Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
As 2010 completes it's cycle, it's a good time to reflect. This year has been one of movement for me. It has taken this year to finally feel "somewhat" comfortable retired. After nearly 30 years in education, I think in school year terms...August to May; perhaps I will always think in those terms. Nonetheless, getting into the "groove" of retirement has been more challenging then I anticipated. Perhaps it's because I've worked a "9-5" job since I was 18 that makes it such an adjustment. I know individuals that had flexible days/hours that seemed to make the transition much smoother then I have. Like the "good trooper" I am, I'll get use it though. I have lots of projects and dreams to fill the time, so there's no "sitting around" for me! I do love the flexibility for doing things when I want to...that's quite a new experience I can most certainly stretch into.
I have also moved around with living arrangements as well. That's been quite an experience seeing different parts of the country and meeting new people. I'm very glad to be settling into a home of my own in 2011....that's a most welcome venture. Overall, 2010 has been a very rich year, so many new projects, witnessing people reaching for their dreams, seeing others achieve theirs, it's been a good balance to observe. While the media tends to report mostly the "down shot" of things, there's a great deal of goodness being shown. Just notice the communities coming together to help each other....neighbor helping neighbor, strangers extending a hand to help those in need. While we have a long way to go to re balance the priorities of our country, we still have an abundantly rich nation of caring people. What I choose for 2011 is to notice my emotional reactions to events in life, and commit to staying in the moment, going to my heart for guidance, using discernment to choose wisely, then trusting the universe to take care of the rest. I am a very blessed woman who counts Creator, my family, friends and physical well being as my richest gifts. I am grateful to be living on this beautiful planet and learning how to live my life with purpose from her inhabitants. Many blessings to all of you, have a tremendous 2011!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
The water on the lake is perfectly still this morning; not so much as a hint of movement. A mosaic blanket of frozen ice patches dot the lake as unfrozen water outlines the various patterns. I am reminded that life offers us such "outlining"; events that appear in various "sizes" and "shapes"; some are large and of massive proposition, while others are small slivers of experience. One would "think" the bigger ones have the greatest impact; when that, indeed, may not be true. Sometimes the smallest experience can have such a powerful impact that our life is changed forever. There is a saying, "It's not what you do, it's the energy in which you do it," that clearly depicts this Truth. When events happen in life (which it does on a regular basis), we have a choice as to how to respond. We can either react to life, or take actions accordingly after careful consideration of the options. In the first response, we are coming from our emotions, and while they are a part of being human, they are not the core of who we are. If we allow our emotions to direct our choices, more than likely, we will wish we had paused, counted to 10, and then made the decision. It is in the stillness of the infinite that sound decisions are made; ones that will carry the "energy" we wish to see more of into our lives. In the stillness of this moment, I am grateful for the wisdom to discern what I wish to see more of and then take action accordingly. I have learned that real power is only found in the stillness of the moment.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
There's a mist hanging over the Lake; the home across the water looks hidden by a frosted film. While I know exactly how the home looks, every detail of Holiday decorations that adorn this view of the home; it's as though my glasses need cleaned. Just beyond the home the mountains are just as shadows behind the low hanging clouds. Interesting how what I know is so very clear seems....unclear. Hmm, very much like life can be. The visual in front of me is a perfect example that I can strain my eyes and make out the lights, yet if I want to be kind to my eyes, all I really have to do is notice the tall trees directly in front of the window. They are very clear and need no straining to observe the various shades and shapes of bark.
I am grateful for the reminder that sometimes things can appear quite clear and other times not so clear; either way they remain the same. It's really my perspective that is influenced by what I choose to focus on. Hmm, there it is again, a teaching that what I see and receive in life is based on what I'm focusing on! It's always about my personal responsibility to acknowledge that what I "see" is what I am looking for!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
A partially frozen lake, snow covered ground, blue skies dotted with white clouds and a home gloriously decorated for the holidays are a few of the sites outside the living room window in front of me. Living room window; let me describe's an entire wall of glass exposing all of outdoors. It's like living in a very large tree house! There are tall pines reaching toward the heavens, and a large green holly tree splattered with red berries adds color to the blanket of snow on the ground in front of the cabin. It's like a picture from a Holiday Greeting card! As smoke curves upward from the chimney of the house directly across the lake, a large green wreath hangs above the picture window. There's a gazebo to the right of the house that sits just off the water between two very tall and green pines. The mountains behind the house have two curved peaks such that it looks as though the bosom of Mother Earth is rising.
