
Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  It’s that time of year when we dress little ones up in costumes and parade them around the neighborhood. Each year the little ones in my neighborhood knock on my door and hold out their plastic pumpkins, or paper bags to receive whatever “goodies” I hand out. I went through a phase of considering handing out healthy treats, until I realized its not safe to even hand out apples, granola bars or home made cookies. So, now I just buy a bag of pre-packed treats and let them take what they want. I figure their parents can discern what they want them to eat. My head understands the need to be cautious, while my heart feels saddened we have to hesitate for a moment to consider if someone has done something to the “treat.”
  Personally, I enjoy watching the little ones dress up in all sorts of costumes. It reminds me of the years my children were excited about dressing up and collecting candy – to them it was the one time of the year they could consume so many sweets. And the costumes, how they enjoyed figuring out how to create an outfit … as I recall we never bought a costume, they were all homemade.
  There has been much ado about the meaning of Halloween. To me, much like the other holidays we celebrate, the meaning has been lost from all the debate, dissection, and interpretations. From my observation, the fun comes from the excitement and the anticipation of the event. Halloween gives communities the opportunity to knock on a neighbor’s door, to see how much the kids haven grown and to maybe meet a new one that’s grown enough to walk to your door. It’s really very precious to see an older brother or sister accompany their younger sibling to the door. It’s an opportunity to witness the spirit of sharing, of assisting a younger one with finding their way in the dark, as Mom and/or Dad sit in the car or stand at the edge of the yard and carefully watch.
  Like everything else in life, it’s one’s perspective that defines an event, and I choose to see the sweetness of the grand tradition of Halloween. It is an opportunity to be reminded someone is always willing to share old traditions, open their doors to their neighbors, and hand out a treat. The balance is made with the gift received from watching the young ones grow each year. If you live in a neighborhood long enough, you get to see generations of kids bring their kids. What a grand opportunity to witness the continuation of life unfold! So, here’s to Halloween and all the spooky, beautiful, characters that show up at your door! May your heart be full!


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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  Wind blows fiercely as rain clouds fill the sky waiting to feed the earth. The young trees bend with the wind as the sturdy old ones stand steady as their branches wave and leaves dance to the music of the wind. Its howling and changing things up as I sit within the protective walls of my home. It reminds me of those "trees" in my life that have provided an example of what it means to be steady, trusting, knowing without a shadow of a doubt everything is in perfect order, regardless of the seeming "destructive" forces.

  Life is changing, and with that change comes movement. I am grateful for the sturdy "Trees" in my life that helped me learn to how to be flexible, trusting, and remember that if I keep my roots firmly planted in knowing there is a "master gardener" in control, absolutely everything in life is in order! How grateful I am for the tree's in my life .... now its my turn to be a Tree for someone else! 

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  After preparing the update to, This Moon, Weaves the Web has my heart dreaming! I am reminded how very blessed we are to have the ability to dream - and to actually see it come true. Over the years I have heard others tell me what a dreamer I am, and, you know, while his/her's words were said with a "pie in the sky" voice, I am grateful to have been seen! 

  I am a dreamer. I believe in the magic of life and that we have a Creator who smiles when his/her's creation realizes the gifts awaiting our acceptance. There is nothing we have to do but accept the abundance of love, beauty, possibilities, and the list goes on. Even the holy scriptures speak of the abundance Creator/God has for each of us. To me, the humor is with we "humans!" We seem to fall asleep when we get on this planet and forget all about our birthright. Thank God if we pay attention, we eventually wake up!
  I certainly am not speaking of some sort of "entitlement," instead, I reference the divine goodness that runs through our veins. Indeed, there are individuals/groups that show little if any outward sign of goodness; and yet, a vastly larger number of people in this world show our true, divine nature. In essence, it really is up to us what we choose.
  As I prepare to settle into bed for the night, it is my dream we re-member how to dream. Or, at the very least, we give it a try. No doubt we will find our life feeling more positive, more upbeat simply choosing to see if dreaming works. 

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