person with his/hers situation. That is simply a matter of life being ... well, life! And yet, what we had been working on gets ignored while we focus on being of assistance to someone or something else. 
    All of that is OK, too, because helping our neighbor is a way of helping ourselves as well. The trouble is we can sometimes be so busy being busy, we let our personal projects (or dreams) be put on the back burner and left to simmer away! So, what I know is there have been many "distractions" in front of me while completing this book I have been working on, and those flat tires helped me see the importance of taking the time to honor my dream along with helping others! If not, I'm "shooting myself in the foot" rather then seeing my dreams come to fruition.
    Oh what a sense of humor we must have to keep our life in balance! I am grateful for the reminders my vehicles have given me that my dreams are as important as what I can offer someone else! And, in reality, I can help others more earnestly by seeing my dreams to fruition in order to help them see theirs to completion! Now isn't that a interesting teaching! All that from Flat Tires! 

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

I found it refreshing this morning to hear about a bus driver who gave his life to save the student's on his school bus. Oh, I could have noticed the violence once again reported, however, to me it minimized the tremendous unselfish love demonstrated by another human being! This man cared more about the students on his bus then worrying about saving his own life! Is that worth noticing or what?

There are so many very good people in this world that we often hear little about over the enormous amount of coverage given to people who show little concern for others. It certainly reminds me why I only have "rabbit ears" for my TV reception. How people can listen to the cable news channels is beyond my understanding. After stubbornly resisting being on Facebook, I recently relented to becoming a member. From what I observe from people's conversations in person or Facebook posting, there seems to be a ever widening chasm between people as a result of listening to all the "reports" from the media. Gratefully, there are some very beautiful posting that help balance the experience.

Admittedly, I am one who prefers to notice what is happening that adds love to our world. Is my "rear" in the air? I don't think so, for I do watch the 1/2 hour national news each evening, so I am clearly aware of the sadness and sorrow many in our world confront each day. I just choose to balance it out with more uplifting, hopeful energy. Whether in the form of music, good books, beautiful sunsets, a yoga session, soak in a hot tub, giggles with friends, or simply a walk in the country, it helps me keep things in perspective. At least, that's what works for me! I hope my actions help add more joy to the world, at least, that is my heart's intention!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Yesterday was Memorial Day and for some reason my Internet was down. Made me wonder if it was "my" attitude or simply a "fluke." Today what I know is opportunity sits in front of me every moment! I can either choose to be frustrated, or simply move through the experience. I choose to move through it, and, ultimately, my body feels "happier!" When I do the opposite, I am generally tired and have more aches in my body. That leads me to believe that every thing I experience is about choice! And, with that, I choose the peacefulness and calmness that comes with moving "with" the experience, rather than try to make the experience fit "my" idea of "should!" My teacher once told me I came from a "shouldy" family, and you know, that was a very astute observation!

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His Holiness

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Traveled to Louisville, KY yesterday to hear the public talk by His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama. The experience was beyond words! What I can share is tears that flowed from many eyes as 14,000 people gathered to witness HOPE for a peaceful, Compassionate World! 14,000! And that was just for this one day public talk! It is not the "man" that brought people out, although being in his presence makes you smile! He is a joyful, happy, smiling human being that opens up your heart to the possibilities. And, he does this without even speaking a word! Rather, it is the unbridled love you feel just being in all that amazing energy. The music was outstanding, as was the words shared by the diverse group of inter-faith speakers. The Respect for each different expression of Faith was outstanding! And yet, the common "thread" that ties us all together was evident and extraordinary! Regardless how one chooses to express their personal way of connecting to the Divine, the commonality of love and compassion was experienced through the heart connection! And, it is that heart connection that is the common thread ... that shows us we are the same! I am humbled, hopeful and eager to be part of this amazing "wave" of change!

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Spring Mornings

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

There is such an amazing sweetness in a spring morning! The songs of the early morning birds resound delight for the richness of the new season! Perhaps like we humans that live in the North, the birds appreciate the fullness and warmth that spring promises. It is a cooperation of spirit between Earth's habitats that brings forth a renewed hope! I am reminded of our true nature that grows and thrives when there is cooperation within family and community. 

