2015 brought 13 full moons, the final one is on Christmas Day! Check out Becomes Her Vision!
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2015 brought 13 full moons, the final one is on Christmas Day! Check out Becomes Her Vision!
Through all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, may our hearts hear the truth ... that people want peace on earth, they want hope and they know there is something greater then themselves they cannot see. I am convinced that Christmas reminds all of us that magic is real, people are kind and that giving feels every bit as sweet as receiving. Regardless what holiday is celebrated this year, it is good to remember that it is hope, love and charity that feeds kindness and spreads joy to our world. No matter what our nationality, religion, gender, socio economic status, we all what to be seen and to be loved. While many teachers performed miracles and healed the sick, my observation is, the story of Jesus offers the most hope to the human heart. There is something within our hearts that needs and wants to believe in human kindness and compassion.
May your holiday be filled with the love of family, friends and four-legged companions. May you "count your blessings, name them one by one,"and realize what a gift it is to be on this planet. And, that regardless what adversities you may face, your blessings far out number your troubles! From my heart to yours, Vicky
Tonight I wonder about those that say our country "should" only let immigrants into our country that are Christian. I guess they have forgotten our ancestors that made the long and arduous voyage here to American came seeking religious freedom. They wanted the right to believe what they knew in their heart was true, not what was dictated by those in authority. Sometimes I wish Jesus would return and straighten this whole mess out. And then I remember that when he lived among us and practiced what he preached he was crucified on a cross, and then I am grateful he is not in this world. Rather, I am grateful he lives in the hearts of those that seek and live what he taught, "to love thy neighbors as thyself." I am grateful for the many, many people who live by his teachings rather than a specific denomination.
What the world would look like if we spent as much time looking for the good as we do listening to the bad? Sometimes what seems bad is actually the the reason we feel so grateful for the things in our life. I'm wondering what YOU wonder about ... do tell ...
May your day be one of heart felt connections through the sharing of laughter, good food, and the telling of stories. Thanks to our ancestors, those that courageously came to this country to seek the freedom to live the dreams of their hearts, we are an abundantly rich, blessed country. Let us never forget the costs and show gratitude for such courage. From my heart to yours, thank you for your willingness to live your truth! Vicky
I am so very, very grateful for stillness! It has been a very noisy year. I can actually hear my heart beat . . . and that's a good thing! Now, instead of my head speaking loudly, it simply whispers to me. That simple act of a whisper makes my heart happy. After all, who likes to be yelled at? So, hooray for the sweetness that comes from a gentle whisper in my ear!
What a "warm" and colorful time of year for those of us that live in the North. This morning the first wave of cold weather has blown in and left a blanket of frost on the land. Like covering a loved one who sleeps with a cozy blanket, so the cold north winds nestle the land with a protective cover to ensure a good rest.
After months of heat, lawn mowers, playful old and young people tromping around with such games as corn hole, horse shoes, and the likes, it is time for all that grows to rest. And, so, we humans who enjoy the beauty of summer with colorful flowers and bountiful gardens speak our gratitude to the land for the rich abundance provided. It is time to trim back the withering flowers, dispose of garden remnants, gather the branches and twigs collected from the spring storms and invite friends over for a night under the stars! With summer insects gone, it is time for hot dogs, brats, s'mores, burnt marshmallows and lots of stories about summer adventures and winter dreams to fill the air.
With Grandfather Sun beginning his ascent I can actually see his rays burning away the thin layer of our first frost. My heart is full of excitement for the golden yellows, burnt oranges, brilliant reds and warm rich browns that will intensify as a result of this first frost! What a truly amazingly rich and diverse planet we inhabit as the frost on the pumpkin heralds in a time of such beauty to those of us that love the North!
It is that time of year when the DOT is repairing, rebuilding, repainting the highways. One can be coasting along the highway and all of a sudden there are orange cones everywhere! Obviously, we all want pothole free roads, smoother pavement and clear visible white lines to keep us on the right track for traveling from place to place. Whether we like the constant slowing down or not, the overall benefits far outweigh the inconvenience. And so we slow down, take our turn to merge with the multiple lanes down into a single one in order to get from point A to point B in a safe and orderly manner.
Our Monthly Gathering has been in existence since I moved back to IN in June 2004. What a fascinating and interesting journey it has been as we began in Cloverdale and moved to Martinsville in 2009. Some of the more "seasoned" members have made this journey up and down the road along 67 and 231 for many miles. It has been an honor and privilege to walk this path with some truly amazing women. Some for a season, some for many years. Always, it has been a learning experience to witness the courage of those that come not knowing exactly why they are making the trek. What they know is their hearts are guiding them to something ... something new, familiar, foreign, scary and comfortable and all the emotions in between.
