The "500"

Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

    The "buzz" in Indiana is, of course, the "500!" Hundreds of thousands of people will gather to watch cars race around the speedway. If you have attended you can attest to the fact that most participants rarely come to just watch the cars. It is a sight to behold to witness how human choose to be "entertained!" It is easy to make judgments about some behaviors, because the actions of some "characters" are beyond descriptive words! It is, truly, an experience! And as I write these words, I have to chuckle at my personal reactions to the first one I attended. Years later, after I had lived a little life, I realized it was an opportunity to "go beyond" my own sense of how people "should" or "shouldn't" behave. I am forever grateful for my very first Indy 500!
    With that said, I am grateful for the many experiences that have helped me stretch beyond my "itsy-bitsy" frame of reference in life. Throughout every single jaw-dropping, "oh my gosh" reactions in life, (and being raised very old-fashioned, I've had many!) I have grown as a sacred human being. I have to smile when I consider how the "moral judgments" I've made throughout my life actually helped me develop in wisdom. Each experience expanded my ability to show compassion  and love unconditionally in that I had to look at myself, notice my judgments, and take action to move in a different direction! Heck, I have decided some of those individuals "acting out" were actually much braver than I! At least they were willing to "BE" their authentic self and not care about others opinions!  I have spent a great deal of my life making certain I "do it right!"
    As the green flag is waved in life, race around at whatever speed you choose, take some risks and notice the amazing people moving along in the traffic with you. Then when the checkered flag is waved, notice that we all are really winners because we've shared the ride together!


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