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

   This Easter Sunday morning I wish to speak of the one with whom we celebrate this sacred holiday - Jesus. This son of God came to the world to be a living example of what unconditional love looks like. Many speak of loving someone or having a passion for something; however, Jesus showed the world how it could look if we truly "walked our talk!"
   If you watch the media, Easter has become more commercial and, sadly to say, many young people have no real understanding what this time of year is all about. Many people who used to go to church became disillusioned by the actions of a few members and left. Unfortunately, they left God and the teachings of Jesus in the "building." To me, this is a very sad truth that has left many children in homes where the teachings of God and Jesus are completely left out. This is, indeed, a very sad situations. For to be taught all you have is your own understanding of things and that this world is all there is, leaves hope and faith completely out of the teachings that every human being need!
  The teachings of Jesus and all that he taught were evidenced in the way he lived! Which, as scary as that may be, is true for all of us. His life was an example of how his Father, God, created the world to be. His death also teaches us how to live. For it is in the dying to old ways of thinking, believing, living that we open up space in our hearts to allow the truth to seep through. We are all sons and daughters of God, we are creations of the Creator, and out of respect and love for that Truth, we need to consider how we live in this world.
  If you or your parents were some of those that left the teachings of Jesus in the church building, you might consider how your heart feels about that. For it is our "thinking mind," the one we are programmed by our caregivers, that guides most of our lives. That is, until we truly take responsibility for our lives and return to our hearts for guidance.   
  We are spiritual beings in a physical world, not the other way around, this Easter season is a fabulous time to consider how we live in this world. If you are ready for your life to have more meaning and you would like to find out for yourself what Jesus taught, pick up the book "Wisdom Jesus" by Cynthia Bourgeault. I found the Jesus my heart has always known among the pages laced with Scriptures from the Bible in the book.
  Bringing this full circle, "Have an Easter egg hunt" and spend some time in nature today and ask for guidance. If the weather is not conducive, then sit in the silence of a favorite place in your home, but have no excuse for not taking action on this! Then let your heart ask the questions as you search for the treasures hidden within. I have no doubt you will find a few "sweet" treasures that have waited a long time to be found! May this Easter be one that brings you to the resurrection of something you thought was long gone or no longer true, and may you be willing to share those treasures with the world! Heaven knows we need it!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  Of recent, it has become very apparent how "Resistant" I can be to new things - at least that was my first observation. While I have always viewed myself as a person who loves change, I find myself apprehensive about many things. I could say it is "old age," "being set in my ways," or some other accolade; however, using those terms merely provides an "excuse." The simple truth is I have learned to pause and observe before making decisions and/or observations. My mind wants to attribute something "logical" to this new way of approaching opportunities, teachings, just about anything new being presented before me. However, what I have realized is Discernment has finally taken a respected place in my life.
  Rather than accept every new teachings, opportunity or enterprise being offered, I have finally learned how to step back, get quiet, take a walk and breathe. For it is at those times I am fully present in the moment and can "hear" the whispers of the Creator within guide me to the "next step!" It is a place of trust in my inner wisdom - the part of me that is intimately connected to the divine, that finally has my attention.
  As I consider these realization, I can more accurately describe my place of "Resistance," and more gently and respectfully embrace the softer, wiser part of myself that resides in the present. Instead of being fearful because of past experience and projecting that onto what "might" happen in the future, I am learning to be present ... in this very moment - and to accept the gift of Discernment! That sounds so much sweeter - For this, I am most grateful!

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The Smoking Mirror

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Smoke has filled my vision this past few months and day to day life has been foggy and muted. My night time dreams have been vivid and clear, although a bit "odd" if given a few moments, I can generally understand precisely what it is telling me. I just woke from one such dream with clarity about my daytime life. The day to day relationships in my life have reflected the smudged and finger-printed mirror through which I have been viewing life. It is time for some "Windex" and paper towels to bring that mirror into sparking clear view. The smoke was created by my thinking mind! It never ceases to amaze me how quickly my thinking mind comes to my "aid" when day to day circumstances become confusing. After all these years the smoke can still become thick when my thinking mind runs ram shot over the voice of my heart. I am grateful for the great mirror that boldly sits in front of me each day; for it offers me the opportunity to pause and be still so I can hear my heart speak -- for that IS the Windex and paper towels that will restore the mirror to a clear view.

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The Luck of the Irish

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Ever wonder where these old sayings come from? An even bigger question might be how often have you said some familiar phrase without knowing what it means? I wonder if whomever came up with some of those old phrases ever considered they would be coined by people centuries later? Perhaps if we knew something we said fairly often would "stick," we would be more careful with our words!

As we move toward March 17, it may be worth doing some research and finding out at least one tidbit about the Irish. With facts at our "finger tips," there is every reason to understand more deeply what this saying means. It has been said if we are to become a stronger nation, better person, develop a more solid community, we can "look over our shoulder" at the past to learn from what our ancestors experienced. So, whether you are Irish or not, consider taking a moment or two to find out why the Irish are known for their "luck." You just might find out what courage, perseverance and determination "looks like" and what laughter, music, camaraderie, and lifting a pint does for the soul!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  At this moment, it seems expectations are often the culprit of any duress I may feel in my life. I do my best to stay in the moment and judge nothing. But darn if that is sometimes a very tall order for me! For many situations that happen, I find myself having some "observation" as to how and why it occurred, what I could have done to avoid or prevent it, and how to "fix" it or make it better! It is simply a gut instinct for me to want to "help" find solutions, offer options and stand beside someone as they make a choice. Fortunately, I have made major improvements in simply accepting what other's do, despite my experience that their choice will more than likely not have the results they think it might. There is something to be said about the wisdom that comes with age, and I seem to be gaining more of that all the time! For this moment, what is important for me to remember is that experience is what helps one develop wisdom. Oh, yes, we most certainly can learn from another person's choices; however, there is something very meaningful when we have to pick ourselves up by our boot straps and learn from our choices. IF we can pause and reflect on the situation in order to learn something from the experience, it most certainly will help us with the next "adventure." All of this is a good reminder for me to simply honor what a person chooses and let my "head" know it is not my place to have any expectations as to what the results may be. I need to remember, it is the other person's experiences that will help them develop wisdom. So, for this moment, I will simply honor what I know and be grateful for the wisdom that comes from courageously moving into the "unknown." After all, expectations are merely assumptions we make, and we all know what happens when we assume!