With this journey the women that "showed up" always left something new for others to ponder, consider and think some more about. Sometimes it was unclear, other times it felt like a true, "homecoming!" And so, we move into this new season of harvesting when we have the opportunity to slow down and notice those that are merging into our lane. We have the gift of stillness that comes when we ease into a new place with someone leading us and someone following us and always, moving in the same direction.
I do hope you will consider continuing this adventure and merge with us as we meet some "fellow" sojourners and move into the direction of Autumn; the place that resides in the heart. As we wrap ourselves in the warmth of our favorite sweatshirt, blanket, or perhaps nestle close to someone we love, let's slow down, listen to our hearts and welcome something new into our lane! Join us for our first merging, Tuesday, Sept 22 at 7 p.m. I will be leaving about 5:45 p.m. and welcome anyone interested in traveling along. Contact me via this blog or vkwspirit@gmail.com. I do not check FB often, so that is not a good place to send me a note. This is our destination:
Sacred Path
1818 W 57th St, Indianapolis, Indiana 46228
This is the description Victoria has written:
~~~ ♥ A Women's Sharing Circle creates space to share and connect with like hearted sisters. We all hold a multitude of gifts within ourselves. This circle allows time to share and develop our gifts as well as receive sacred gifts from other sisters in our community. We all crave more sacred authentic connection. Each sister brings a gift of the self to offer, this can be Teaching a Skill, Reiki, Yoga, Dance, Card Readings, Art Therapy, Poetry, a Teaching, Nail Painting, Massage, Sacred Listening, Encouragement, Energy Healing, Life Coaching... we all hold limitless gifts that can touch another sister's soul. What ever you are called to give will be beautifully embraced.♥ ~~~
*Your gift will be shared with one sister*
Of recent, I have learned a great deal about "family," that is to say, those that love you unconditionally and stand by you through thick and thin. I used to think one's biological family was the only source you could genuinely trust to provide such support. Sure, I knew friends were loyal, had a way of making life richer and more diverse; however, my former view was ones family of origin was the most dependable place to find such faithful supporters.
As is often the case, I have learned something new, and that is, it has nothing to do with the genetic biology, rather, it is the heart that creates ones family. I am a very blessed woman in that I have a tremendous family that expands and grows every time I allow my heart to trust ... to genuinely stay open! I must admit i have not always allowed my heart such freedom. Gratefully, that is no longer true!
Perhaps now is a good time for those reading these words to consider the tremendous gift each of you have with the abundantly rich "family" that holds your heart next to theirs. I find this realization one of the best gifts ever!
It never ceases to amaze me the unexplainable mysteries on this planet. Archaeologists, geologist, astrophysicist, even theologians can not unequivocally provide hard facts about the phenomenal places on Earth Mother or her true origin. It all makes me smile. I love the magic of it all and the not knowing is as much a delight to my soul as hearing the speculations from well known "specialist" that have dedicated their life's work to trying to explain the unexplainable!
Probably 20 years ago or so I heard of the Serpentine (Serpent) Mounds just outside Cincinnati and Friday a couple of friends and I finally made that journey. I had no perceived idea what to expect, all I had been told was they were Native American burial mounds and from an aerial view looked like a snake. Well, they are so much more then that! The Internet reports they are about as ancient as any known land form on Mother, and it is believed they were inspired and constructed by the ancient aliens.
What i do know is it is, indeed, an amazingly beautiful and sacred place. The reverence of the place is felt by those that show such respect for it's beauty by keeping it well groomed, along with the way in which they speak of land. One can feel the respect for energy there by not only those that work on the land, but by the many people that visit. Families brought picnic lunches, walked the path along the actual mounds as well as the nature walk surrounding it.
I will not begin to try and explain what I experienced, I will only tell you to read up on it then take the time to make the trip to actually "feel" the sacredness of yet another place on this beautiful blue planet. I find that experiencing such uniquely sacred spots seems to put everything else in my life in perspective. While the whole world is changing at warp speed, and paradigms are shape shifting into new forms, visiting such an ancient and sacred site offers a heart felt, here and now experience that will cause one to hit the pause button. Somehow it makes one remember something that life can keep one from remembering . . . it's called the magic of the mystery of it all!