There are so many marvelous places on this planet, so many amazing formations it fills my eyes with tears to know I have the privilege of being here. A mother deer and her two baby fawns were just outside the massive windows as they searched the ground for food. I stood there staring at them until "Mama" finally caught sight of me; then the three of them left. This is a picturesque place. The lady who owns this home had it built as a gift to your children when she passes. She has been very ill for a number of years and as a result has examined her life and taken action to live it and leave it precisely as she chooses.
There's something very important in that message. Wouldn't it be nice to live your life as though your days were numbered? Not from a fearful position; rather, as one who appreciates every single moment. As the Holidays become full throttle, consider examining your gifts. It matters not what form you choose to acknowledge the Creator of the universe, what is important is you acknowledge there is something greater then yourself, behind the scenes, listening to your prayers. May this Holiday provide you ample opportunity to pray carefully and sincerely. Then like the lady who built this home, you can take action toward living your life as though it was your last day. I, for one, am choosing that for my life!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It's been a most beautiful Fall; the draught did not affect the Fall colors. This is, without a doubt, my most favorite time of year; while each season offers it's own unique beauty, and teachings abound on how to simply be present with each season. Fall seems to pick my spirits UP. I love snuggling into winter clothes, the smell of a bonfire, the crisp sound that happens with I walk on the leaves; and, of course, the feel of the cool 'nip' in the air. For me, it is a time of settling into the quietness winter brings. Summer generally brings about much activity; and while I love that, it's nice to know the stillness follows. Sort of a time to allow the 'fruits' of summer, to settle into my being; which gives me the opportunity to really consider what I have experienced over the summer months.
Much like each day brings the newness, and evening the stillness, so summer into Fall, brings a time of settling into the winter time of rest. It's a joy to feel the full range of emotions, ideas, completions and welcome the cave of introspection into my life--at least for a few months!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It has been said we are reflected through the relationships we have in our life. That's a pretty interesting thought. I have some amazing people in my life; some are imaginative, creative, forthright in their dealings, and overall powerful people; while others are real "characters". Some of these "characters"are disorganized, not clear in their communication, sorta "wishy-washy" in decision-making, and overall, prefer to sit idly by and watch life happen. I love all of them...every single one, and each have helped me become a happier, more balanced person. Of course, the first set help me accomplish many things; I have learned to realize my dreams by taking the necessary actions to manifest them, and to not give up on anything!
The "characters" helped me find my balance. Being an overachiever takes lots of time, and with that time comes added stress--how to get things done and still have time to play and really know your family and friends. I used to have many judgments about "couch potatoes" that were not very kind thoughts; I saw them as lazy and lacking ambition. (of course, I was the overachiever that appeared never satisfied with anything!)
Now that I'm older, I've learned to respect the tremendous gifts ALL of my friends provided. To the overachievers, I say thank you for motivating me to realize my dreams--for showing me how to do that, and to assure me I'm not asking too much! Thank you for showing me how it looks to know there are absolutely no roadblocks in life; only opportunities to use my creativity to move around them!
To the "characters" I say thank you for reflecting to me the importance of slowing life down so I don't miss experiences with my family and friends....These characters have helped me gather memories that are far more important than monetary accomplishments. An embossed seal from IU pales to remembering the All-Star baseball games my son's participated in, my daughter's dance recitals, or the first bus ride to school, first drive in his/her car, late night chats about their fears and joys. Like the commercial says; those memories are "Priceless"!