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Just Wondering....

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  Am I the only one who wonders how the diversity in political parties became a division? How the focus is on our differences rather than our commonality, leaving the real issues buried and not addressed? My observation is that division is a "hard place to fall!" It is my understanding our forefathers (and Mothers) came to this country to have the freedom to follow their beliefs -- and it has been that diversity of beliefs that has made our country rich, abundant and a place many from other countries continue to aspire to join. 
   So, I wonder, why it is our current "state of the union" is one in which we see "Democrats" and "Republicans?|" And those "independence" are merely rebels seeking a cause. It is one thing to allow one's heart to guide him/her in a direction that feels more in alignment with his/her current view of what is best for our country and quite another thing to see him/her as "Right" or "Wrong."It seems to me each person has a unique quality they can add to the community in which they live, and when respected by being heard, a shred of commonality can be discovered.
  I am just wondering, what if, each of us were brave and spoke from our hearts, would our actions actually give our "neighbor" permission to share their insights? Could we actually find peaceful solutions to any given situation by simply being willing to hear another person's perspective?
  I do not have an answer to that question, I can only do my part to listen to another as they speak. I may not agree with their views; however, if I really listen, I will, more than likely, hear their heart telling me who they are and what they dream their world to be. What I have learned is everyone wants to be loved! Somehow, through the individual "eyes" of our community, we can "see" that everyone is seeking the same thing - we just have different ways of finding it. And, we really have more in common with our neighbor than we have differences.
  I just wonder what our country would look like if we took the immortal wisdom of the Father in the Brady Bunch and simply saw people in their underwear when they speak. Perhaps we would find the humanness in the person speaking rather than not hear what they say because we are so busy formulating our response, that is to say, our point of view to show them how "wrong" they are!
  I think about such things alot; and I just wonder..

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Sand in my floor mats!

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  Wrapped tightly in my winter coat, neck scarf, boots and gloves, I secured myself into my car as comfortably as I could given the frigid temperatures. Grateful for a dependable car, "she" started with the first crank! After a few moments to warm up, "we" emerged from the garage into the bitter cold and onto a light dusting of freshly fallen snow. It was a winter wonderland  as my body tightened from the frigid temps... It eagerly awaited the warmth of the heater to relax. The body is an amazing "machine" that knows precisely what to do to keep it working!
  So, off I went to have lunch with my granddaughter. It had been a while since I had seen her and she had just completed her first few weeks of college. I knew there was much she would have to share about her new, grown-up experience! After a few more moments, my clinched body began to warm and I could feel my tense muscle begin to relax.
  As I took a few deep breaths to assist my body with "unclinching," I felt grateful to be back home where loved ones abound. Does our family have "drama;" conflict, upheavals, disputes, frustrations? Absolutely! Yet my heart is grateful the love we feel for each other is so much stronger than any "earthly" situations. We are a resourceful family that respects each other's differences, confronts frustrations, and seeks to find solutions. For the most part, we treat each other as we want to be treated! For all of this, I am most grateful! 
  Upon arrival at the restaurant, my now very warm and relaxed body, prepared to re-enter the frigid temperatures. As I turned the key to disengage my car, I noticed beneath my boots was something white on the floor mats. My thoughts went quickly from "ah, residue of snow," to the realization that it was sand! All the way from the beaches of Englewood and Siesta Key in Sarasota, the white substance rested between the grooves of the black floor mats. I could not help but smile to realize what a drastic change had occurred within a few short days. From the record heat of Florida, to the frigid temps in Indiana, it was the same person driving the car, yet the environment surrounding her was dramatically different. It then occurred to me, what a gift life brings us. We have so many opportunities to feel different emotions, dress according to the weather and still the basic human heart is the same. 
  For this moment, I am grateful for the wintry snow outside, and the warmth of my home as my heart feels the security of love that offers such diverse beauty to the inhabitants of Earth. We, truly have a divine, loving Mother and Father that reminds us how quickly things can change. From the white snow of Indiana to the white sands of Florida, we have the gift from Creator to remind us whatever we are experiencing will change! All this from "Sand in my Floor mats!"

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