
Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  I awoke this morning to a beautiful, crystal clear sky in Denver.  As is the usual routine, I grabbed my daughter's animal totem cards,  a cup of coffee and headed to the balcony to welcome the snow capped mountains to my heart. This morning Opossum weaved through the deck to remind me of the gift of "diversion" this being offers. As is always the case, it was spot on, and a great reminder for me to pay attention.
  As in most families, there are members who give us the opportunity to s-t-r-e-t-c-h beyond our set belief as to how people "should" act. Indeed, there are common courtesies that assist with contributing to a cooperative spirit that supports harmonious and peaceful relationships. And, yet, the love we feel for our relations can be sometimes be stretched behind human tolerance ... at least that's my observations. And, it takes us to the nonhuman place of the divine ... to our hearts!
  Most of the time, my way of dealing with these sorts of disrespectul, downright bullish behaviors has always been to attempt to speak my truths. However, when that has been meant with "overtalk" (that's to say they won't allow you to speak) I remain silent and pray for assistance that my lips stay closed .... which often requires a lot of prayer!
  My human reaction to be silent has often made me later question if my actions were done to "keep the peace," or because I lacked the courage to speak on my own behalf. Anyone who knows me, knows the answer to that question; however,  I am always willing to self-exam to keep myself in check.
  This morning I pulled the Opossum (possum) card and was reminded what a gift these beings offer humans. The opossum protects itself by "playing dead." While it has the ability to fight with its claws and teeth, it rolls into a ball, sends off the musk of death and remains motionless until its predictor gives up and leaves believing the "game is over!" Warriors have used this "medicine" for years ... pretended they were afraid or defended then retreated, only to take the time to regroup, use their mental as well as physical prowess to achieve their goals.
  I am grateful to be reminded that when I pretend to be apathetic or unafraid and choose to hold my words rather then allow my emotions to fuel the situation, I am more likely to get what I really want which is a peaceful, loving solution. Imagine what our families, communities, country and world would look like if we used the tactics of these little, not so pretty, yet beautiful creatures! Oh what an amazing teaching I've received this morning ... the gift of "diversion!"

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Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  It is a hazy, muggy summer morning, about the only things stirring are the mosquitos and they are quite abundant. I write this morning from the comfort of my air-conditioned home. I have a comfortable chair in my bedroom that sits in front of a window that frames a picture of the front yard. It is still dark outside with only a hint of Grandfather sun’s arrival. I know this because it appears every single day. Sometimes the clouds hide its full light; however, there is always some hint of the sun’s presence.

  I am reminded that often when things seem unclear, clarity is just waiting for the arrival of the light. It may be an “ah ha” moment that brings the clarity or simply a natural consequence of an action we have taken. We cannot rush it, or force it to appear, we can only be confident that in perfect time, at the precise moment it is needed, it will show itself. Our job is to pay attention! We can only do that when we stop thinking about it and simply trust the natural order of life to unfold. If we have done our part, the universe will take care of the rest. Watch Grandfather’s arrival and departure each day and you will have all the evidence you need to know this is true!

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Check out the updated Moon Tab!

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Begin Within

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  Yesterday in the healing circle someone requested we spin energy out to those ready and willing to choose joy over suffering. It was a very sweet and sincere request. This morning my heart felt the power behind that request and I wondered . . . what if people really consciously choice to live life with joy? What would the world look like, how would we treat each other and, most importantly, how would the chatter in our heads change?
  That is the key, changing what we tell ourselves about what is happening in life on a personal, individual level. It is a noble idea to want everyone to be happy; to no longer see people suffer, and, I believe it is, indeed, possible. However, for that to truly happen each of us must choose to remove suffering from our individual life.
  The saying, “begin within,” is spot on! What we feel within ourselves is what we will see in the world. Each of us must be willing to take responsibility for what we “send out into the world.” And, everything we think, say and do feeds those around us. If we want suffering to be removed, we absolutely must look at the mental chatter honestly and notice what sort of words we are using to describe our lives.
  A good question to ask is, “Am I as kind to myself as I am to others?” If you can honestly answer that with “yes,” then you are helping remove suffering from the world. Suffering is an option. I do not care what you parents did or did not do it is up to you to treat yourself with the loving gently kindness every human being needs and desires. And, for that to really happen, you absolutely must forgive your parents and/or caregivers for what they did or did not do. It is as simple as that.
  Certainly therapy is a vital and valuable tool that moves us toward that place; however, if we are merely going through the motions and continually repeating the stories of our past we are avoiding taking responsibility for what our life has become. It is true, we are masters of our fate and so each moment we must choose what we want to see more of in our lives. We absolutely must pay attention to the chatter in our head and change that dialogue. No one can do it for you; it is completely up to you!

