Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
I sat in the cell phone lot at the airport last night waiting for a friend to arrive and got some great teachings. It was a fabulously cool night so I was able to have the window's down and enjoy the fresh night air. Grandmother Moon's face was full and she filled the night sky with brillance. In the stillness of the night, when people have settled into their homes, and with only the sounds of the planes taking off and landing my heart felt a deep connection to the vast night sky. I do not know why, but nothing feeds my soul like being in nature.
I parked my vehicle strategically so that I could stare at her beauty, and as I watched the clouds move all around her face, it occurred to me, how many of us humans ever consider all that she does for our planet? It is the moon that orchestrates the ocean tides, as does she influence human emotions and moods. Now, I am certainly am not a scientifically gifted person, so I can only speak to what I observe when I glaze at the night sky and allow her beauty and mystery to fill my soul.
What I discovered was my heart spoke to me. It asked me to consider those in my physical life that had influenced me in such a way that I had not really noticed the effects until something significant happened in my life that I had to call upon that person. Which made me think some more about the specific people in my life that have quietly stood by me as I busyed myself with life.
And then I considered, "What if" each of us actually took the time to pause and consider those that have made themselves available when we needed to chat, laugh, cry, contemplate, solve, conclude, or simply vent our concerns? "What if" we went to that person and told them how grateful we are for them? How would the world look if each of us took that action? And, if each of us took that action, could it be that one day we might answer a knock at our door, open it, and find someone standing in front of us to say, "Thank you."
All this I got from watching Grandmother Moon! Now tell me she doesn't have a great influence on this world! Imagine what more she could do if we slowed down our lives enough to and simply notice her!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It never ceases to amaze me how I can continue to learn something every single day! Perhaps it is another teaching for my Ego so that I can be reminded the world is full of "unknown's." And, these "unknown's" certainly add to the mystery of life; which, quite frankly, makes for more adventure!
There is an old saying that goes, "Just when I learned the answers, they changed the questions" . . . I believe that is a message for our soul's to help us stay humble. When I look over my shoulder at my life, I am reminded that most of what I have learned came from those that sought guidance from me with their concerns. It was in the process of helping someone else with their situation that I gained the greatest insights as to have to "be" in life. And so, I gratefully accept that for as long as I take breath in this world, I will forever be, "A Student!"
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
This morning I am thinking some more about Ego. My Teacher told me years ago that I had a strong "Ego," which completely blew me away. What I knew at that point was I had always suffered from thinking I wasn't as good, wise, pretty, etc as those around me. However, my Teacher was quick to point out that is still Ego, because it is still comparing yourself to others. That was quite a revelation for me! Since then I have worked at watching my thoughts to see what it is telling me about what is going on in my life.
Not surprisingly, I found I was always jumping from thinking I wasn't so "good," to thinking I was pretty darn smart! Being human is a funny and exciting adventure, and everyday I seem to learn more about what my "brain" is telling me about life. It seems to be on auto-pilot with making interpretations about situations, conversations, "insights" I observe every day.
So, my latest task is to be more of an "observer" in my life. I am doing my best to really "listen" to what my head is telling me and when I begin making up stories about what just happened, I am trying my best to not make assumptions; rather, to ask for more information, clarification, and the such if I have questions. At least, that is what my heart is saying will help me truly develop understanding and ultimately deeper compassion for cultures, ideas and people in general.
There is my latest revelations about Ego. Ahh, the learning never stops!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
I have been thinking about "Ego" lately. What precisely "it" is and how it affects my life. From a psychological view, I know it has to do with how we identify with ourselves in the world. That is to say, our "standing" in our family, work and overall community. To keep this simple, (which in and of itself is a tall order!) Ego is how we see ourselves as "measured" by those around us.
So of recent, I am looking around myself and seeing that Ego really keeps us looking outside ourselves, and when we do turn our eyes inward, what we see is measured by our "outward" observations. That is to say, we are constantly comparing ourselves to those around us. Now, I don't know about you, but that's a lot of work, and most of the time, it has me constantly "stalking" myself trying to make certain I'm "doing things right!"
This morning it occurs to me that takes a lot of work, and, it is done using a "critical eye." So, from the beginning, we are using a "negative" measuring stick in order to make certain we are "good enough" or "better" than someone else. Now isn't that a sad state of affairs?
With all that said, I invite anyone reading this to consider how "Ego" works in his/her life and offer your insights as to how you see this "Ego" working in your world. It is my experience that sharing such lessons from one's life helps others become more aware. Who says we have to learn everything from first hand experience? We all know that's going to happen, so why not glean knowledge from other people's experience. It certainly doesn't mean someone is "wiser" than another, it simply means one can choose to find a "non-ouch" way to maneuver through life. So, leave a story, or a "tip," it just might help someone else (including me!) to find a sweeter way to look at him/herself and grow!
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