Whether you love or dislike the media, it does serve to keep us connected to some basic truths. Most recently the media has helped us witness the actions of kind, generous, compassionate people and offered us an expanded picture of what our "neighbors" look like! Since actions speak louder than words, I'd say our country is in pretty good shape. Maybe, just maybe the "Love thy neighbor, as thyself," is a becoming a visible truth.
There is nothing FAKE about what can be seen; therefore, I choose to believe there is hope for our world, that Love prevails when the rhetoric of finger pointing, blaming and choosing sides becomes the primary focus. In the big picture, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, and age have shown no preference in the power of the human heart to have compassion and take action to help humans and animals in a time of need. Now would be a good time to look to our Earth Mother and examine our actions toward her care. Perhaps it is time to look at our personal actions to determine whether our actions show respect for this amazing planet and to another basic truth that absolutely every one and every thing thrives and grows when it is shown respect and love.
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