  With that said, love yourself enough to seek the assistance of someone who lives their life as you want to live yours and then listen to how they have made their life as it is. There is no quick fix, not enough books written, that can magically remove the stories you tell yourself in your head. It takes courage to move toward what you want to become, vigilance to pay attention and a willingness to be as loving and gentle with yourself as you want others to be to you. It is up to each of us to remove the suffering we may feel in our heart and move toward love.

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The ten-second pause

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  What does the word “discipline” really mean? Generally when that word is used we think of child rearing.  However, the word discipline is also referenced when some form of correction is deemed necessary in order to bring someone back into alignment with established guidelines set by an organization.
  Most everyone understands the necessity for rules, guidelines, some form of system by which a person’s behavior is monitored and/or goals are accomplished. That is to say, it is a way to hold people responsible for his/her actions. If everyone did exactly what they wanted at any given moment without consideration of the consequences on those around them, in time there soon would be some form of unrest with the masses.
  Case in point; consider the violent acts we witness through reports provided by the media. Obviously, the shooter/stabber/bomber took action with little regard for the consequences of his/hers choices on those with which he/she administered specific actions. There certainly was only the rage within the individual that guided the perpetrator’s actions.
  I wonder what the world would look like if we were taught from birth that every action we take has a consequence? Consider what parenting would look like if our actions were guided by such a concept, and, more importantly, imagine how society would “look.”
  It is a subtle yet powerful shift from controlling others by fear of punishment to one that empowers others to pause and consider their actions before taking an action. It seems to me the power is in the pause . . . a simple ten-second pause. Would that simple act change the world?

  As in literally everything that happens, it begins within each individual. Each of us must choose to change the way in which we exist in the world.  What a concept, to begin looking within our own self first before pointing the finger at someone else for why the world is in the state of flux it is.  What a powerful place to begin; to actually look inward for the inner wisdom for guidance before asking someone else what to do. Second opinions are often times helpful; however, seeking answers outside oneself first does not support the development of self-discipline. Perhaps when one practices the ten-second pause he/she will find that self-discipline is all that is needed to create a world that works for everyone. Just something to consider. 

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Cowboy Coffee Cake

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

 Let me share a story with you. About ten days ago, I had a book signing in NC. Obviously, because I lived there for 8 years, I have several very sweet friends that I decided to take a few days and visit with prior to the book signing. It was an absolutely beautiful drive down, the weather was gorgeous, the air clean and fresh; and, as the Smokey’s do for me, my soul was filled with love. There is something absolutely amazing about those lush, green, mountains that stir my heart as nothing else can do.

 It was my second day there when my tummy began to get my attention. After a visit to the white buffalo that lives behind the cabin I use to own, that I felt heaviness in my belly. Two of my friends from Martinsville joined me the next day and despite all the positive self-talk I could do, my body became warm with fever and all I could do was sleep.

 Two days later I am sitting at the book signing doing my best to be cheerful and upbeat. It was, indeed, the mountains in the backdrop that make the day tolerable. Well, let me be honest, I had a delicious ice cream cone that certainly cooled my belly for a few moments!

 The drive back the next day was not very pleasant and when I got home the first thing I did was take my temperature; it was 101. The next day was Memorial Day and once again, I lay low and slept. It was another two days when I prayed to Creator to give my body some relief. My son highly recommended I see the doctor, so I did dig out her number. When I found out she was out until 4 that afternoon, I told my body, “OK, one more day and we’re going to the doctor. You better get well!”

 That evening as I lay in bed having this conversation with my body, all I could think about was homemade cookies. Being conscience of the calories I take in, especially from sugar, I decided they were too rich and full of fat and sugar. It was then I thought of my mother’s infamous coffee cake. It had been years since I thought of that delicious creation. So, I drug myself out of bed, retrieved my mother’s recipe and commenced making “Cowboy Coffee Cake.”

 I do not know what it was about that cinnamon smell that filled the air, but I couldn’t eat a piece fast enough when it came out of the oven. The tasty morsel moved along my palate, down to my achy belly and all I could do was moan! It was the best thing I had eaten in eons!

 Now, here’s the kicker. When I woke up the next morning, I felt better. I took my temperature and for the first time in a week, it was normal. You may be thinking, “How can that be? What in the world could make a coffee cake remedy a weeklong bellyache?" Well, I call it comfort food. There was something in looking at the handwritten recipe on an yellowing aged white index card that began the healing process. When the smell filled the air with cinnamon, memories flooded in of my childhood, the sweetness of having my mother make everything from scratch when the cabinets seemed too bare to possibly be enough to make something to eat. My mother was like that, she could make something out of nothing and have it fill your belly with the comforting warmth of love that anything that ailed you could be immediately healed. All that from Cowboy Coffee Cake! It is one of those mysteries only the heart understands.

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