Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Fall is in full swing; the colors are breathtakingly beautiful, leaves abound covering Earth Mother and a chill is in the air. It is heart warming to smell and feel the richness of this time of year as the farmers harvest the fruits of their labor and prepare the land for winter's rest. So too, my heart prepares for the cold weather and quiet serenity of winter's arrival and I am offered the opportunity to harvest the richness of family gatherings that warms my heart. Fall offers a reminder that much like the various colors, shapes and size of leaves, that when bound together create a masterpiece of beauty, our diverse families and friends offer the same work of art. Ahh, how Fall warms my heart . . . I simply adore it!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It is officially the Fall season! Time for farmers to gather their crops, gardeners to clean up and prepare the ground for Winter's rest, and an opportunity for each of us to take inventory of our abundance. Autumn has always been my favorite time of year as the busyness of spring and summer culminate into the harvesting of the growing season. Sweatshirts, bonfires, cool nights and the blazing colors of leaves offer one the opportunity to truly appreciate the richness of nature's beauty.
Some approach Fall as a reminder Winter is just around the corner and therefore, miss the opportunity to fully appreciate the settling into the quiet, peaceful season of Winter. It seems to me Fall gives everyone a chance to begin the process of slowing down physical activities and welcome in the retreat into our homes. With Fall comes the opportunity to slow our pace to one that allows us to "stay put" and complete projects that have gathered on our work benches for a "stay at home" day.
For this lady, I am most grateful for the approaching beauty of Autumn that helps my body and heart know there's a slowing down just around the corner, and, that there will be more opportunity to get back to things I love to do in the peaceful serenity of my home. Yep, this Yankee loves the change of seasons and the constant reminder that everything is constantly growing, dying off and regrowing into whatever I choose life to be. It warms my heart to know that if things seem boring, all I have to do is dream something new and Earth Mother offers me the opportunity to change and shift whatever needs moved or given away, to be presented to someone else who just may be seeking what has already served me. Here's to Autumn and the "Falling" away of things in order for new dreams, experiences and adventures to be created!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
As I consider how quickly June is moving toward July, I am reminded how life flows in the same manner. We get up each day, do whatever routine we have to get prepared for a new day, then go about completing the tasks on our magical "list!" As we check mark what is completed, we add to the list something else that gets our attention. At the end of the day we gather our "tools," head home with thoughts of what we will make for dinner, what needs attention in the evening in order to prepare to snuggle into our beds to rest, get up the next day and start the process all over again. It is an endless stream of "to-do's!"
As the sunny days of June warm our bodies, the dreams we squirreled away in winter often nudge us into action. With the excitement of outdoor activities, family gatherings, vacations and the endless stream of weeds in both our yard and gardens, we often find ourselves remembering the simpler times of our youth. Maybe it's the soreness of muscles we haven't used all winter, but memories of the long days of summer activities filled with Popsicles, bike riding, swimming holes, ice cream trucks fireflies, and the surprise rashes from the abundance of poison ivy all remind us of the carefree times of youth. Sweaty, sunburn bodies remind those of us that live in the north to cease the moment!
As we move into the fullness of summer, July brings the thrill of fireworks, picnics and the warmth in our hearts that comes from being reminded what a privilege it is to live in a free country. May the closing of June move each of us to a place that really truly allows us to take the time to pause and reflect on what our thoughts, words and actions add to the world. Let's be honest, talks cheap, it is easy to point the finger at the person who talks the loudest; however, it is in the quiet, subtle, often overlooked actions of those that truly desire peace to really bring to light the realization that we DO co-create life. IF we want more peace, we have to be more peaceful within ourselves and through our actions. IF we truly respect our nation, it will be evidenced in how we talk about our leaders, our neighbors, ourselves.
Here's a challenge for the remainder of June, take the time to put on your to-do list some specific things you can do to make your community what you want to see our nation be, and then make a commitment to do your best to check those things off your list each day. I will wager those that take this challenge will find July an even more heart-felt month.
P.S. By coincidence, check out the Moon tab and read about Loves All things. You just might find it quite interesting!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
The Indy 500 and Memorial weekend have been a matched pair for over a hundred years. This year signifies the 100th running of the race, although there were several years when historical events prevented its running. Most Hoosiers are loyal, simple, yet diverse people and their love and faith in country and family is immeasurable by any standards.
This year, for the first time the race has been sold out, it seems more than Hoosiers will be celebrating this event! For the past 100 days a local TV station has recalled a year at the close of each broadcast. It has been such a sweet trip down memory lane for more then just the race. Observing the clothing styles, historical buildings, type of automobiles on the streets all stimulated memories of the tremendous growth and change heralded in over the past 100 years.
Throughout each daily segment, there was also a reference to the military members that served and protected our treasured freedoms. It was a heart-warming, tear felt memory of the sacrifices made by those that walked before us, and a reminder to never take our freedoms for granted.
As the industrial revolution and modernization of new technologies made way for sky scrapers, mass transportation and super highway. The busyness and mobility of life has shape-shifted our families bringing the suburbs to meet the city limits. It is, indeed, a sight to behold to see familiar farm lands of the past now yield crops of mass housing.
Through this daily recounting of the past 100 years it has warmed my heart to witness how the unyielding faith and love of family contributes to the basic "good ole' boy" beliefs that one's word is their bond, a handshake seals the deal and a hand up is always available. This Hoosier is grateful for the memories that whatever current events and conflicts may be happening, the basic goodness of people will prove that loyalty and faith are more than just words.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Welcome to Spring, and, to all the new growth bursting forth everywhere! Ah, what a delight to see color return to the land; it makes my heart happy to feel the liveness all around.