As I look in the mirror at the woman I have become, I am grateful I can look past the wrinkles, white hair, "interesting" shaped body, and really see who I AM! Now, I'm not saying it's always easy to see those things; however, having the gift of all the people in my life, it's getting easier. I do know, I am not this physical "space suit"; I'm a sacred being having a human experience. The reflection is beautiful, and I am grateful for the Windex my friends have provided!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
New beginnings, new opportunities, new ways of "being" in this world! With all the changes on the planet, it seems the question in front of us is; "What's certain?" Deepak Chopra writes in, The Seven Spiritual Laws for Success, "through the wisdom of uncertainty, I will find my security"; what a powerful statement! Most of us aspire to be "enlightened"; to become more, better, good, and the list goes on that says we aren't "enough".
Whether we can actually "see" the Sun each morning; it does rise. Perhaps the clouds prevent our physical vision from seeing the Sun's fullness; that does not mean it is not there. Each of us have quirks, little habits that irritate us--our family--our coworkers, and still we are "whole". If we could know this for certain we would save ourselves much grief; and yet many of us continue to rise each morning and see someone "not complete" in the mirror.
Imagine a world in which everyone knew they were whole and complete; imagine the time we would free up to enjoy a new venture, new book, lunch with a dessert! As the Sun ascends in the sky this day, take a few moments to state your gratitude for the amazing creation you are...exactly as you are...then imagine what a gift the day will bring. Then you will know your true security lies within, and any changes put in front of you are simply opportunities to grow, expand and discover new adventures. This is the gift we are given from the East direction!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It's a warm, muggy morning as the crickets sound the alarm for the habitants of daytime on Earth to awaken. Grandfather has begun his ascent and his face is full of brightness...a beautiful gift reminding me opportunity is directly in front of me. Interesting how I can get caught up in the details of life and idle away time organizing, planning, coordinating, and analyzing the events of life. It is really very amusing how I think I am in charge of anything!
The birds are singing their hearts song as the great standing ones on either side of me show the fullness of their summer attire. Funny how we humans become very bare with the warmth of summer .... we shed clothes and frolic in the coolness of the water to balance our bodies temperature. When I was young, we spent hours outside attempting to find shade, now we spend as much time inside grateful for air conditioning as a way to 'enjoy' summer. Lightning bugs are delightful to watch with a childlike amazement--however, the mosquitoes keep us inside or sprayed with repellent to observe these night light creatures....guess watching from a window isn't so bad when humidity hangs heavy in the air. Have the generations changed? Or has our environment become more toxic? It really doesn't matter....asking that only engages the mind, which disengages our 'being in the moment' opportunity to simply observe and enjoy.
Very soon the coolness of Fall will bring out the layers of clothing waiting to envelope our bodies, and the Standing ones will display their rich Fall colors as they begin shedding their 'attire' to prepare for whatever winter brings. I am grateful for the change of seasons and for the opportunity to receive the teaching that all things are in a constant state of change---helps me not take life too serious, and most certainly renews my faith in the knowing that something very divine not only has a great sense of humor, but is always present! Grandfather's warm is now seen and felt in full's going to bring yet another delicious summer day --- here's to sweet tea, lemonade and an air conditioned space for which to retreat!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
There have been many things written about detachment....the positive aspects are: you allow others to 'do their own thing' by not getting caught up in their 'stuff'; you spend more energy noticing what is working in your life because what's in front of you at this moment is really all that is important; you do not second guess yourself because what you chose is in the past--hence worry never enters your realm of reality--these are just a few of the benefits of detachment. Now, the big challenge is actually practicing this art...and it is an art, for most of us as taught that if we really care about something or someone we will worry about how they are doing. It was told to me the word Care is of old English origin and it means to 'carry the burden'. With that in hand, it seems easier to let worry go, for we all know to carry the burden for someone else is to disrespect them by getting in their business, it says, "I'm afraid you can't handle this", and it shows lack of trust they can handle what they came here to do. Most of us have plenty of things to keep clear and focused on right in front of us! And when we are constantly thinking about what needs done, who needs help, questioning our decisions, we lose the sacredness of this moment. It was described to me as such, "Spirit is not in the past, for that's history, Spirit is not in the future, for that's yet to occur, the only place to find Spirit is in this moment. If we indeed, desire a close walk with the divine, it would be helpful to pay attention to what's around us right now. As each of us look at detachment, it would be good to consider, what is important in my life? What is of value that needs my attention and love? When those two questions are answered, we are free to enjoy the moment and we know exactly the next step in front of us.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
What feeds your soul? What motivates you to move...take action...develop a new relationship...change your hair style? Of recent, growth has been put in front of me...while I have always embraced change, there has been a part of me that both desired and needed a sense of sameness...stability...something to 'anchor' onto. Finding that balance has been an adventure this past year. And along with my personal journey, those around me have been confronting similar decisions. Sometimes change comes seemingly uninvited...although as most of you know, everything we experience we have in some way called to our life. All experiences are for our personal growth...and as we address these changes head on, we gain more wisdom. Despite whether it 'feels' like something we would actually choose, it offers us an opportunity to examine what we are focusing on in our lives. For as the saying goes, "As a man thinketh, so he is". With the knowledge gained we can help another along the way as they journey through their life, which, of course, is also a careful balance--to know when to share what we have learned and when to wait until someone ask! There seems to be an awful lot of 'experts'..or as the old saying goes, "Too many chiefs and not enough Indians". The bottom line is growth! It is your decision as to what to do with what your have learned. As for me, the more I learn, the more I realize I don't know! And so, I embrace growth and ask for guidance as to how to use what I learned for the good of the community and I continue to be grateful for those I meet along the way.