Today, after all the fireworks and hoopla around Independence Day, I am wondering how many people actually feel independent . . . and what that "independence" really means. As in most situations, the interpretation is in the "eye of the beholder." Does Independence mean a person relies solely on him/herself, or does it mean a specific regional community, race, religious, ethic or gender group identify mainly with each other?
To me, independence is a privilege that was given to all of us by those that walked before us, and it is maintained by those that show honor for that gift. Contrary to some popular belief, it is not just a right, it is a gift, and with that gift comes the responsibility to show respect for the high cost people past and present paid for such an honor. We are, indeed, all part of a community, and, we need each other to be truly free. After all, independence was not achieved by one person, it took a community working together to gain such a freedom. The truth is, if we do not have others standing with us, we are prisoners to the self induced limitations we place on our lives. Every soul that lives needs love to grow and thrive, without it we are imprisoned by our fear of being hurt, not being good enough, never having enough, always being a victim to the life around us.
On this July 5, it is my wish that each person opens their hearts and minds to the possibilities of what life as a sacred, loving community that lives in harmony and peace really looks like. And, I know it has to begin within myself; with how I treat myself, what I tell myself about my life and what actions or inaction's are important for me to take to align to the dream within my heart. This work "ain't for sissy!" It means I have to look honestly at what I tell myself about life. The truth is, what I say means nothing . . . it is my actions that show what is in my heart.
With that said, the very first step is to know what is in one's heart. How about July 6 each of us consider what our heart truly desires. Tell your mind its only job is to remember what your heart has to say and to really come on board with this whole independence things by being a participating team member.
There you have it; independence is being free from the illusion we are separate for each other. It is means we have peace within ourselves . . . that our head and heart love and respect each other! Gotta love the simplicity of it all!
It seems every where we go the word, "transitions" is being coined. New constructions, renovations, refurbishing, recovering, new additions, are but a few of the words used to describe movement. We all know our world is in the flux of change, be it the weather, economic situations, political maneuvering, or lifestyle changes, things are being stirred up.
Everyone has an opinion as to whether these changes are for the betterment or detriment of life, however, one thing is for certain, the reference point by which we view life is shifting. My wish is for all of us to stay grounded in our personal point of truth . . . to have a clear knowing what "feels" morally and ethically true for each of us . . . individually. Then, from that point, hold true to that place and stand respectfully and loving true to our hearts. It seems to me chaos happens when we randomly ride the emotions of these changes. When we are clear what brings us a peacefulness within, we can stay steady through these changes. It is when people react to these changes on the whims of the moment rather then a personal place of truth that negativity is stirred and the possible gifts of such changes are missed.
Each of us must intimately know that personal place of truth and stay faithful and true to what brings harmony within in order to be a positive agent of change for those around them. It is like the old saying, "you can't see the forest for the trees." We need to stand back, take a deep breathe and ask our place of power within what it needs to be steady that we actually see the possible benefits of such changes. And then, most importantly, it is each person's responsibility to honor what is needed within rather then look outside his/herself for answers. We can listen to others opinions and points of view; however, ultimately it is what an individual chooses that helps keep balance through such times of change. As Gandhi so clearly and simply stated, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." At least, that is how I see it!
About ten days ago my body had an allergic reaction to poison oak. Being a woman who loves gardening and working in the dirt, I am certainly no stranger to poison ivy. However, poison oak is something I am not so familiar with; that is, until this year. While pulling weeds from the yard, I immediately recognized one the green beauties had a familiar feel. Sure enough a few days later a rash developed on my chest and within another day or two my bottom lip and eyes felt tingly. Yep, I was having an allergic reaction to that "green beauty!"
As is often the case, this occurred over the weekend, so I opted to try home remedies and wait until Monday to see if the rash would cooperate with me. Monday afternoon I am sitting in the doctor's office with my chest and neck beet red and my doctor confirming what I knew. She gave me a shot and a week's supply of steroids.
It took about 3 nights of not sleeping before my patience began to wear with everything. I felt irritable, nervous, and overall, not myself. Sure, I am like most people and can ride the waves of emotions from time to time; however, this was different. I have certainly learned to keep my bad mood to myself and not inflict it on others; however, about the fifth day it was another story.
Most of you know my mother, who has dementia, lives with me. In the nearly ten months she has been here we have had our ups and downs; however, because of her condition, erratic and illogical behaviors are certainly worked through. After all, she really has little control in managing much in her life, let alone her behavior. Gratefully, she is mostly a patient and cooperative person to work with through such types of situations. She can; however, be bull headed and head strong as most of us, if we are honest, can be from time to time.