Please check out the new Healing Circle tab for yet more opportunities to live your life with purpose and passion. We also updated the other tabs with some "fresh" words, thoughts, insights and welcome your comments and/or questions. It is time for the aliveness within each of us that has germinated during the retreat of winter to be brought forth to the rest of the world. If you need assistance with tapping that "within place" now is a good time to contact us to see how we may be of service.
We live in the world together, let's "begin within" to find the peace and harmony we want to see more of in the world!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It has been said that to forgive someone is to set yourself free. Of recent I have learned some more of what that actually means. It is one thing for you to forgive someone, and quite another to be the one asking for forgiveness. In the first scenario you must have done some work with your heart to know precisely what hurt was buried deep within it. You have to be strong enough and allow yourself to be vulnerable to trust someone to help you really get to know what situation is the culprit of the pain or dis-ease in your heart. That takes a lot of courage and a great deal of personal strength because most of us would prefer to ignore or disregard the event that created the hurt. Most of us are kind and loving individuals and the last thing we want to do is to cause someone else to feel the pain we do. At least that is what I have observed about myself and most people I know.
In the second scenario you have to be very strong, not take things personal, and be willing to take responsibility for your actions rather than try to explain or make excuses for what you have done. With that said, sometimes what we have done was the best choice we had at the time of the situation. Tough situations generally occur when we are at our lowest time ... when we have made several attempts to remedy a concern that requires cooperation from the other party to truly resolve. And, everyone knows you can only control your actions, you certainly cannot make someone do something they do not want to do ... and so you take an action in hopes it remedies the situation.
In both scenarios resolving a conflict and/or past hurt can only happen when each person is willing to take responsibility for his or her actions ... then and only then can true forgiveness be asked for and/or given. It all begins with looking within our hearts and being brave enough to listen to the whispers that ask to be brought to the light. That light is unconditional love, and that is what sets each party free. Words without true heart-felt forgiveness keep the unforgiving party enslaved to the situation. It is the party willing to examine his or her part in the past situation and take responsibility for the effects it had on the other person, despite our best intentions, that offers true unconditional love that can set both ourself and the other party free.
My heart wishes that when such unconditional love and personal responsibility is offered the other party accepts it and allows his or her heart to heal. However, I have learned I do not have that much power to make that happen. I can only accept my part and pray for the heart of the one needing or asking for forgiveness to receive my love, take it into his or her heart and allow the action to heal. That is my prayer, that is what I hold onto so that my heart and the heart of the one I love may be free to add more love to the world.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
I am wondering some more about this phrase, "politically correct." I heard one of the candidates for president boast about not having the time to worry with being politically correct. He followed his comment with a list of things that need to be given immediate attention, one of which was to deal with mentally ill people. In the same breath he continued, "these "sickos" need to be given attention." Hmm! I guess he was out of time that he went from "mentally ill," to "sicko." It seems to me this man confuses political correctness with Respect. All one really has to do is ask him/herself if the word they are about to use to describe someone would be something they would like their mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, etc, to be called. I say, let's save time by choosing the word "respect" over "politically correct." It just might make our world a more peaceful place rather then one where we have to defend every word we say.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
My question is what precisely does it mean to be "politically correct?" From my observation it seems to indicate the importance of saying things so as to avoid offending someone or a particular group. Indeed, it has become difficult to simply speak from one's heart, instead we have to consider the use of certain words or phrases for fear of stepping on someone's toes. I can remember using words to describe how I felt such as "I had a gay time," "that was a queer thing to do," "I felt retarded when trying to use my new computer."
There was a time when gay, queer, retarded merely meant one was happy/light hearted, strange/odd, or simply felt ill equipped or unable to figure something out. It certainly was not said to reference a particular type of person or group. It is little wonder communicating with someone has become so difficult; we have become cautious of every word we say in order to not be misunderstand or step on someone's toes.
So now we must censor every word and to do that we need to move into our heads to evaluate our words before saying them. It certainly is most important to think before we speak in order to be clear at what we really want to say to someone and to be certain we relay our message in a clear and concise manner. All too often we just open up our mouths and start an endless flow of words with no real sense of what we are attempting to communicate. However, to then have to sort through every single words means we have to filter things through the list of current "politically correct" lingo that might be construed as offensive. It's all pretty confusing not to mention time consuming which thusly can make for opting to say nothing at all.
It is my understanding to have good communications with someone we seek to share our thoughts, observations, ideas, and dreams, requires we simply show up and share what is unfolding in our heart. My experience is that in the unfolding of the conversation we find clarity and support for whatever resides in our heart. More times than not the person we are speaking with will prompt us to hone down our seeming rantings by asking us questions, or reflecting back what they are hearing us say so they can be clear they are hearing what we mean, which in turn helps us get more clear. There is nothing more warming to the heart than to have someone you can just be yourself with and speak from a place of comfort knowing that whatever you say will be understood. For in the dialoguing both parties gain a deeper understanding of the topic and each other.
I don't know, this "politically correct" notion just seems like a lot of rhetoric for keeping us on the surface rather then genuinely speaking from our heart center. What do I know though? I'm just a simple person who prefers letting my heart play with someone else's heart and learn a thing or two about each other while we laugh about the silliness of it all. But then, I also prefer to hear someone's voice over texting so I can accurately hear the tone for which they speak and look in their face for their expressions to make certain I understand the feelings behind the words. To me, that can only happen when people talk to each other from their hearts. And, your thoughts on the topic are . . .
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