As 2010 completes it's cycle, it's a good time to reflect. This year has been one of movement for me. It has taken this year to finally feel "somewhat" comfortable retired. After nearly 30 years in education, I think in school year terms...August to May; perhaps I will always think in those terms. Nonetheless, getting into the "groove" of retirement has been more challenging then I anticipated. Perhaps it's because I've worked a "9-5" job since I was 18 that makes it such an adjustment. I know individuals that had flexible days/hours that seemed to make the transition much smoother then I have. Like the "good trooper" I am, I'll get use it though. I have lots of projects and dreams to fill the time, so there's no "sitting around" for me! I do love the flexibility for doing things when I want to...that's quite a new experience I can most certainly stretch into.
I have also moved around with living arrangements as well. That's been quite an experience seeing different parts of the country and meeting new people. I'm very glad to be settling into a home of my own in 2011....that's a most welcome venture. Overall, 2010 has been a very rich year, so many new projects, witnessing people reaching for their dreams, seeing others achieve theirs, it's been a good balance to observe. While the media tends to report mostly the "down shot" of things, there's a great deal of goodness being shown. Just notice the communities coming together to help each other....neighbor helping neighbor, strangers extending a hand to help those in need. While we have a long way to go to re balance the priorities of our country, we still have an abundantly rich nation of caring people. What I choose for 2011 is to notice my emotional reactions to events in life, and commit to staying in the moment, going to my heart for guidance, using discernment to choose wisely, then trusting the universe to take care of the rest. I am a very blessed woman who counts Creator, my family, friends and physical well being as my richest gifts. I am grateful to be living on this beautiful planet and learning how to live my life with purpose from her inhabitants. Many blessings to all of you, have a tremendous 2011!
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