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It has been a 'most interesting' summer. These words are the best I can come up with to describe the events these hot, humid days have birthed not only in my life, but in those around me. Sweat rolling down our backs, pouring off our brows, causing our underwear to cling to the curves of our's been a summer for burning off old relationships, worn out beliefs and allowing the moisture to move toxins out. Sometimes it seems there is no end to readjusting to life. Like the old saying, "Just when you figure out the answers, they changed the questions", so it is with the ever evolving relationships in life. And those relationships are not just with family and friends...they are with all the beings that cross our path--whether in the form of animals, birds, even foliage! I have noticed the growth of the garden we have...seems a week not visiting the site brings an abundance of new weeds...along with the ripening of the vegetables. On the various walking paths we use, flowers, bushes and trees are ever changing as the rain feeds the soil that provides the nourishments for growth. Everything is in a state of change, of growth, of coming into a new form and shape.
There is a burning away, a fire of passion that has ignited a new way of being in the world for all of us. Virtually everyone we have encountered is confronting change and tweeking the necessary elements for adapting! Regardless what form change has taken in our life, a commitment to being loyal to ourselves is necessary. The one constant we must have in our life is a loyalty to stand beside ourselves as we confront each new 'adventure'. To do this, we need to see our worth, know our strengths and be willing to ask for assistance when things seem unclear. While this seems logical, and certainly makes sense, it is the word commitment that seems the most difficult for people to embrace. I can only look in the mirror and ask if I am committed to standing with myself, to making certain regardless whatever circumstances I am confronted with, I know there is at least one person who loves me enough to listen, accept the situation and believe without reservation that I have the resources available to handle what's in front of me. When each of us do this, we help those around us do the same...imagine how our community (and world) could change if we made the commitment to love ourselves unconditionally! Guess the question to ask, is are YOU ready to make that commitment?
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
It has been a month of 'releasing'....what started as assisting my Mother with clearing the clutter in the cottage behind her home has become a time of letting go for me. Having learned the teaching of how what one does affect another, I knew taking the action for my Mother would have effects on my life--just had no idea it would be a way of releasing unresolved feelings between the two of us.
Every day I notice more shifting and sorting...more transforming of events and situations into ways of finding more clarity, more simplicity and most importantly, more peace and balance. And I am grateful for the way in which the teachings remind me there may be emotional pain during the experience. Being a person of peace, it has never been my desire to confront people and situations....I have always been the 'peacemaker'...whatever it took, I found a way to bridge relationships and situations so everyone felt heard. Of course, not every feels understood, that is something they must find within themselves--and yet respectfully addressing blatant disrespect does present a whole new set of creative challenges.
