
Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  At this moment, it seems expectations are often the culprit of any duress I may feel in my life. I do my best to stay in the moment and judge nothing. But darn if that is sometimes a very tall order for me! For many situations that happen, I find myself having some "observation" as to how and why it occurred, what I could have done to avoid or prevent it, and how to "fix" it or make it better! It is simply a gut instinct for me to want to "help" find solutions, offer options and stand beside someone as they make a choice. Fortunately, I have made major improvements in simply accepting what other's do, despite my experience that their choice will more than likely not have the results they think it might. There is something to be said about the wisdom that comes with age, and I seem to be gaining more of that all the time! For this moment, what is important for me to remember is that experience is what helps one develop wisdom. Oh, yes, we most certainly can learn from another person's choices; however, there is something very meaningful when we have to pick ourselves up by our boot straps and learn from our choices. IF we can pause and reflect on the situation in order to learn something from the experience, it most certainly will help us with the next "adventure." All of this is a good reminder for me to simply honor what a person chooses and let my "head" know it is not my place to have any expectations as to what the results may be. I need to remember, it is the other person's experiences that will help them develop wisdom. So, for this moment, I will simply honor what I know and be grateful for the wisdom that comes from courageously moving into the "unknown." After all, expectations are merely assumptions we make, and we all know what happens when we assume!

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Just Wondering....

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  Am I the only one who wonders how the diversity in political parties became a division? How the focus is on our differences rather than our commonality, leaving the real issues buried and not addressed? My observation is that division is a "hard place to fall!" It is my understanding our forefathers (and Mothers) came to this country to have the freedom to follow their beliefs -- and it has been that diversity of beliefs that has made our country rich, abundant and a place many from other countries continue to aspire to join. 
   So, I wonder, why it is our current "state of the union" is one in which we see "Democrats" and "Republicans?|" And those "independence" are merely rebels seeking a cause. It is one thing to allow one's heart to guide him/her in a direction that feels more in alignment with his/her current view of what is best for our country and quite another thing to see him/her as "Right" or "Wrong."It seems to me each person has a unique quality they can add to the community in which they live, and when respected by being heard, a shred of commonality can be discovered.
  I am just wondering, what if, each of us were brave and spoke from our hearts, would our actions actually give our "neighbor" permission to share their insights? Could we actually find peaceful solutions to any given situation by simply being willing to hear another person's perspective?
  I do not have an answer to that question, I can only do my part to listen to another as they speak. I may not agree with their views; however, if I really listen, I will, more than likely, hear their heart telling me who they are and what they dream their world to be. What I have learned is everyone wants to be loved! Somehow, through the individual "eyes" of our community, we can "see" that everyone is seeking the same thing - we just have different ways of finding it. And, we really have more in common with our neighbor than we have differences.
  I just wonder what our country would look like if we took the immortal wisdom of the Father in the Brady Bunch and simply saw people in their underwear when they speak. Perhaps we would find the humanness in the person speaking rather than not hear what they say because we are so busy formulating our response, that is to say, our point of view to show them how "wrong" they are!
  I think about such things alot; and I just wonder..

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Sand in my floor mats!

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

  Wrapped tightly in my winter coat, neck scarf, boots and gloves, I secured myself into my car as comfortably as I could given the frigid temperatures. Grateful for a dependable car, "she" started with the first crank! After a few moments to warm up, "we" emerged from the garage into the bitter cold and onto a light dusting of freshly fallen snow. It was a winter wonderland  as my body tightened from the frigid temps... It eagerly awaited the warmth of the heater to relax. The body is an amazing "machine" that knows precisely what to do to keep it working!
  So, off I went to have lunch with my granddaughter. It had been a while since I had seen her and she had just completed her first few weeks of college. I knew there was much she would have to share about her new, grown-up experience! After a few more moments, my clinched body began to warm and I could feel my tense muscle begin to relax.
  As I took a few deep breaths to assist my body with "unclinching," I felt grateful to be back home where loved ones abound. Does our family have "drama;" conflict, upheavals, disputes, frustrations? Absolutely! Yet my heart is grateful the love we feel for each other is so much stronger than any "earthly" situations. We are a resourceful family that respects each other's differences, confronts frustrations, and seeks to find solutions. For the most part, we treat each other as we want to be treated! For all of this, I am most grateful! 
  Upon arrival at the restaurant, my now very warm and relaxed body, prepared to re-enter the frigid temperatures. As I turned the key to disengage my car, I noticed beneath my boots was something white on the floor mats. My thoughts went quickly from "ah, residue of snow," to the realization that it was sand! All the way from the beaches of Englewood and Siesta Key in Sarasota, the white substance rested between the grooves of the black floor mats. I could not help but smile to realize what a drastic change had occurred within a few short days. From the record heat of Florida, to the frigid temps in Indiana, it was the same person driving the car, yet the environment surrounding her was dramatically different. It then occurred to me, what a gift life brings us. We have so many opportunities to feel different emotions, dress according to the weather and still the basic human heart is the same. 
  For this moment, I am grateful for the wintry snow outside, and the warmth of my home as my heart feels the security of love that offers such diverse beauty to the inhabitants of Earth. We, truly have a divine, loving Mother and Father that reminds us how quickly things can change. From the white snow of Indiana to the white sands of Florida, we have the gift from Creator to remind us whatever we are experiencing will change! All this from "Sand in my Floor mats!"

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