On day 5, after marginal sleep, stripping bed clothes for the third time because of her lack of bladder control, she refused to follow directions to ensure she did not fall. What I want to make very clear is the feeling I had in my body. I felt complete and utter rage, I wanted to scream. It was absolutely ridiculous how angry I felt. I mean it certainly was not the first time she's behaved that way nor can she really be responsible for her actions since she forgets more than she remembers all the time. I asked myself, "why in the world are you so angry" as I felt my gut well up with frustration. I escorted her into the house and slammed the door closed behind me as I stomped off for a walk.
All I could do was cry, cuss, scream at whatever was in my path as I felt this nasty, ugly, vile rage well in my whole body. My body shook from in the inside out. I could literally feel the vibration as this dense, heavy feeling moved to my heart and it began to race. Literally, my heart was thumping as I felt the intensity build. I can't say as I was scared at all, I was just plain and simple mad and I felt completely out of control. It was crazy making at it's best! Finally, I looked to the heavens and asked for help. I told whomever would listen this was not me and I asked for help. I knew I needed to shape shift this toxic gunk in my gut into something peaceful and harmonious. I mean who in the world wants to feel such ugliness? Especially for no logical reason! There was no "talking it down," it seemed to have a mind of its own and it was going to be felt with a vengeance.
As I felt the universe surround me with sweetness my heart began to slow down and I felt the energy of the emotion move to the bottoms of my feet and into the earth. I asked for forgiveness for having such illogical and unsupported feelings. I quickly felt shame for hurrying my mother into the house and slamming the door. She certainly did not deserve such disrespectful behavior. When I got back home I apologized to her then went into my prayer room and spoke gratitude for the help I got with rebalancing my emotions and for being healthy! Sure, the lack of sleep can contribute to irritable behavior; however, what I realized was it was those silly steroids that caused the rage.
I quickly recalled the number of athletes that have been in trouble with such rage and I understood more clearly how such behaviors can be prompted. This certainly is no excuse for such behaviors since everyone is ultimately responsible for their actions; and yet, I understood on a very physical level exactly how a person's body feels when such rage is present.
Tonight I pray for a greater awareness to the side effects of prescription drugs. I am grateful for the illnesses controlled and/or cured with such medicines, and, I pray for more conscious attention to be paid to reading the side effects before agreeing to take whatever the doctor prescribes. Obviously, I quit taking the steroids. While I am grateful for the teaching poison oak gave to me to pay attention, I have decided poison oak and I need to come to some sort of agreement as to how to coexist peacefully, or how I can assist it with living somewhere else other then my yard! Ah, the joys of life!
Everyone is looking for their place in the world. Whether it is a career, a partner, a special place to call home, a favorite hobby, song, type of food, travel destination or anything else that occupies our time, we are seeking something of meaning. Absolutely everyone has a desire to feel loved and respected and somehow we have appointed a person, place or thing to acknowledge we have "arrived." We have to have something that indicates we have arrived or we seemingly would not know we are there.
Goals help us have something to aim for, they are the destination point for which we get up everyday and do whatever we do. The sense of accomplishment is what motivates us into some sort of action; some specific end result that ultimately lets us know our lives are not in vain. That whatever action we do has purpose.
I wonder what the world would look like if we simply knew that our presence on the planet has purpose regardless whether we have a name for it or not? I wonder if just knowing that the footprints we leave helps those coming behind us to find their way? Perhaps knowing the only thing we need do is find the goodness in life and really feel it in our being would bring a peacefulness within that adds more goodness to our little corner of the world and ultimately would help us find our place in the world. These are the things my heart wonders this morning.
If you want to learn to trust your inner knowing and move into the next level of understanding, check out Looks Far Woman, this month. She offers her assistance to all seeking Truth.
On this Easter morning I am reminded that at any moment we have the opportunity to turn a page, start anew, sing a new song. What a glorious gift we have to choose the direction we want our lives to go. While some situations we experience are painful and something we may, at the time, feel is a burden put upon us, on some level we chose that event to move us into a new direction, a deeper understanding of ourselves and of life.
While such events may cause us to scratch our heads and say, "I chose this?" we more than likely will find a new perspective. Of course, while we are scratching our heads we often cannot see a positive outcome. However, if we look over our shoulder we will. All we must do is recall a painful or frustration situation from our past and remember, we are still having birthdays! In fact, if we look at it with gentle eyes we will more than likely see the ways the experience provided us with a new teaching, a new realization that did indeed, made us wiser, stronger, more resourceful then we knew we were. This is how we develop wisdom, from moving through difficult times and finding a new balance in our lives.
