
Posted by: vkwspirit / Category:

This summer has been a return to an old tradition for me; Canning the "harvest" of a garden. It is interesting the memories that return as the produce is planted, tended, picked and made into something for the winter. Of course, the real treat is sharing the "gifts" with family and friends. Seems such a tradition is greatly appreciated by those "receiving" the treats. No doubt, we will be making a return to such traditions as we gather in communities to discern ways to eat healthy and stay on a budget. Of course, the initial cost does involve making investments in the products needed to can and/or freeze the produce; however, in the long run, it's all really about honoring the gifts given by our divine Mother and Father.
     This morning I arose at 4:30 to can some tomato sauce I left cooking in the crock pot last night. Didn't sleep well because the smell kept waking me up! That's an okay reason to wake up, it reminds one their actions are reaping rewards, and that's a much better reason then waking up because our actions weren't so positive!
     Much like life, planting, tending, picking and gathering the harvest provides a visual product showing the  results of our actions. Next time you receive a homemade product from someone, consider the intention and attention it took to offer you such a gift. Sure he/she could have gone to the store and purchased you something similar, and to be honest, it probably would have been less expensive for the person. However, when someone loves deeply, they prefer to give of their time and resources to plant, tend, pick and gather the harvest as a way to share what is in their heart. If you have not experienced gardening, it is well worth the effort to feel the dirt in your hands, heat on your back and sweat on your brow from fully engaging with your divine Mother and Father. Perhaps the next time someone gives you a small jar of homemade jelly, you can see the size of the heart in the person handing it to you.


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