Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Miley Cyrus was interviewed on Good Morning America today. When asked about how she feels when she sees a picture of herself as Hannah Montana, she responds with, "That was me at 15, now I'm 20 and this is me!" She continued, "It will be interesting to see how I am in 2 years."
Of course, as the media does so well, they asked her about the backlash of people's reactions to such drastic changes, and the publicity surrounding her relationship with her family. It was her reply I found most "enlightening," especially with regards to understanding the current actions of our youth. She replied there was enough things to be concerned about that she just wants to add something uplifting and hopefully motivating so people don't forget how to have fun. She continued that she hopes she is adding a positive substitute for the current dilemmas in the world.
Finally, they pointed out she just broke an all time record for most viewed video within a 24 hour period. Miley commented that even if people who did not like her were viewing her new video online and leaving negative comments, it was still adding to the popularity of her music, so she really didn't care what others thought...She concluded, "I win either way!"
Now isn't that most interesting! There is much wisdom in the words of this young lady who I hope keeps her "Center" through the changes in the world and her life. There was profound Truth buried within the context of her words. Sometimes we don't "get" that Truth because we are too busy judging the manner in which it was delivered!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Storytelling has held wisdom throughout the ages. It is through the telling of our stories we share what we have learned throughout our lives.It matters not whether the "characters" are fictional, or real, what is important is we tell our stories.
"Head-to-Heart Talks" will be published this summer, and through the twenty-five stories within the binding are truths told via the heart. It takes courage to tell one's story, to be open enough to allow another to hear the unfolding of one's life. Being vulnerable takes a willingness to truly be "seen" by others. I wonder, what is your story? What adventures are held within your heart that could help another sojourner move along their path?
Now might be a good time to tell the story of your life - or at least one adventure that might touch another person's heart. It seems to me if each of us could simply tell one story, it would help our community come a bit closer together. Then as each community grows, so the community next to it expands to the one next to it. And so, perhaps the world could be changed, one story at a time!
I wonder how the world might then be changed, if we simply remembered what our ancestors knew so well - how to tell a good story? Come on, you can do it - "Once upon a time . . ."
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Words are very particular, unique, powerful, and quite frankly, create our reality. What we say is really a prayer of what we are asking for in our life. Many very wise people have taught this Truth, and yet, until we actually see how it manifests in our life, we really can't see just how powerful our words are.
For me, it has helped to learn of the "pause" button! My thoughts are often running rampant in my brain, so I have to "pause" to discern which I really want to allow to occupy my mind, and which thoughts need to be put aside. Gratefully, I have learned my thoughts are the "fore-runners" of my words, so rather then continually be explaining what I really meant by something I said I have learned to hit the "pause" button. That is not always an easy task since my brain is running 24/7, however, it is certainly a gift I am gladly developing in my life!
I am so very grateful for that "pause" button! I has helped me save time and energy by not having to explain my words and it has helped me learn the importance of the reflective time available in the silence! It is sort of like the "inhale" I take between thoughts and words.
This "pause" button also helps me with my emotions. Rather then reacting to a situation that elicits my emotions, I am learning how to "pause," breathe in a few times then discern what I want to do about the feelings. Most of the time it is best for me to just hit that "pause" button, leave the situation, and get involved with something completely different until such time I feel more balanced with my emotions. It certainly saves the time that I otherwise would have been spent explaining what I meant!
Always the student, always learning more about myself. I find that a very peaceful place to be! It sure beats the heck out of thinking I need to know it all by this age! And, it helps me enjoy the beauty of learning, changing and growing! I find it much more relaxing and fun! So, you might consider trying the "pause" button - and see how it works for you!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
A wish from our Heart is a dream! It is a deep "calling" from within that won't go away no matter how much we allow ourselves to be distracted. Everyone has a dream of some sort or another, EVERYONE! The trick is to discover it - allow ourselves to slow down enough to hear what it has to say.
Most of my life I was called a "dreamer." It was not always said as a positive attribute, however, it did acknowledge a truth about me. I do believe in the magic of miracles! Whether it is small ones like asking for a parking spot in a crowded mall or that the neighbor's barking dog get laryngitis, or something big, like World peace, we all wish for something that will make life easier, simpler, less stressful and have more meaning!
Recently both of my cars got flat tires. Now, what are the chances that could happen within a couple of weeks of each other? So, being the ever-wondering person I am, I asked myself if I was hindering or holding myself back in any way. What I discovered was a powerful teaching was being put in front of me. Like everyone, life presents us with distractions! That is to say, we can be moving along doing well and something happens to someone we care about and what you had been working on often takes "back seat" to helping that person with his/hers situation. That is simply a matter of life being ... well, life! And yet, what we had been working on gets ignored while we focus on being of assistance to someone or something else.
All of that is OK, too, because helping our neighbor is a way of helping ourselves as well. The trouble is we can sometimes be so busy being busy, we let our personal projects (or dreams) be put on the back burner and left to simmer away! So, what I know is there have been many "distractions" in front of me while completing this book I have been working on, and those flat tires helped me see the importance of taking the time to honor my dream along with helping others! If not, I'm "shooting myself in the foot" rather then seeing my dreams come to fruition.
Oh what a sense of humor we must have to keep our life in balance! I am grateful for the reminders my vehicles have given me that my dreams are as important as what I can offer someone else! And, in reality, I can help others more earnestly by seeing my dreams to fruition in order to help them see theirs to completion! Now isn't that a interesting teaching! All that from Flat Tires!
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