
Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  Sometimes I simply “sit” and think, and other times, I “lie” down and think. Either way, during my life, I have spent a lot of time pondering what it all means. I have tried very hard not to make judgments about choices I have made, or actions I have chosen, and yet, I often ponder what I have learned from it all.

   There are so many articles, songs, books, videos, and other mediums of sharing perspectives from which to consider what life is all about. And yet, it seems the answers to my pondering times generally leave me with even more questions.  So for this moment, I am doing my very best to simply observe what my eyes see, what scents fill that air, and what my skin feels when the wind blows. There are so many other senses to use to observe life, so many other “teachers” from which I can gain a deeper understanding of life.

  The humming birds have returned to my area. I believe I will allow the sweetness of their presence to teach me about simply being in the moment. How absolutely diverse in color, markings, even the sound of their tiny wings are available to enjoy. Surely there is something for me to notice that will help me understand what I have missed with all the times I have spent “pondering!” Hmm, I don’t have to “think” for a moment to know the answer to that one!

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Let it rain!

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  It is a gentle rain outside that reminds me of the importance tears play in my life. It seems my emotions have been raw and, well, vulnerable. Yep, vulnerable, that is the best word to describe how raw my feelings have been.
  I have spent my entire life being strong, together, composed, “in control.” Perhaps that is why at this point in my life, my whole human essence is feeling the depth of emotions being felt on this planet at this moment in time.
  These raw emotions are both happy and sad. Of recent, even having a belly laugh brings tears. My emotions are not prejudice! The depths of genuine feelings my heart feels can barely be put into words. They are coming from a place that has been hidden for everyone, even myself.
  Perhaps emotions play that part in our lives, just as we play the role in our chosen professions. We learn the duties, what is acceptable and what is to be kept “in check” for the sake of order, harmony, whatever word fits the situation. If that is the case, my emotions have felt the freedom of retirement to finally be unleashed, felt to the fullest magnitude, without limitations.
  Hmm, that is an interesting realization. No doubt during my life I constantly sought balance, the “middle ground” that could help me make sense of life’s experiences. Probably more importantly, I have sought to understand the actions of others so I might be in relationship, maintain order, and show respect for other people’s opinions and views. In my career, there were a multitude of times in which students and parents presented situations that made my heart feel heavy. I could not understand how people could treated those they claim to love the way they did. In order to stay detached from those personal feelings, I put them aside so that I might be available to help the individual and/or family find fair and compassionate solutions. It took much prayer and a whole lot of breathing!

  Yep, that makes sense. And so, I listen to the sweetness of the rain and know, that just as the rain supports and enhances the beauty of what has been dormant during the winter months, so my tears allow my soul to grow, expand and empty the “recycling bin” within. I am grateful for this awareness; it helps me accept the vulnerability of such emotions that will open to door to deeper understanding, compassion and true, unconditional love. I say, “Let it rain!”

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

This morning I am reminded of the importance of silence.  When electronics are turned off you can actually hear Creator “hum.” Try it, turn off everything and listen. There is only the sound of God harmonizing with you. Of course, this happens all the time, you always have the opportunity to hear Creator speak. It is just that when there is complete silence you will hear the movement of Spirit around your head. Try it! You will hear that for which I write. To me, it is very comforting. To others that may not be true.
  I was at the local hardware store after a thunderstorm the night before and the clerk commented on the intensity of storm. She said the power was lost at her house and her humidifier, TV and fan were unable to do their job. She said she realized how noisy silence was and how much she did not like that sound.

  And so, try it for yourself. Turn everything off and listen. Then see what you feel about the presence of silence. While I am certain there are “intellectually appropriate” technical answers for the molecules that move about us to create such sounds, I prefer to believe it is God humming to me. Shhh . . . Listen and let us know what you experience and how your heart interprets such moments of silence.

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Good Friday

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

As we move toward Good Friday, my heart remembers the teachings of both sadness and hope Easter brings. Throughout the observance of these teachings a reverence and respect for Jesus and what he brought to Earth is brought to our attention. The short life of Jesus forever changed our world.
  If we will simply get past the various “interpretations” and allow our hearts to listen and feel the depth of Truth shown throughout his life and not merely through the words reporting his impact, we will find a “peace” for which our hearts are searching. For it is in that personal connection one’s heart will find the Truth.
  This new Pope offers a visual example of the teachings of Jesus. What a breath of fresh air to observe his humbleness, his willingness to “be among the people” and not just stand in a window or behind a Plexiglas shield and talk to them. Pope Francis shows through his actions how to love. When I see his face, my heart feels hope, it feels joy that someone of such influence is so very willing to be so authentic! He does not use words to condemn and judge others or espouse scriptures to keep people in their place; rather, he demonstrates, just as Jesus did, how to see God in each person. It is an example to me of how to really make a difference in the world, one compassionate loving act at a time.

   And so while there is great unrest in the world and it saddens my heart to watch what humans can do to each other, the environment, and those living beings that inhabit the world with us, there is great hope that things are changing. May this Easter season bring such hope to your heart, and may each of you look at your lives to see what you contribute to your corner of it. Personally, I am resurrecting a more loving heart to be visible through my thoughts, words and actions.  

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Wind Chimes

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  I could hear the winds throughout the night. They did not keep me awake; however, the new wind chimes I put up yesterday sang to me all night. It was a deep, low-pitched vibration that provided a sound that touched my heart. Masculine, I would describe the new wind chimes as a protective, loving  “feel.” I hung them just outside my bedroom windows where only very strong winds can find their way. 
  There are small, high pitched, chimes on the front porch of the main entry way to my home. They provide a sweet, high-pitched sound easily moved by even the most gentle of winds. That porch is directly opposite the porch outside my bedroom. It is a great balance each of the chimes provides and last night the new chimes brought a teaching into my heart, “Forgiveness frees everyone.”
  What an amazing realization to wake to. Over the past few years, many situations have occurred that I would have never dreamed would happen within my family. From the realms of my human mind, I have attempted to understand the whys and to seek some sort of bridge to keep our family close. Of course, as the human mind does so well, judgments were made. Who was in error, who was correct, and with that came all the behaviors that had been tolerated for the sake of keeping family peace.
  Very interesting how quickly the human mind moves into that all too familiar place; “Right/wrong, good/bad.” I have been guilty of such behaviors and with that came a separation of myself from my family. This morning, my “handsome” new wind chimes helped me realize exactly what I need to do in order to calm the unrest my heart has felt. I need to first forgive myself for such behaviors, and then those with whom I have estranged myself.
  While I already communicated with my loved ones about the various situations that occurred, I had continued to carry sadness. That sadness was my lack of forgiveness. I can call it residue from his/her actions and words; however, that would only be an excuse … a justification for feeling angry, hurt, disappointed. The real truth is, I felt unloved and with that, I created a reason to be separated from him/her.

  This morning the winds carried a message to me via the chimes that has brought understanding and a deeper compassion to my heart. There is no need to find fault in myself and/or others, there is merely an opportunity to love unconditionally. The way in which I relate to my loved ones has changed, and no doubt it is all for the better; however, there is absolutely no need to see us as separate from each other. Despite our difference, our hearts need each other and that can only happen if I take responsibility to forgive myself for making judgments and holding resentments. And, believe it or not, his/her actions have actually helped me become more authentic. Now, instead of placating for the sake of keeping peace, I can choose when and how much time to spend and communicate with those family members that live his/her life differently then me. Forgiveness does, indeed, free everyone! And this lady intends to be free!! All that from the Wind Chimes!

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