
Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

   This Easter Sunday morning I wish to speak of the one with whom we celebrate this sacred holiday - Jesus. This son of God came to the world to be a living example of what unconditional love looks like. Many speak of loving someone or having a passion for something; however, Jesus showed the world how it could look if we truly "walked our talk!"
   If you watch the media, Easter has become more commercial and, sadly to say, many young people have no real understanding what this time of year is all about. Many people who used to go to church became disillusioned by the actions of a few members and left. Unfortunately, they left God and the teachings of Jesus in the "building." To me, this is a very sad truth that has left many children in homes where the teachings of God and Jesus are completely left out. This is, indeed, a very sad situations. For to be taught all you have is your own understanding of things and that this world is all there is, leaves hope and faith completely out of the teachings that every human being need!
  The teachings of Jesus and all that he taught were evidenced in the way he lived! Which, as scary as that may be, is true for all of us. His life was an example of how his Father, God, created the world to be. His death also teaches us how to live. For it is in the dying to old ways of thinking, believing, living that we open up space in our hearts to allow the truth to seep through. We are all sons and daughters of God, we are creations of the Creator, and out of respect and love for that Truth, we need to consider how we live in this world.
  If you or your parents were some of those that left the teachings of Jesus in the church building, you might consider how your heart feels about that. For it is our "thinking mind," the one we are programmed by our caregivers, that guides most of our lives. That is, until we truly take responsibility for our lives and return to our hearts for guidance.   
  We are spiritual beings in a physical world, not the other way around, this Easter season is a fabulous time to consider how we live in this world. If you are ready for your life to have more meaning and you would like to find out for yourself what Jesus taught, pick up the book "Wisdom Jesus" by Cynthia Bourgeault. I found the Jesus my heart has always known among the pages laced with Scriptures from the Bible in the book.
  Bringing this full circle, "Have an Easter egg hunt" and spend some time in nature today and ask for guidance. If the weather is not conducive, then sit in the silence of a favorite place in your home, but have no excuse for not taking action on this! Then let your heart ask the questions as you search for the treasures hidden within. I have no doubt you will find a few "sweet" treasures that have waited a long time to be found! May this Easter be one that brings you to the resurrection of something you thought was long gone or no longer true, and may you be willing to share those treasures with the world! Heaven knows we need it!

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  Of recent, it has become very apparent how "Resistant" I can be to new things - at least that was my first observation. While I have always viewed myself as a person who loves change, I find myself apprehensive about many things. I could say it is "old age," "being set in my ways," or some other accolade; however, using those terms merely provides an "excuse." The simple truth is I have learned to pause and observe before making decisions and/or observations. My mind wants to attribute something "logical" to this new way of approaching opportunities, teachings, just about anything new being presented before me. However, what I have realized is Discernment has finally taken a respected place in my life.
  Rather than accept every new teachings, opportunity or enterprise being offered, I have finally learned how to step back, get quiet, take a walk and breathe. For it is at those times I am fully present in the moment and can "hear" the whispers of the Creator within guide me to the "next step!" It is a place of trust in my inner wisdom - the part of me that is intimately connected to the divine, that finally has my attention.
  As I consider these realization, I can more accurately describe my place of "Resistance," and more gently and respectfully embrace the softer, wiser part of myself that resides in the present. Instead of being fearful because of past experience and projecting that onto what "might" happen in the future, I am learning to be present ... in this very moment - and to accept the gift of Discernment! That sounds so much sweeter - For this, I am most grateful!

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The Smoking Mirror

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Smoke has filled my vision this past few months and day to day life has been foggy and muted. My night time dreams have been vivid and clear, although a bit "odd" if given a few moments, I can generally understand precisely what it is telling me. I just woke from one such dream with clarity about my daytime life. The day to day relationships in my life have reflected the smudged and finger-printed mirror through which I have been viewing life. It is time for some "Windex" and paper towels to bring that mirror into sparking clear view. The smoke was created by my thinking mind! It never ceases to amaze me how quickly my thinking mind comes to my "aid" when day to day circumstances become confusing. After all these years the smoke can still become thick when my thinking mind runs ram shot over the voice of my heart. I am grateful for the great mirror that boldly sits in front of me each day; for it offers me the opportunity to pause and be still so I can hear my heart speak -- for that IS the Windex and paper towels that will restore the mirror to a clear view.

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The Luck of the Irish

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

Ever wonder where these old sayings come from? An even bigger question might be how often have you said some familiar phrase without knowing what it means? I wonder if whomever came up with some of those old phrases ever considered they would be coined by people centuries later? Perhaps if we knew something we said fairly often would "stick," we would be more careful with our words!

As we move toward March 17, it may be worth doing some research and finding out at least one tidbit about the Irish. With facts at our "finger tips," there is every reason to understand more deeply what this saying means. It has been said if we are to become a stronger nation, better person, develop a more solid community, we can "look over our shoulder" at the past to learn from what our ancestors experienced. So, whether you are Irish or not, consider taking a moment or two to find out why the Irish are known for their "luck." You just might find out what courage, perseverance and determination "looks like" and what laughter, music, camaraderie, and lifting a pint does for the soul!

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