While I would not begin to compare any of us to Jesus from the standpoint of what he endured at the end of his life, we do have the opportunity this Easter Sunday to resurrect a new strength, talent, gift that has been hidden from our sight. We may not have realized just how strong, resourceful, or forgiving we can be until we face a situation that requires us to summons that strength from within.
If, indeed, we are all sons and daughters of the Almighty, then we have within us everything we need to live our lives as our brother, Jesus. We, too, can use this day to resurrect our true, authentic self and allow our thoughts, words and deeds to sing in harmony. As I hear the birds singing outside my window, I wish for each of us to sing a new song! Here's to the resurrection of unconditional love and forgiveness as the melody.
This Friday the 13th seems a good time to conclude the Wicked series ... at least for now. Contemplating the topic has certainly brought clarity to a subject I used to run from. I suppose it was because of my upbringing. As a child I was not allowed to talk negatively about anything. My siblings and I were encouraged to look for the good in people. If we met people that were "mean spirited" we were told to avoid them like the plague and simply pray for them.
I am grateful for those teachings from the standpoint they provided clear boundaries as to what areas were "safe" to explore and which could lead to ... well, the forbidden fruit. Yes, that is correct, I was taught that anything that was not of God was dark, negative and of satan. And, of course, since everyone was "born in sin," because of Adam and Eve's choices, we could not be trusted to veer away from the teachings we were given. Hence, if we attempt to think for ourselves, we would certainly choose the forbidden fruit. In essence, the forbidden fruit is thinking for oneself .... hmm, Jesus, the son of God, certainly did not teach that.
Blogging about the term Wicked, has allowed me the opportunity to see the fear that surrounds things outside the circle of teachings instilled by our immediate families. I do not have fear about much of anything these days, instead I have respect for those things that may cause my stomach to flip, my heart to pound, and my mouth to be dry. I have a greater understanding of how my body alerts me to the unknown areas that are outside my immediate "comfort zone," and assist me paying attention to what is around me.
The story, "Honoring Our Instincts" from the book, Head to Heart Talks, gives an even clearer picture of the gifts our body provides to help us stay free from harm. Rather then simply rely on the voices in our head that is suspicious of anything new, different, out of the norm or foreign to what it knows, the conversation will go all over the place imaging the worst possible scenarios. Of course, our head does this to keep us safe; however, it is suspicious of absolutely everything! It is our body that provides a more accurate means by which to discern what might be a possible adventure from which we may learn something new or, indeed, something to steer clear of. Either way, the gifts provided by our bodies, if we simply pay attention, are truly amazing.
And so, I conclude this entry with something I read this morning in one of my daily devotionals, "Remember, nothing is evil, lest thinking make it so" (Wm Shakespeare) I choose to know that everything put in front of me is for my personal growth; and, that whatever it is will in some way expand my understanding and compassion for things I didn't know, I didn't know.
In a world where "right" and "wrong" seem to be left to personal interpretations, it can often become difficult to determine fair and just actions for certain behaviors. This Clan Mother, Weighs the Truth, offers a beautiful story about logical and natural consequences for a person's behavior. I find her wisdom heartwarming and hopeful. As do all the Clan Mothers, Weighs the Truth offers a simple and natural way to understand Divine Law. I am confident you will find some truths that will touch your heart.
Shortly after my first year of retirement I received an email from Neale Donald Walsch about a program he was supporting for "wanna be" writers. Something in my heart told me to give it a whirl, so I paid my money and began the program. I had many things on my heart that I wanted to share; however, I had no idea the form would be that of an old woman that lived in the woods. How a marvelous experience. All the books on writing described the "creative flow" that a person had to discover in order to actually produce a book, and I found it!
I discovered that flow when we were given instructions that only permitted us to have 36 pages a specific size. In order to condense what I had written, the birth of the old woman emerged. People who had a concern, or something they were confronting in their life would make the trip to her cabin and ask her only one question. From the question the old woman would tell a story that settled into the person's heart. Of course, as life is, nothing is resolved in a short period of time; however, change begins with an awareness. That is what the story does to those that journey to the old woman's cabin. Then the visitor has to find the warrior's courage within to to move forward when that awareness is realized.
Check out the Mini book tab for the Introduction and Story one. It will provide you with a taste of what the full size book, "Head to Heart Talks: Rediscovering Your Authentic Self," is all about. In essence, the book series is a compilation of stories within stories.
After you read the mini tab, and/or the full size book, we welcome your comments, questions, and feedback. It is your input that assures us our mission to touch the reader's hearts is accomplished! Happy reading!