This past month, Creator has called in all the resources needed to help me do this work in a good way...and to learn yet again how not to take things personal. Much gratitude to the powers that be for the assistance and love that was sent .... they were received with a grateful heart. It is good to know all the universe hears my heart's prayers and heralds in exactly what I need to
to grow and expand in love so those around me can also experience the joy of knowing we are never alone...never without love...never without the courage to embrace what is for the highest and best good and release what no longer serves us. From me to we....that guarantees new hope that in the releasing comes new freedom, new love, new growth! Hmm, makes the hurt of 'old' pain worth releasing so the new can heal the heart!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Strolling along the trail at one of my favorite places to walk, I was allowing the feelings from a situation the night before to be transformed. Interesting how life gives us such opportunities to stretch and grow...and most generally it is the ones we love so dearly that provide these teachings. I started the walk with the intention of rebalancing my heart for my head was trouping all over it...."Why did this happen....Did I do something to contribute to this..." and the questions continued.
The beginning of the trail is open space, the sky was so blue, the air cool with the early morning breeze and the winged ones were busy gathering food for their babies. As I entered the densely wooded area, I called to those beautiful standing ones (trees) and told them I would enter with a clear heart and mind...with gratitude for their amazing teachings of staying grounded and allowing their deep roots to sustain them through all sorts of weather, I ask they assist me with reconnecting to my 'home base'.
As I walked along the meandering path that winds around a creek, I stopped to notice the hundreds and hundreds of small white fluff balls that were accumulating on the ground. I realized the "mother tree" was sending me a message...there are many blessings all around me...all I had to do was notice them. If you have seen the movie Avatar, you'll know of what I am speaking ...if you haven't seen the movie, do yourself a favor and rent it!
By the time I emerged from the thick wooded area I was feeling balanced and clear--actually, I felt joyful for my life and all the amazing experiences that remind me what a gift it is to be on this Earth plane. I turned to take the open path and noticed a white plastic bag laying on the pavement ahead of me...a woman was coming toward me and she walked around it. As I passed it, I was reminded of giving back...I had just been given a tremendous gift from that walking I turned around, picked up the bag and walked it to the trash can a few feet away.
As I continued, I saw more discarded items...a piece of rope, a plastic bottle, a wrapper, cigarette butt and something else I can't recall at this moment. So, I held the items in my hand until I found another trash container near the end of my walk. As I carried these items for about half a mile, a teaching suddenly came to my awareness.
My journey that morning started with a request to rebalance myself and allow my heart to find it's voice...for it never needs answers to human drama questions, it simply feels, forgives and moves on. When I make a request from my heart, it is heard and answered.
The plastic bag was given to me to hold the items discarded with little respect and regard for the non-human habitates of that was my choice whether to take the time to pick them up and see they were disposed of so others could enjoy the beauty of the park, or to walk by them and expect someone else to pick them up.
We are given exactly what we need when we need it...our job is to pay attention and take the action right in front of us to keep our hearts beautiful! Just as the park took my discarded items that were given to me with little respect or regard, so I returned that loving gift with the use of a plastic bag!
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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:
Let's chat about life...Everyone has a vision...a place within their heart that directs their actions. The purpose of this blog site is to provide a place where individuals can come to consider that 'place'.
We have become a world very disconnected from our heart space. The emphasis of our society today is on doing, producing, climbing up toward 'something'. Most generally, that 'something' is based on material objects secured by money. Of recent I have heard many people talking about being tired of doing a job that does not feed their soul; hence they are relying on others, credit cards, and/or the government to provide for their basic needs.
Little wonder such thoughts are streaming through our heads and being heard from our mouths for the distribution of wealth, and the emphasis on material possessions reigns as the 'golden ring' of achievement.
What I know to be true is wealth and money does, indeed, make life more 'accessible'--however, it does not secure happiness and feed our soul. Our heart center has become a distant friend with whom we seldom spend time....hence we 'feel' that void and nothing we purchase can 'fill' that space. So, let us begin this journey with curiosity and a sense of adventure as we take a step toward who we really are undefined by what we have accomplished or obtained.
Let us begin the journey from our 'head mind' the place in which we have been taught to rule our life and move toward our heart center where our true nature resides.
Check out the additional tabs and post your comments, experiences, questions in the space below. It would help if you begin by putting the Tab name you are addressing...ex. Healing: (then begin your comments). From my heart to yours, Vicky
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